
Toronto Terror Plot: Father and Son Linked to the Islamic State Arrested with Weapons and Past Terror Charges

Toronto Terror Plot: Father and Son Linked to the Islamic State Arrested with Weapons and Past Terror Charges

The arrests of Ahmed and Mostafa Eldidi starkly reveal that Islam remains a significant threat to the West, with authorities failing to identify prior terrorism charges and obscuring the true danger posed by jihad terror.

In another instance of the Islamic threat facing the West, a Toronto father and son have been charged with multiple terrorism-related offenses. This jihadi duo was allegedly in the “advanced stages” of planning a violent attack, with direct ties to the Islamic State (ISIS).

Charges and Arrest Details

Ahmed Fouad Mostafa Eldidi, 62, and his son, Mostafa Eldidi, 26, were apprehended on July 28 in a Richmond Hill, Ontario hotel room. The arrest followed a month-long investigation involving various police services. The charges against them include one count each of conspiracy to commit murder for the benefit or at the direction of ISIS, among other severe offenses.

RCMP Assistant Commissioner Matt Peggs, at a news conference, highlighted the gravity of the charges and the imminent danger the Islamic terror plot posed. RCMP Superintendent James Parr added that the specific details of the planned attack are under a publication ban but “assured” the public that there is no ongoing threat. However, despite these statements, many feel these are empty reassurances from authorities who continuously obscure the Islamic threat. Left-wing and Islamic efforts have left the public dangerously uninformed about the real threat Islam poses.



Weapons and Past Allegations

When arrested, the Eldidis were found in possession of an axe and a machete, clearly indicating their immediate potential for violence. This arsenal showed how close they were to executing their plans.

Court documents reveal that the Eldidis share a residence in Scarborough, Toronto. Parr disclosed that both men are Canadian citizens but did not confirm if they hold citizenship elsewhere. This lack of transparency is another example of the authorities’ reluctance to reveal the migration backgrounds of terrorists as they continue their import of Islamic migrants. Notably, neither was known to police before the investigation began in early July, raising severe concerns about unidentified threats within our communities.

During the investigation, it was discovered that Ahmed Fouad Mostafa Eldidi is also accused of committing an aggravated assault for the benefit of ISIS in 2015 outside of Canada. This charge, newly uncovered, highlights the jihadi’s long-standing commitment to violence and the far-reaching influence of ISIS. This raises many questions as to why police were once again uninformed about a terrorist living in Canada.

Global Impact of ISIS

ISIS, at its zenith, imposed terror over vast territories in Iraq and Syria and inspired numerous attacks worldwide. Its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, declared a cross-border caliphate in 2014, spreading an Islamic doctrine of violence and fear. Although the caliphate was “dismantled” by a U.S.-led coalition, the ideology persists, manifesting in plots like the one foiled in Toronto.

Pressing Issues

The arrests of Ahmed and Mostafa Eldidi demonstrate that believing Islam ceased to be a threat to the West after President Trump defeated ISIS or the US withdrew from Afghanistan is naive. Islamic terrorist groups continue to pose a significant threat to North America and the West, as their scripture and threat doctrine remain unchanged from their inception to the present.

The Western world must remain vigilant against the persistent danger posed by radical Islam, which seeks to undermine non-Islamic societies and their security. The lack of transparency about the Eldidis’ migration backgrounds, the failure to recognize their prior terrorism-related activities, and the hollow reassurances from authorities reveal that the left acts as a shield for Islam, obscuring the threat. If the threat cannot be understood, it cannot be protected against, let alone defeated.

Why were the police unaware of Ahmed Eldidi’s prior terrorism charge? How can they assure the public there is no ongoing threat when they missed this danger among us for so long? Citizens deserve better. Western authorities must protect their people, not cover for enemies, whether Islamic, communist, or otherwise.

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