
Turkish Invasion: America Is Allowing Erdoğan to Build Military Outposts on U.S. Soil to Train Soldiers for Islamic Conquest (Video)

Turkish Invasion: America Is Allowing Erdoğan to Build Military Outposts on U.S. Soil to Train Soldiers for Islamic Conquest (Video)

Why is the West allowing Turkish President Erdoğan to infiltrate nations, forge jihadist alliances, deploy radical imams, and build armies on foreign soil as part of his plan to re-establish the Ottoman Empire and conquer through state-backed mosques and political manipulation?

Why is America allowing Turkish President Erdoğan to infiltrate our nation, forge jihadist alliances, deploy his radical imams, and build an army on our soil? This is all part of Erdoğan’s grand plan to reestablish the Ottoman Empire and have Islam conquer the world. And it would not be the first time it has tried to do so. Erdoğan’s strategy involves using state-backed mosques as beachheads for Islamic conquest, spreading Islam as a conquering ideology and a destructive force for Western values and culture, and exerting political influence through carefully orchestrated infiltration and manipulation of local authorities.

Understanding Erdoğan’s ambitions and methods enables us to see the imminent threat to American sovereignty and security.

The Diyanet Center of America: More Than a Place of Worship

The Diyanet Center of America in Lanham, MD, directly answers to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and functions as a political weapon under the guise of a religious institution. In Europe, we’ve witnessed the irreversible damage caused by Diyanet’s influence extending beyond radical Islamic religion and into political realms. All mosques are beachheads for Islamic conquest. However, Turkish mosques are uniquely state-backed and have a recent history of violent and torturous global manifest destiny. The history of Central Europe, especially up until World War I, is a thousand years of fighting off Ottoman Turkish Islamic invasions or being conquered by them. The Ottoman Empire’s expansion was marked by brutality, forced conversions, and subjugation of non-Muslim populations. This historical context underscores the threat posed by Erdoğan’s modern ambitions.



In this RAIR exclusively translated video, Erdoğan makes clear that Turkish-controlled mosques in foreign countries are military outposts for his loyal soldiers:



Erdoğan’s Network of Mosques

The Diyanet, also known as the Directorate of Religious Affairs, is a Turkish governmental department responsible for regulating the country’s religious institutions and ensuring they adhere to state policies. This includes mosques within Turkey and those abroad. In Turkey, the Diyanet runs over 89,260 mosques and 22,758 Quran schools. It also operates another 2,000+ mosques abroad, including in the U.S., the U.K., Canada, Australia, the Netherlands, Germany, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, and Norway.

The Diyanet Center of America lists 32 mosques on its website. The primary center is the Diyanet’s $110 million Turkish-American Culture and Civilization Center in Lanham, Maryland. This center was inaugurated in April 2016, with President Erdoğan attending the opening ceremony. It serves as a central hub for Turkish-American cultural and religious activities. President Erdoğan also gave a controversial speech at the center on November 19, emphasizing that Muslims were the victims of the September 11, 2001, Islamic terror attacks.



Lessons from Germany

Americans should take notice of how Erdoğan operates in Germany, where the Diyanet controls over 900 mosques. Turkish imams sent by the Diyanet to DITIB (The Turkish Islamic Union for Religious Affairs) mosques actively discourage assimilation into European culture and aggressively promote Erdoğan’s radical agenda. These imams have even been caught spying on dissidents and reporting them to the Turkish Embassy.

In 2017, the German media outlet ARD exposed the DITIB mosques and their troubling influence within Germany, which exposed major fifth-column activities. Watch the RAIR exclusively translated expose from ARD below:




Erdoğan’s Grand Vision

Erdoğan has called assimilation a “crime against humanity,” envisioning the Turkish diaspora as a loyal extension of Turkey’s political reach. His long-term goal is clear: to reestablish the influence of the Ottoman Empire, expanding Turkish power and control globally.



Erdoğan’s Strategy to Reestablish the Ottoman Empire

It is not conjecture or hyperbole to say that Turkish President Recep Erdoğan wants to take over the world. Political power is being systemically siphoned by pro-Turkey Islamic parties led by Turkish immigrants throughout Europe as part of Erdoğan’s formulaic plan to ultimately reestablish the caliphate.

Erdoğan’s imperial formula involves several phases:

  1. Flooding Europe with illegal immigrants.
  2. Sending educated Turkish citizens to legally immigrate into migrant-dense Western communities, run for office, and organize the migrants to vote for them.
  3. Setting up mosques and sending Turkish imams to train the migrants. These mosques also have schools to train the children.
  4. Using political parties or politicians to push his agendas and reestablish the authority once held by the Ottoman Empire.

While the Netherlands (see RAIR’s detailed report here) and other European nations have political parties controlled by Turkey, America has candidates and organizations within the Democrat party used to seize power and promote Erdoğan’s agenda. This strategic infiltration poses a direct threat to American sovereignty and security.

