Tim Walz says he supports ‘freedom,’ but his harsh COVID record says otherwise

“We also protected reproductive freedom because, in Minnesota, we respect our neighbors and the personal choices they make,” he said on Wednesday night. “And even if we wouldn’t make those same choices for ourselves, we’ve got a golden rule: Mind your own damn business,” Kamala Harris’ running mate said.
He then shared how he and his wife used “fertility treatments.” Though he previously said they used in vitro fertilization, it has come out that the couple used intrauterine insemination. But this type of procedure would not be threatened even if IVF was suddenly banned.
“But when we Democrats talk about freedom, we mean the freedom to make a better life for yourself and the people that you love,” Walz said. “Freedom to make your own healthcare decisions and yeah, your kid’s freedom to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in the hall.”
To be clear, medical freedom and personal choices about making a better life is not a principle Walz has used consistently throughout his time as governor.
“Minding your own… business” to him means allowing women to abort their babies through all nine months of pregnancy. It means allowing doctors to let babies die who survive abortions.
It does not mean the freedom to decide whether to take the dangerous, abortion-tainted COVID jab. Yet when Walz says it is a “golden rule,” that means it is universal and is a consistent principle he applied or believes should be followed.
“The State of Minnesota joins a growing list of private sector employers and a bipartisan group of governors in requiring vaccination for in-person work,” a 2021 announcement stated.
While state employees could submit to weekly testing to work in-person, that still undermines Walz’ supposed “golden rule” of minding your business. And the campaign he is now a part of requires employees to get jabbed to work for it.
His COVID lockdown reporting line also undermines his claim of letting people live their lives.
Minnesota-based Alpha News previously reported:
A hotline set up by Gov. Tim Walz’s administration to monitor compliance with his 2020 stay-at-home order generated thousands of reports from Minnesotans who snitched on their neighbors for things like playing basketball in a park, walking their dogs, and throwing small parties.
The hotline was launched in March 2020 and law enforcement continued to monitor it until November, well after the stay-at-home order ended. In October 2020, it was used to alert authorities to a church service that didn’t fit with the governor’s “legal requirements.” This type of complaint was not uncommon.
Small business owner and grandmother Lisa Hanson also probably disagrees that Governor Walz believes in letting people live their lives.
She had to spend 60 days in prison for defying the state’s order to keep her restaurant and winery closed in November 2020. “He shut down bars, restaurants, gyms, dance studios, hair salons, etc….” Hanson said during a recent Fox News interview. But “big box stores,” “liquor stores,” and “strip clubs,” were able to stay open.
“An incredible use of tyranny against the people,” Hanson said.
But using state power to push a radical agenda is just what the governor does.
After all, he signed legislation to make Minnesota a “trans refuge,” which means the state can temporarily take custody of a child so he can have permanent surgeries to appear like the opposite sex.
“The law makes seeking gender-transition procedures for minors a factor in some assessments for whether a Minnesota court has jurisdiction to make an initial determination in child-custody cases,” Caroline Downey wrote recently at National Review. “It also gives courts temporary emergency jurisdiction if a child comes to Minnesota from a state that refused them the procedures.”
“Minding your own… business,” for Walz apparently means that your kids are his business, so you, the parent who objects to gender ideology, should stay out of the way.
Walz doesn’t understand freedom
The governor’s hypocrisy ultimately comes down to a failed understanding of freedom.
“You don’t have the right to do wrong,” Governor Ron DeSantis previously said, criticizing workplace COVID shot mandates.
“The more one does what is good, the freer one becomes,” the Catechism of the Catholic Church states. “There is no true freedom except in the service of what is good and just. The choice to disobey and do evil is an abuse of freedom and leads to ‘the slavery of sin.’”
Walz’ concept of freedom is disordered. It includes the license to kill pre-born babies at any moment, coerce government workers into getting jabbed, shut down small businesses, and allow gender-confused children to have life-altering surgeries.
That isn’t freedom – and it isn’t nice.