
The ties that bind Al-Qaeda & Islamists to Tim Walz’s state government

Whereas the primary exhibit of the aforementioned is illustrated atop a May 2018 expose, Capitol Hill’s Annual “Muslim Advocacy Day” Led By Islamic Jihadists: What’s Going On? – permanently cementing a plethora of Sunni front groups – make no mistake: Sunni and and Shia terrorists join hands, that is, fully collaborate, when it comes to taking down the west.


Ipso facto, it is beyond imperative to absorb everything with one eye zeroing in on America, while the other is focusing on Israel. Effectively, both are the twin pillars shoring up Western Civilization, and the named (unnamed, too) Islamic terror-hydras are fully aware of that direct nexus. Hence, “Death to America” is always conjoined with “Death to Israel.”

Accordingly, an excerpt within a major expose’ attributed to this writer (as well as other primary investigators), “House of Bribes: How The United States Led The Way To A Nuclear Iran”, sets the fiery stage:

“In the decades since the Islamic Republic came into existence, Tehran has proved eager to embrace terror, partnering with various factions around the world. Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, translated the work of the Muslim Brotherhood’s leading author and theorist, Sayyid Qutb, into Persian, proving that Sunnis (Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Al Qaeda, etc.) and Shiites (Iran, Hezbollah) will gladly cooperate in terrorizing the West…..”

The ties that bind Al-Qaeda & Islamists to Tim Walz's state government

With the above serving as a smattering of demonstrative, western-shattering, revelatory truths, yes, templates, let it be asserted, too:


It is not for nothing that Israel National News/Arutz Sheva (INN) reported, GOP lawmakers are probing Kamala Harris adviser’s ties to Iran influence network

Clear as a bell, at least, it should be.

All of which brings Al-Qaeda, a major league head of Sunni Islam’s poisonous snake, straight to VP Walz’s Islamic governmental doorstep!

Minnesota or shall we say Minnesotastan, Walz’s neighborhood, is jacked-up with Islamists, as if situated smack in the middle of any Islamic hell-hole across the world. The proofs are manifest. As such, interested parties are advised to start their educational, jaw-dropping journey here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here.
Atop all of the evidentiary trails already linked although circuitous, along comes an additional, well-analyzed/researched investigative report via Gabe Kaminsky, featured at The Washington Examiner.

“Under Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN), the state of Minnesota awarded over $2 million to an Islamic group that fundraises for a charity linked to an al Qaeda affiliate, according to funding records reviewed by the Washington Examiner.


“The Islamic Association of North America, the recipient of the state grants from 2019 to 2024, is fundraisingafter Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack on Israel last year for Rahma Worldwide, a Michigan-based charity that says it is shipping humanitarian aid to Gaza, according to flyers.


“In a since-deleted Facebook post in October 2023, Rahma Worldwide President Shadi Zaza revealed his charity was collaborating on an aid initiative with the Islamic Heritage Revival Society of Kuwait, a terrorist group sanctionedby the U.S. government for funding al Qaeda.


“News of the Walz administration’s grants to the IANA comes as the Democratic vice presidential candidate faces backlash after a series of Washington Examiner reports revealed his ties to Muslim cleric Asad Zaman. As Minnesota’s governor, Walz has repeatedly hosted Zaman, who shared a pro-Adolf Hitler movie on social media and defended the Oct. 7 attack. Moreover, according to unearthed footage, Walz referred to Zaman as a “master teacher” at a 2018 event held by the Zaman-led Muslim American Society of Minnesota, which partners with the IANA.

“The presidential campaign for Vice President Kamala Harris has continued to claim Walz has no personal relationship with Zaman. Harris and Walz officials did not respond to requests for comment from the Washington Examiner on Thursday.”

“Embracing and funding an imam who sympathizes with neo-Nazis was apparently only the start,” said Sam Westrop, a terrorism analyst at the Middle East Forum think tank.

Formed in 2001, the same year the Treasury Department’s terrorist designation of the Texas-based Holy Land Foundation sent shockwaves throughout the philanthropy world, the IANA is “a nationwide umbrella organization with over 35 centers” and offshoots — over a dozen of which are in Minnesota. The IANA is representing “Muslim communities on national levels and speaking on behalf of member organizations on all matters concerning Muslims,” according to its website, which notes that members, including mosques, pay membership dues.

Minnesota’s Health Department awarded over $238,600 to the IANA in 2024, according to state records. In 2023, the agency gave $191,900 to the IANA, which received over a million dollars from the agency in 2022 and over $612,200 from 2019 to 2021. The funding appears to have been for public health-related initiatives, including community vaccinations and outreach to the Somali community.

Yusuf Abdi Abdulle, IANA’s director, said on Oct. 7, “Palestine has the right to defend itself,” which prompted Zaman to reply to the director on Facebook with an image of a Palestinian flag. On Oct. 7, the Walz administration-backed IANA affirmed a statement by its partner group that said Israel was engaged in “unprovoked” attacks in Gaza after Hamas killed 1,200 people in the Jewish state.

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