
The Transgender Debate Plaguing Congress Is Not Just A Scientific Dispute—It’s A Spiritual One

Words must have meaning. For example, for the word “woman” to describe anything, it must have an agreed-upon definition that is intended when the word is used. And it (or its equivalent in other languages) has for all of human history—the distinction between male and female was obvious from the moment Adam saw Eve in the garden (Genesis 2:23)! And it’s evident all the way through the Bible’s recorded history.

Recently the Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, issued a statement, saying, “All single-sex facilities in the Capitol and House Office Buildings . . . are reserved for individuals of that biological sex.”

Now, we all know what that means—men are to use the men’s facilities, and women the women’s. But a Montana State Representative claims this does not apply to him because he is “every bit as ‘biologically female’” as a woman! Why? Well, the only evidence given for this is the mantra “Trans women are women—full stop.” But if “woman” doesn’t mean anything, then “trans women are women” doesn’t mean anything either, because there’s no such thing as a woman

Now, of course, this is nonsense. It’s obvious to even a child that a male is not a female. Biologically, he is male from his anatomy down to his chromosomes—“If there’s a Y, you’re a guy” is true whether or not you want it to be true. It’s anti-science to claim otherwise. And a person cannot change their genetics. That is set!

These kinds of insane beliefs are quickly eroding the protections women have worked so hard to gain. After all, if a man can be “every bit as biologically female” as a woman despite having none of the biology of a female (artificially created “female” organs are not biologically female—they are modified male organs, and every cell that makes them up has XY chromosomes), then there are no females, and protections for a group that doesn’t exist are nonsense.

It leads down a dangerous path. just another example, “transgender” police officers in the UK can now conduct strip searches on women. Men strip-searching women is considered sexual assault in the UK—unless that man claims he is a woman, then it’s apparently okay.

Many people are frustrated that science and biology has been left behind when it comes to trans ideology, but the real issue isn’t a scientific one—it’s a spiritual problem. The problem in the West didn’t begin with a rejection of science, it began with a rejection of God and His Word and the clear truth given to us in Genesis: “Male and female He created them.” (Genesis 1:27)

The only solution is a return to the truth of God’s Word and the gospel!

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