UK government plans to release more prisoners early. Is this part of the strategy to impose a One World Government?
The UK government is threatening to release more prisoners early to make room for rioters and those who merely posted or shared information online.
Is the UK government’s early prisoner release programme a strategy to cause unsafe, insecure communities which is part of a long-planned takeover by the One World Government?
On Tuesday, The Telegraph reported that the number of spare prison places in male jails has fallen to just 100.
It is the closest the prison service has come to running out of space in male jails, although officials at the Ministry of Justice (“MoJ”) were hoping that they would not have to introduce further emergency measures.
“The MoJ has already activated Operation Early Dawn, under which defendants are kept in police cells until prison spaces become available. The problems have been worsened by a surge in arrests over the Bank Holiday weekend, including 330 at the Notting Hill Carnival in west London,” The Telegraph said.
Sources told The Telegraph that MoJ officials are confident they will be able to manage the situation without needing to implement further emergency measures, known as Operation Brinker.
Operation Brinker is a contingency plan that has never been used before. Under this plan, police forces would be required to hold suspects in their cells for a longer period than under the current Operation Early Dawn. This could potentially mean holding them overnight and even beyond 24 hours before they can be sent to court. It would involve operating a “one-in, one-out system,” which limits intake to the available space each day.
Further into The Telegraph’s article is the important part that has the most societal impact and possibly long-term harm: “Shabana Mahmood, the Justice Secretary, has introduced an early release scheme from 10 September that will see thousands freed 40 per cent of the way through their sentence, rather than halfway … It is expected to reduce the prison population by some 5,500.”
It is claimed that the early release programme will only apply to prisoners serving sentences for non-violent crimes. However, this refers to offenders with longer sentences. It will exclude sexual offenders and violent offenders with sentences of 4 years or more. So, will violent and sex offenders sentenced to less than four years be eligible?
Some of these prisoners are being released early to make room for people who posted or reposted memes or comments on social media, people who shouldn’t be sent to jail in the first place. Apart from perjury, bearing false witness under oath in a judicial proceeding, words and thoughts are not crimes. Crimes are an act. An act that causes damage to or loss of property, and harm to or loss of life.
However, the Labour government is using the law to persecute speech with which it doesn’t approve.
Take the case of Bernadette Spofforth (“Bernie”), a 55-year-old mother of three, who reposted that the suspect of the Southport murderous attack was a man called Ali Al-Shakati. A man who was on an MI6 watchlist and had arrived in the UK by boat last year. She prefixed this information with “if this is true” and deleted the tweet within hours, the minute she realised it was false information. Nonetheless, she was arrested “on suspicion of publishing written material to stir up racial hatred” and “false communication.”
Perhaps not coincidentally, Bernie has been outspoken about the UK government’s false narratives on covid and other topics, and is often described as an “anti-lockdown campaigner.”
As The Telegraph wrote shortly after Bernie spent 36 hours in a police cell, “Bernadette Spofforth is the victim of a witch hunt – and it’s all because the Prime Minister is desperate to shut down uncomfortable debate … the former director of public prosecutions who now occupies No. 10 appears to be resorting to modern-day McCarthyism.”
The latest report stated that Cheshire Police, who arrested Bernie, said she had been bailed pending further inquiries. Bernie has not posted any tweets since 7 August, on or before the day she was arrested.
Last Wednesday, it was reported that the person who originated the information which Bernie retweeted is Farhan Asif, a freelance web developer in Lahore, Pakistan. Authorities in Pakistan arrested him on suspicion of cyberterrorism.
Asif founded Channel3 Now; a news aggregator website based in Lahore. It is Channel3 Now that is suspected to have widely publicised the false information about the Southport murderer.
“Channel3 Now, an account on the X social media platform that purports to be a news channel, was one of the first outlets to report a false name for the [Southport] attacker. A Facebook account for the channel said it was managed by people in Pakistan and the US,” The Guardian reported.
