
WHO wants money to implement its regional plan for its PHEIC (“fake”) declaration for mpox

The World Health Organisation’s recent declaration of a mpox (aka monkeypox) public health emergency of international concern (“PHEIC”)  allows for the extension of recommendations from the previously declared mpox PHEIC in 2022 and the issuance of new ones, along with facilitating the granting of emergency use listings for monkeypox vaccines.

To implement its mpox response plan for the affected region in Africa, WHO is, initially, asking for donors and funders to provide it with US$15 million. This is in addition to direct aid from countries. For example, the US has committed hundreds of millions of dollars in aid, primarily for vaccines, to the DRC which is at the epicentre of the outbreak.

These developments come while there are ongoing discussions about a Pandemic Treaty, which WHO is hoping will pass shortly.

The following is the article ‘What is really going on with monkeypox? Part 2’ originally published by the Gold Report. It is the second in a series.  We are publishing the subsequent part of the series in the following days but if you would like to read ahead, you can read Part 3 HERE.  If you missed Part 1 you can read it HERE.

Monkeypox in 2024 – An Expedient Emergency

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has again declared monkeypox a public health emergency of international concern, (“PHEIC”), as he stated in an announcement, tweeted by Concerned Citizen, below. When he declared monkeypox a PHEIC in 2022, he made the decision unilaterally, claiming that he had to act as a “tie-breaker” since a survey of his expert committee revealed a 9-6 decision against it being a PHEIC. (He did so even though he acknowledged that it is a disease, like AIDS, which is mostly prevalent among gay men and for which there are control measures.) This time, however, Tedros’s committee itself advised that it was a PHEIC and he accepted its decision.

Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance (“FLCCC”) Senior Fellow, Family Medicine, Dr. Kat Lindly, explained, in the text of her tweet below, that the standing recommendations that Tedros issued last time were about to expire. Declaring a PHEIC would allow him to extend those recommendations and issue new ones. In her video, she pointed out that monkeypox is considered to be a disease largely spread through gay sex and that people think critically about any of the agency’s recommendations.

Also part of the picture is the Pandemic Treaty (which WHO member states had refused to approve previously) and which Tedros is hoping will pass shortly, as RNZ News reported. So, it perhaps becomes expedient for Tedros to declare another PHEIC (pandemic) beforehand.

[Note: Earlier this year it was expected the Pandemic Treaty process would culminate with a vote on a final text at the 77th World Health Assembly in May 2024. However, due to a lack of consensus on numerous articles, member states chose to extend the timeline for negotiations until next year. WHO’s objective is to conclude the negotiations as quickly as possible and present the results at the 78th World Health Assembly in May 2025 or earlier; WHO’s preference is it will be agreed this year.]

Even Children Can Get a Disease Caused by Men Having Sex With Men

Moreover, the WHO claims that the current strain is a different variant with greater mortality than last year’s, as reported by Business Times’s Brett Wattles.

They are also claiming great risk to infants and children, Wattles continued:

“Moneypox” on the Rise?

Was Dr. Robert Malone right when he wrote his Substack post “Monkeypox or Moneypox?” in 2022, claiming that this was all about money while pointing to potential beneficiaries such as vaccine manufacturers and the holding companies that invested in them? It’s a disease that can be controlled if men would stop having sex with multiple partners[1] and is killing children due to lack of sanitation. Yet, even before the PHEIC declaration, the US had already committed millions of dollars in aid, primarily for vaccines, to the DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo), Wattles further reported.

Shifty Numbers

The WHO’s press conference may be viewed in the video below, at the beginning of which Tedros announced the PHEIC declaration, claiming an upsurge of monkeypox cases in the Democratic Republic of Congo with more than 14,000 cases and 524 deaths so far this year (at about 4:00).

(As Dr. Meryl Nass reported the development in her $Moneypox Substack, providing a partial review of the press conference and stating that the numbers increased to 15,600 cases and 537 deaths by the time the WHO issued its news release two hours later. Dr. Nass also noted that Dr. Ogoina, chair of the WHO expert committee, said  . . . some deaths were in patients with advanced HIV disease.)

Dr. Maria Von Kherkove translated the emergency into dollar figures when she restated what Tedros had said (@ 36:00):

Dr. Jessica Rose, in her Substack article ‘This is getting embarrassing for the WHO, me thinks’, put the health emergency into perspective with a couple of graphs from Our World in Data (“OWID”), which uses the WHO’s own data. This is the first graph she showed:[2]

WHO wants money to implement its regional plan for its PHEIC (“fake”) declaration for mpox

This is the second graph she showed:

WHO wants money to implement its regional plan for its PHEIC (“fake”) declaration for mpox

Dr. Rose put the numbers into context, explaining that:

Other interesting data points are those of the DRC, reportedly the most highly impacted country. Cumulative confirmed cases for the DRC, according to Our World in Data, based on the WHO’s own numbers, is 3,106. Here’s the graph:

WHO wants money to implement its regional plan for its PHEIC (“fake”) declaration for mpox

Cumulative confirmed deaths for the DRC are 10. Here’s the graph:

WHO wants money to implement its regional plan for its PHEIC (“fake”) declaration for mpox

Last Minute-Made Disaster?

Is it possible that in the few weeks from 14 July to 14 August, there were an additional 11 – 12 thousand cases and an additional 500 deaths in the DRC?

Featured image: Colourised scanning electron micrograph of mpox virus (orange) on the surface of infected VERO E6 cells (green).  Source: MPox/Monkeypox: Summer 2024 Update, Dr. Robert Malone, 19 August 2024

WHO wants money to implement its regional plan for its PHEIC (“fake”) declaration for mpox

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