I live in Golan, in a small city called Katsrin. Last week, Katsin was targeted by two separate attacks. Since we live less than ten miles from the border, the siren sounds at the same time as the attack, giving us no time to run for the shelter. The first siren signaled a drone attack, so there were no explosions, just an all-clear announcement when the threat was eliminated. The second siren sounded as the explosions began. I sat in the center of my house, listening to the rockets get closer. Thank God, even though some rockets fell inside the city, no one was hurt. But the rockets that fell outside the city caused massive bushfires that endangered residents of the entire region.
It may seem that under these circumstances, I would be more concerned with what is happening in my backyard than the upcoming US presidential elections. But the opposite is true. As the rockets came closer, I cursed Biden and everyone who voted for him, blaming them for the policies that had empowered Iran to buy rockets for the terrorists who openly stated their intention to murder every Jew on the planet.
So I have a stronger personal interest in removing Biden from office than many Americans. When I engage with Democrats, I am flooded with quotes from media that are blatantly lying. When I dispel the lies, the dialogue always sinks to the same level: “But TTRRRUUUMPPP….”
So I will now present my reasons for supporting Trump.

Trump is admittedly an unlikely candidate for president. His victory in 2016 took the world by surprise. But even his most ardent supporters openly acknowledge his character flaws.
But on a practical level, the world was clearly a better place under Trump. Three years after he left the White House, only those with advanced Trump Derangement Syndrome can continue to support Biden. Under Trump, no new hostilities broke out. His foreign policy was a business plan based on negotiating from a position of strength to arrive at a mutually beneficial arrangement. After three decades of the US trying to negotiate an agreement between genocidal Palestinian terrorist chieftains and Israeli politicians, Trump tried a different tactic. He sent a delegation of Orthodox Jewish businessmen to meet with Arab (not Palestinian) leaders. Lo and behold, the Abraham Accords ensued.
I am unable to contrast Trump’s foreign policies with Biden’s because I cannot see any rhyme or reason guiding his administration. I can only compare results, and we can all agree that the world is much worse. Biden has brought the world to the brink of World War III. In the case of Israel, his policy is set on preserving Hamas.
At the risk of sounding overly pious, my reasons for supporting Trump are based in the BIble.
Yes, Trump was an unlikely vessel for God’s plan. But there is a concept in Kabbala that God intentionally chooses unlikely vessels to bring redemption. Ruth was from Moab, and Moab was from a union between a drunken Lot and his daughter. David was an unlikely king, physically small and unimpressive. It was only with God’s guidance that Samuel could see his greatness. Moses’ mother, Yocheved, married her nephew, Amram. Solomon was the son of Batsheva and David, a union that appeared unholy.

According to Kaballah, God places the greatest light in the darkest places. People destined to bring Redemption come from the most unlikely places, from the people the Dark Side deems least likely to bring good results. Because they seem unlikely, the Dark Side makes no effort to work against them.
As a businessman and reality television star, Donald Trump has many qualities that allow him to succeed and he is clearly a powerful force in the world. But the verse states:
Like channeled water is the mind of the king in Hashem’s hand; He directs it to whatever He wishes. Proverbs 21:1
When Trump put his hand on the Bible on January 20, 2017, his heart was changed. He continued to speak and appear as he always had, but inexplicably, he turned his heart to Jerusalem. He was the most beneficial president for the Jews and for Israel. The reasons for this, his actual policies, are known to everyone. It is indefensible that he did not receive the Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating the Abraham Accords.
At the time, the nascent Sanhedrin issued a coin. On one side were two images: an image of Trump superimposed on an image of King Cyrus, the Persian king who facilitated the return of the Jews from exile and the construction of the Third Temple. The opposite side of the coin was an image of the Third Temple. The Sanhedrin hoped that Trump would follow in the footsteps of the non-Jewish king, who was the vessel God used to bring redemption.

(photo credit: JONATHAN ERNST/REUTERS)(Source: Times of Israel)
I believe that Trump will follow in the footsteps of Cyrus, helping the Jews to build the Third Temple. But we learn in the Bible that when God calls, not all the Jews listen. According to the Midrash, only 20% of the Jews heeded the call to leave Egypt. Even fewer returned from Babylon.
Despite Obama and Biden’s anti-Israel policies, they garnered over 70% of the Jewish vote. Despite his glorious support for Israel, American Jews rejected Trump en masse, proving that American Jews choose anti-Jewish liberal values over Torah and Israel. So I fully expect them to vote for Biden again, refusing to heed the call, “Whoever is for God, come to me.”
Indeed, the Jewish vote is inconsequential, less than .03% of the population. But if these Jews choose to reject Israel and follow their liberal values, they will be irretrievably lost to the Jewish nation. When the Jews left Egypt, the Reed Sea slammed shut, ending the time when a Jew could still remain connected to his nation.
But just as I have witnessed Jews turning their back on Israel in a manner that never would have happened twenty years ago, I have also witnessed a remarkable transformation among Christians and believe many are heeding that call. They are not Jews, but they are attaching their fate to that of our people, writing a new chapter in the Bible.