On 13 August 2024, after an investigation by ITV, Channel3 Now was shut down. “In the hours after children were killed at a Taylor Swift dance class in Southport last month, the site reported that the suspect was ‘a 17-year-old asylum-seeker’ named Ali al-Shakati who arrived in the UK on a boat last year and was on ‘an MI6 watch list’. The article was shared widely on social media, with the claim repeated millions of times,” ITV said.
Asif denied responsibility for the article and claimed he was a freelancer, stating that 3 to 4 people were fired for publishing the false information. Asif claimed that the false claims did not originate from Channel3 Now but rather the story was reshared from a social media account in the UK.
The Telegraph reported that Channel3 Now picked up the story just two minutes after Bernie’s tweet. It seems most of Channel3 Now’s followers on Twitter are bots that reshare posts that seem to be gaining traction online, which is how the false information generated at least 27 million impressions on Twitter.
Stephen Hutchings, a Professor of Russian Studies at the University of Manchester and the principal investigator at (Mis)Translating Deceit, an anti-disinformation project, told The Telegraph that while he doesn’t know with “one hundred per cent certainty” whether the Ali Al-Shakati story was picked up by an automated program or by a person, it “probably originated with someone real” who saw the viral potential in the story and its divisive nature.
On Monday, the BBC reported that Pakistani police could not find evidence that Asif was the originator of the false news and so were not continuing with the case.
There are no further reports about developments in the case against Bernie. However, we have raised her case because how many others have been arrested, charged and sentenced for words while people who have committed criminal acts are being released onto the streets to make room for their incarceration?
Take, for example, the case of Isabel Vaughan-Spruce; another case of injustice perpetrated by law enforcement who are following a political ideology rather than the law. Vaughan-Spruce was twice arrested for praying silently outside an abortion clinic. The Free Speech Union reported an update on her case:
A six-month long police investigation ended in charges being dropped and an apology being issued from police regarding the lengthy process.
The case was closed shortly after Suella Braverman, the then home secretary, confirmed in an open letter to police that silent prayer is “not unlawful.” Ms Vaughan-Spruce has now received the £13,000 payout after issuing her claim against police.
“Silent prayer is not a crime,” she said. “Nobody should be arrested merely for the thoughts they have in their heads – yet this happened to me twice at the hands of the West Midlands Police, who explicitly told me that ‘prayer is an offence’.”
Anti-abortion campaigner receives apology and substantial payout from police after twice being arrested for silent prayer, Free Speech Union, 19 August 2024
As we see these events unfolding, we begin to wonder about the government’s motives, apart from modern-day McCarthyism, and their ultimate goals. And we are reminded of a warning given by a former Kansas State Trooper, Greg Evensen.
In 2009 Evensen wrote an article about the death of liberty and the role that law enforcement would play to bring it about. He was writing in the context of the plans they were attempting to roll out under the 2009 H1N1 falsified swine flu pandemic.
“As [the USA] government began its sickening expansion: policing became a meaner and nastier job … Now we have become eaves-dropping, roadblock setting, door crashing, face grinding, arm breaking, pursuit-driven bastards that have sold their asses to the government masters hell-bent on establishing the TRUE reincarnation of the dreaded SS … And all of this is done in the name of safety and security,” he wrote.
Using law enforcement to force their plans onto society is not the only trick they have up their sleeve. The use of crime and prisoners is also on the agenda.
In the recollections of Dr. Lawrence Dunegan recounting a 1969 lecture given by insider Dr. Richard Day during which he revealed the plans that were in place to form a new system of government, altering all of society to bring it about, Dr. Dunegan said that crime will be used to manage society.
After describing the various mechanisms that would be used to make people feel unsafe – to contribute to the feeling of insecurity, that nothing was safe – in Tape II of what is commonly referred to as ‘The Dunegan Tapes’ but originally titled ‘The New Order of Barbarians’, Dr. Dunegan said:
Crime Used To Manage Society
There would be the created slums and other areas well maintained. Those people able to leave the slums for better areas then would learn to better appreciate the importance of human accomplishment. This meant that if they left the jungle and came to civilisation, so to speak, they could be proud of their own accomplishments that they made it. There was no related sympathy for those who were left behind in the jungle of drugs and deteriorating neighbourhoods.
