Why are they putting living skin on robots?
The New Scientist posted a freaky video on Twitter showing an experimental face intended for a robot made from living human skin cells, that is capable of smiling.
“A technique for attaching a skin made from living human cells to a robotic framework could give robots the ability to emote and communicate in a more life-like way,” the article accompanying the New Scientist’s tweet stated.
The New Scientist article continued: “The team put the skin on a smiling robotic face, a few centimetres wide, which is moved by rods connected to the base. It was also attached to a similarly sized 3D shape in the form of a human head (see below), but this couldn’t move.”

Commenting on the News Scientist’s video and article Modernity News noted the following.
The New Scientist writes “A smiling face made from living human skin could one day be attached to a humanoid robot, allowing machines to emote and communicate in a more life-like way, say researchers.”
What researchers are saying this now? Was Dr. Evil not available for comment? Imagine that pink nightmare smiling down at you as it announces it’s your new master.
The article continues, “The living tissue is a cultured mix of human skin cells grown in a collagen scaffold and placed on top of a 3D-printed resin base.”
Of course it is. Wouldn’t expect anything less for Robot McSkin Face.
It continues, “Unlike previous similar experiments, the skin also contains the equivalent of the ligaments that, in humans and other animals, are buried in the layer of tissue beneath the skin, holding it in place and giving it incredible strength and flexibility.”
So, you’ll struggle to rip it off as you desperately attempt to reveal to the world the true identity of the new overlord.
But seriously, why does it need to be made of living human skin? Can’t we just have the future killer robots look like robots, please?
Are they intent on recreating The Terminator movies exactly? Dystopian films and books are supposed to be warnings, not blueprints.