Women may not now be so pleased that menopause is officially a disability
When menopause was officially designated as a disability in the UK, no doubt some women were pleased. But if the euthanasia bill is passed, those women might have a change of heart.
The number of disorders which are officially described as disabilities has exploded in recent years. And when the menopause was officially designated a disability, there were probably thousands of women who felt grateful.
But if the euthanasia bill in the UK goes through then those women might not be so delighted.
In countries where euthanasia becomes legal, anyone who can be classified as disabled is at risk.
Women who claim that their menopausal symptoms affect their work or require treatment may find themselves offered the permanent solution to their distress.
I’m afraid that if the pro-euthanasia bill is passed in the UK’s House of Commons then anyone and everyone who is classified as disabled may eventually find themselves a target.
In my view, the thousands promoting or supporting euthanasia are mostly very naïve, very stupid or very dangerous.
If you trust that your government will always look after you and you trust that the medical profession will always do the right thing then you may support euthanasia.
But if you realise that governments lie and cheat and often do the wrong things for the wrong reasons then you are right to be wary. If you realise that doctors frequently make mistakes (as they did when they promoted the fake covid pandemic and the toxic and useless covid vaccine) then you need to worry.
Look at the things governments everywhere did wrong during the fake covid pandemic.
I fear that what is happening in the UK means that global genocide is just months away.
My warnings about the covid vaccine have been entirely vindicated. I began warning about the vaccine in February and March of 2020 – before they’d even talked about the covid-19 vaccine. And later that year I issued precise warnings about what would happen. I warned about the heart problems and the neurological problems.
I was censored, banned and attacked.
But everything I said has been proved entirely right. Governments were wrong. The medical establishment was wrong. Journalists and broadcasters were wrong. Advisers were wrong. Fact-checkers were wrong.
If the pro-euthanasia bill is passed in the UK, then there will be similar laws throughout the EU and America. Euthanasia will be legal everywhere.
Euthanasia in the UK will be the beginning of the end.
I suspect that the UK’s Prime Minister “Free Suits” Starmer, allowed euthanasia to be promoted in the House of Commons as a private members bill so that he could separate himself from a law which will authorise the mass killing of the frail, the elderly, the disabled – whatever their disability – and the poor and the unemployed.
If you think I’m exaggerating just look at what is happening in countries such as Canada where euthanasia is already legal. Just read Jack King’s bestselling book `They want to kill us: Here’s how and why’.
Make no mistake this is planned, global genocide.
If you don’t speak up now then soon it will be too late. Find my video entitled `They want to kill you – here’s how they’ll do it’ on Bitchute and send it to everyone whose email address you can find. Send it to MPs and journalists. (Or to find the video in an instant just CLICK HERE.)
About the Author
Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc practised medicine for ten years. He has been a full-time professional author for over 30 years. He is a novelist and campaigning writer and has written many non-fiction books. He has written over 100 books which have been translated into 22 languages. On his website, HERE, there are hundreds of articles which are free to read.
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