Tuberculosis Outbreaks Emerge As Illegals Pose Biosecurity Threat For Nation
Alarm bells are sounding over the biosecurity threat posed by the illegal alien invasion as concerns mount over the spread of infectious diseases across the Homeland. Millions of migrants were dumped into the country by the Biden-Harris globalist regime without proper vetting—leaving citizens to bear the burden of what a retired CIA officer describes as the “public health consequences of Biden-era open border policies.”
Legal migrants and refugees must have a medical examination for US entry. Yet the Biden administration recklessly dumped millions of illegals into the US through open borders and a complex web of NGOs. These illegals have had no proper medical evaluation of skin test/chest x-ray examination for tuberculosis (TB). They may expose citizens in the first world to third-world diseases eradicated a generation ago.
“Put simply, the Biden administration’s actions allowed millions of individuals to enter the country illegally and bring with them all of the diseases to which they had been exposed. We invited every microbe on the planet onto our soil,” former CIA operations officer Sam Faddis wrote on his Substack.
“Now we are facing the consequences,” Faddis warned, pointing out: “Epidemics don’t start as roaring fires. They start slowly and then expand, gathering speed as they go. Multiple such epidemics are already underway, and we are far behind in our efforts to control them.”
What the heck is happening in Kansas?
And Texas!
Faddis continued:
Tuberculosis, however, is not the only disease with which we need to be concerned. There are current outbreaks of measles and varicella (chickenpox) on both sides of the Texas-Mexico border. In Piedras Negras, Coahuila, the border city across the Rio Grande from Eagle Pass, Texas at least 60 young children have tested positive for varicella. In South Plains, Texas there have been at least 90 cases of the measles. That outbreak has apparently now spread to New Mexico.
According to a Concho Valley News report, sixteen patients in Texas have been hospitalized. Five of the cases are reported to have been vaccinated against the disease. The remainder of the cases were unvaccinated or had a vaccination status listed as unknown.
Keep in mind that this is what has been reported to date. We detect outbreaks of a disease when people seek medical care. That means they are already sick and they have likely already passed on the disease to others, who themselves have already infected yet more individuals. We are always running behind even as the rate at which the disease is spreading is increasing.
Biden and his cronies opened the nation to attack by every disease on the planet. We are only now beginning to see how much damage they did. Deporting illegals is a good first step, but unfortunately, the microbes they brought with them will stay.
A consequence of open borders is now being realized not just as a national security threat but also as a biosecurity threat, as once-eradicated diseases in the first world remerge at an alarming rate. This is unacceptable and was only made possible by globalist Democrats.