Directing the Turkish Diaspora in the U.S.

An example of this strategy in action can be seen in Erdoğan’s use of the Diyanet to enforce strict religious mandates within Turkey, which he then extends to all mosques under his control globally. As the RAIR Foundation previously reported, the recent mandate from Turkey’s Religious Affairs Directorate (Diyanet) declaring that women must cover their entire bodies, except for the face, hands, and feet, exposes the oppressive nature of the hijab within Islamic doctrine. This is not a personal choice but a commandment of Allah enforced by the state. We can expect to see all female Muslims attending Turkish-controlled mosques in America wearing their Sharia head coverings. These visible signs are military uniforms worn by Erdoğan’s soldiers to help spread Islam and ensure the loyal diaspora adheres strictly to his rules. Those who violate these dress codes often face severe consequences.

Strengthening Radical Ties on American Soil

The Diyanet Center of America has been involved in forging alliances with Islamic jihad groups and figures right here on American soil:

  • Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR): Leaders from Hamas-linked CAIR have met with Ali Erbas, the president of Turkey’s Directorate of Religious Affairs, at the Diyanet Center of America. While CAIR presents itself as a “Muslim civil rights” organization, it is actually a Muslim Brotherhood organization operating on behalf of Hamas, a U.S.-designated terrorist organization.
  • United States Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO): Oussama Jammal, the Secretary General of USCMO, attended events at the Diyanet Center. The United States Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO) has been actively involved in uniting Muslims under a radical fundamentalist agenda, openly aligning itself with Erdoğan’s Islamist initiatives. This alignment not only supports Erdoğan’s efforts to expand Turkey’s influence but also serves as a platform for promoting political Islam in America.
  • Egyptian Americans for Freedom and Justice (EAFJ): Mahmoud ElSharkawy, a spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood-linked EAFJ, attended a special meeting and breakfast with Ali Erbas at the Diyanet Center. ElSharkawy has close ties with exiled Muslim Brotherhood leaders in Turkey and has been involved in promoting their agenda in the United States.

Erdoğan’s Radical Agenda in America

These events and meetings at the Diyanet Center of America are part of a deliberate campaign by Erdoğan’s government to build a network of support within the U.S. Muslim community, particularly among organizations with radical and terror ties. The center serves as a hub for promoting Erdoğan’s vision and fostering alliances that can be mobilized for political goals.

Erdoğan’s Daughter: Continuing the Family’s Quest for Islamic Supremacy

Esra Erdoğan, the daughter of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, is carrying on her father’s legacy and Islamic goal of conquering the West. Esra has emerged as a vocal advocate for Islamic dominance, frequently taking to social media to express her disdain for Western values, specifically Christianity.


Turkish Invasion: America Is Allowing Erdoğan to Build Military Outposts on U.S. Soil to Train Soldiers for Islamic Conquest (Video)


She has openly declared that the “crescent will win over the cross of the West,” showcasing her commitment to her father’s vision of a world dominated by Islam. Her public statements and social media posts highlight the Erdoğan family’s ongoing efforts to promote Islamic supremacy and crush Western ideals.


Turkish Invasion: America Is Allowing Erdoğan to Build Military Outposts on U.S. Soil to Train Soldiers for Islamic Conquest (Video)


A Call to Action

America, wake up! Why are we allowing Erdoğan to infiltrate our nation, forge jihadist alliances, deploy his radical imams, and build an army on our soil? Turkish-controlled mosques across the West have become hotbeds for anti-Western, anti-Jewish, and anti-Christian rhetoric, along with strong anti-assimilation sentiments. This is not just a cultural center—it’s a direct threat to American sovereignty and security. We cannot stand by and let Erdoğan establish his empire here.

The Time to Act is Now

The history of Turkish expansionism is a brutal tale of conquest, subjugation, and forced conversions. Today, Erdoğan’s ambitions echo the Ottoman Empire’s relentless pursuit of dominance. The Diyanet’s strategic establishment of mosques across the globe is not merely for religious purposes; it is a calculated move to extend Erdoğan’s influence and control. By allowing these mosques to proliferate on U.S. soil, we are inviting a Trojan horse into our midst—a direct threat to our national security and the values we hold dear.

We must demand that our leaders take immediate action. This includes:

  • Shutting down Turkish-controlled mosques that serve as outposts for Erdoğan’s agenda.
  • Monitoring and restricting the influence of foreign entities on American soil.
  • Supporting legislation that protects American sovereignty against foreign interference.
  • Encouraging assimilation and loyalty to American values among all legal immigrant communities.

Stand United Against a Common Threat

The threat posed by Erdoğan’s expansionist policies is not just a distant problem; it is here, at our doorstep. The Diyanet Center of America is a symbol of Erdoğan’s ambition to extend his reach and recreate the Ottoman Empire. We must stand united, vigilant, and proactive in defending our nation from this insidious threat.

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