Then a statement that was kind of surprising: “We think we can effectively limit crime to the slum areas, so it won’t be spread heavily into better areas.”
I remember wondering, how can he be so confident that the criminal element is going to stay where he wants it to stay? But he went on to say that increased security would be needed in the better areas. That would mean more police, better-coordinated police efforts.
He did not say so, but I wondered at that time about the moves that were afoot to consolidate all the police departments of suburbs around the major cities … He went on to say there would be a whole new industry of residential security systems to develop with alarms and locks and alarms going into the police department so that people could protect their wealth and their wellbeing. Because some of the criminal activity would spill out of the slums into better, more affluent-looking areas that looked like they would be worth burglarising … It was stated like it was a redeeming quality: See we’re generating all this more crime but look how good we are – we’re also generating the means for you to protect yourself against the crime.
The New Order of Barbarians, US Coalition for Life, pg. 13
While violent criminals and sex offenders sentenced to less than four years are possibly released early in the UK, and may thereafter commit further offences, when there is a murderous attack on young children at a dance class, it strikes terror into the heart of a community. It is not simply a violent crime. Whatever the motive of the Southport murderer was, it was an act of terror; a violent, criminal act intended to create fear and alarm in people to intimidate them. Violent crimes such as the Southport attack are only a small step away from terrorism. Terrorism is another tool they use to force their takeover plans onto society.
A little further into the tape, Dr. Dunegan mentioned the deliberate use of terrorism to help convince populations that the world indeed is a dangerous place:
Terrorism would be used widely in Europe and in other parts of the world.
Terrorism at that time was thought would not be necessary in the United States. It could become necessary in the United States if the United States did not move rapidly enough into accepting the system.
Maybe terrorism would not be required here, but the implication being that it would be indeed used if it was necessary. Along with this came a bit of a scolding that Americans had had it too good anyway and just a little bit of terrorism would help convince Americans that the world indeed is a dangerous place, or can be if we don’t relinquish control to the proper authorities.
The New Order of Barbarians, US Coalition for Life, pg. 21
Testimony from another insider provided another view of the same plan. In 1978, John Todd warned about an 8-step plan to take over the world. John Todd (also known as Cristopher Kollyns) identified himself as a former member of an organisation called ‘The Grand Druid Council of 13’ – the innermost circle of the organisers of a One World Government.
He spoke to an audience at the Elkton Maryland Baptist Church in 1978 about six letters he had read that had been couriered from London. The letters were sealed and delivered to a meeting of the Grand Druids he hosted in 1972 in San Antonio. One of the letters contained a chart of an 8-year plan for a step-by-step world takeover. Speaking of the plan for America, Todd said:
There is a mass army within every prison from coast to coast. They have been promised weapons, military weapons. To verify this, the US Army has said, and so has the Marine Corps, that in the last five years, they have lost many of their small arms weapons to theft in the United States. That includes hand-held ground-to-air, heat-seeking missiles that can take a DC-10 out of the sky at 40,000 feet.
He has been gathering an army, and outside of prison, it amounts to over 100,000 professionally-trained military people. They have been hiring ex-Green Berets, Rangers, Navy, to train them in camps – one is down in West Virginia to give you an example – to train them in special forces tactics …
I’ll tell you this, the one thing that will hold their plan up is if they don’t get the gun law passed. These people will refuse to go out and cause havoc if people will be shooting back at them, so they have been promised that all the guns will be confiscated before they make their move.
John Todd, the Illuminati and Witchcraft, James Arendt, 26 September 2022 and a pdf version of the transcripts of Todd’s talk can be found HERE.
What are your thoughts? Is the plan to release prisoners early from UK jails a reaction to an overcrowded prison problem that the Labour government has recently discovered? Or has the problem been deliberately created so the solution, the early release programme, appears justified? In other words, is it part of the Globalists’ plan that has been long in the making?
Featured image: HMP Wandsworth Prison taken from ‘UK perilously close to running out of prison places as ‘one in, one out’ policy considered’, Express, 27 August 2024