
There Is Nothing New About The World Economic Forum’s Overreaching Agenda

Many have heard of the Great Reset, Agenda 2030, ESG scores, 15-minute cities, and Sustainable Development. Many believe these all came into being after the “pandemic” of 2020. However, the roots of all these agendas go back over… ninety years!

By looking back at history, one can clearly see the direction world leaders are heading right now.

Let’s go back one hundred and five years. In 1919, after the First World War, on West 35th Street in New York City, an American engineer named Howard Scott helped form the Technical Alliance. It was created to track North America’s economic and social trends. Its goal was to prove how wasteful the United States capitalist system was. According to their website, when Scott was asked what he was going to do with public opinion, he said, “What the public thinks does not matter; it makes not the slightest difference whether the public knows about it or not.” Does that response sound familiar?

The Technical Alliance only lasted two years, ending in 1921; however, it led to the creation of the Technocracy movement, which was born at Columbia University in 1932. Its main goal was to replace politicians and business professionals with scientists and engineers. They planned to have scientists and engineers oversee the United States economy because they felt that scientists and engineers were more qualified to run the country. By the way, they were in complete opposition to capitalism. Sound familiar?

In the late 1930s, the Technocracy movement hit a wall when it was replaced with President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal. The New Deal was a series of programs and financial reforms enacted by the President. This was the birth of many programs, some of which still survive to this day, such as the FDIC, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the SEC, the Securities Exchange Commission, and the Social Security System.

Roosevelt’s New Deal resulted in a dramatic increase in the federal government’s power and established the President as the primary authority within it. The New Deal era lasted from the 1930s to the 1970s. In 1936, anyone who supported the New Deal was considered to be progressive, and anyone who opposed it was labeled as conservative. Does that political divide sound familiar?

The early 1970s saw the creation of the Trilateral Commission. David Rockefeller was the main force behind its creation. The Trilateral Commission is not a government agency but a private one that includes leading figures in politics, business, media, and academia. The Trilateral Commission’s original bylaws deny membership to public officials. Its whole existence and focus is to develop greater cooperation among all the world’s countries, specifically the United States, Japan, Western Europe, and North America—a designed global plan. It was designed to eventually lead to no borders. Sound familiar? This plan is intended to eventually lead to a one-world economy and system. Sound familiar?

How did we get to the Great Reset, Agenda 2030, ESG scores, 15-minute cities, and Sustainable Development? It all started in 1919 with the Technical Alliance, which led to the creation of the Technocracy movement. The Technocracy movement was placed on the back burner for several decades until the 1970s and the creation of the Trilateral Commission.

The World Economic Forum

In the early 1970s, alongside the creation of the Trilateral Commission, the World Economic Forum was created. Another non-governmental organization based in Geneva and the leading authority of the Great Reset of 2020. From its website, the World Economic Forum claims its mission is to “improve the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic, and other leaders of society to shape global, regional, and industry agendas.”

The Great Reset is said to be an economic recovery plan launched in response to the 2019 “pandemic.” Let’s look back and see how the launch of the Technocracy movement worked out when scientists and engineers wanted to abolish capitalism and make all the decisions for the public.

Before the New Deal, while the Technocracy movement was in effect, bank deposits were not “guaranteed” by the government. Thousands of banks closed, and people lost access to their money. The nation became psychologically devastated. State governors had authorized bank holidays, meaning there were restrictions placed on withdrawals, meaning many Americans had little or no access to their bank accounts. Between 1930 and 1933, farms were devastated as their income had fallen, many by over fifty percent. Millions of mortgages were foreclosed on, and political and business leaders feared revolution and anarchy. Does any of that sound familiar?

Remember that the stated goal of the World Economic Forum is that in ten years you will own nothing and be happy. Remember, that was publicly said in 2016.

There is nothing new about the effort to force the Great Reset, Agenda 2030, ESG scores, 15-minute cities, and Sustainable Development. Nothing is new with non-governmental agencies wanting to control and oversee our food production and resources. Nothing is new with non-governmental agencies wanting to do away with borders. Nothing is new with non-governmental agencies wanting a global economy, not a national one. Nothing is new with non-governmental agencies wanting to dictate where and how the general public can live. There is nothing new with non-governmental agencies wishing to control our healthcare.

Nothing the World Economic Forum, the United Nations, or the World Health Organization is actively planning and trying to implement is new. History reveals how such like-minded efforts have worked out before. The question is, where does the current direction take us? Man may have his plan, but God is still in control.

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