
‘Welcome to the Middle Ages’: How Open Borders Have Turned German Women into Prey on Public Transport—A Warning for America (Video)

'Welcome to the Middle Ages': How Open Borders Have Turned German Women into Prey on Public Transport—A Warning for America (Video)

Women in Berlin are living in constant fear, facing relentless harassment and assault on public transport and ride services, with even Uber drivers groping them at red lights, as the city’s open borders policy turns everyday journeys into nightmares.

As assaults on women in Berlin surge, the grim reality of unchecked immigration policies and open borders is becoming alarmingly clear. The German capital, once a symbol of cultural vibrancy, now faces a crisis that should serve as a dire warning to American audiences. Women are no longer safe, whether they’re riding buses, trains, or using ride-hailing services like Bolt, Uber, and taxis, all thanks to the government’s decision to welcome millions of illegal migrants.

Public Transportation No Longer Safe

Berlin’s once reliable public transportation system has become a minefield for women traveling at night. Reports of groping, harassment, and even physical assaults are on the rise. Women are forced to develop their own safety strategies—texting friends when they get home, never traveling alone, and staying constantly vigilant. These measures, while necessary, underscore the deteriorating security in a city that was once known for its safety and openness.

Ride-Hailing Services: A New Frontier of Danger

But the danger doesn’t end with public transportation. Ride-hailing services like Bolt, Uber, and traditional taxis have also seen a disturbing increase in reports of sexual assaults. In one alarming case, a young woman described how an Uber driver repeatedly tried to grope her at every red light. “I was just so scared, I didn’t dare say no,” she recounted, a sentiment shared by many women who now find themselves at the mercy of predatory drivers.

The courts in Berlin are currently handling multiple cases of sexual aggression by drivers, including one where a Bolt driver was sentenced to three years for raping a sleeping passenger. These incidents are becoming more frequent, yet many victims remain silent, too ashamed or fearful to report their experiences.

The Cost of Open Borders

The root cause of this crisis can be traced back to the policies of Germany’s left-wing government, which has embraced open borders without adequately addressing the consequences. The influx of migrants has strained social services, overwhelmed law enforcement, and led to a breakdown in public safety. Cultural clashes and a lack of integration have created an environment where such predatory behavior is not only possible but increasingly common.

For Americans, this should be a stark warning. The same left-wing politicians who advocate for open borders in the United States are pushing policies that are already leading to similar outcomes. The situation in Berlin is not an isolated incident; it is a glimpse into the future of all Western nations where the safety and security of women are sacrificed in the name of political correctness and misguided immigration policies.



A Warning for America

As the debate over immigration continues to rage in the U.S., the lessons from Berlin should not be ignored. The safety of American citizens must come first, and the consequences of unchecked immigration need to be carefully considered. Without a secure approach to border control, the nightmare currently unfolding in Germany could soon become a daily reality on American soil. The time to act is now before the consequences of open-border policies become an irreversible reality in the United States.

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