
U.S. Confiscates Enough Fentanyl to Kill Population of 5 Biggest States—Just in June

Mexican drug cartels are inundating American communities with the world’s deadliest drug in record-busting numbers, and it’s only getting worse.

Fat Man and Little Boy killed perhaps 236,000 people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. Spanish Flu killed some 675,000 Americans from 1918–1920. And 1.2 million U.S. soldiers died fighting from World War I to the War on Terror.  Yet in the span of a single month, our country imported enough ultra-deadly fentanyl to kill between 54 and 127 million Americans—and that’s just the stuff we caught. For reference, that’s easily enough to kill the combined populations of California, Texas, Florida, New York, and Pennsylvania.

The fentanyl epidemic, one of the deadliest narcotics in history, predates both the Biden/Harris and Trump administrations. But only one president bothered to fight it by sealing the border and targeting the ultimate source, Communist China and its murderous cartel allies in Mexico… and it wasn’t Biden.

In 2019, Trump quietly but firmly pushed Chinese President Xi Jinping to crack down on illegal fentanyl production, something Barack Obama ignored in the final years of his presidency. Trump followed up by working with major shipping firms like FedEx to refuse all fentanyl deliveries. The result: Dramatically lower fentanyl shipments at the border.

Fundamentally Transforming America—Again

In contrast, Biden made opening up our southern border one of his first acts in office on Jan. 20, 2021—the day he was sworn in. He ended all funding to Trump’s border wall—which helped Border Patrol isolate threats to key spots along the 2,000-mile U.S.-Mexico border—and declared the emergency over, sneering that it was “unwarranted.”

“It shall be the policy of my Administration that no more American taxpayer dollars be diverted to construct a border wall,” he wrote.

Kamala Harris, Biden’s clownish vice president and “border czar,” is no better. Harris’ job was to stop illegal immigration across Biden’s open border; instead, it’s ballooned to at least 10 million people who’ve crossed illegally on her watch. At this rate, experts expect that figure to swell to 30 million across the next presidential term should Biden or Harris win reelection in 2024.

Those kind of figures can break a country apart, and they already are.

My organization, Restoration News, has tracked over 2,600 illegal alien crimes committed under Biden/Harris at, a first-of-its kind website we built to show Americans how bad the border crisis is under Biden.

Many of those crimes are drug-related—like an illegal alien caught driving with two kids and 29 pounds of fentanyl in her car—but even more involve sexual assault against small children, rape, and brutal murders. These are the “newcomers” Biden and Harris want us to welcome into our homes. How long will Americans put up with it?

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