The link between childhood vaccines and the increased cancer rates in children
The explosion of childhood cancers correlates with the increase in vaccination schedules for children from the 1990s up to today. When you dig deep enough, you find that vaccine toxins disrupt cellular metabolism and could quite possibly be responsible for the surging rate of childhood cancer.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny has been discussing and writing about the link between vaccines and childhood cancers for many years. Last Friday, she tweeted an article written by Paul Louis that she published in 2019 on this very topic. “It’s as relevant today as it was then,” she said.
We have republished the article Dr. Tenpenny was referring to below. Please note that some of the hyperlinks in the article are no longer available. Except where noted, we have left them as per the original article as they may be available on the Wayback Machine.
Is There a Link Between Vaccines & the Rise of Childhood Cancers?
By Paul Louis as published by The Tenpenny Report on 8 December 2019
Have you seen the St. Jude Children’s Hospital fundraising commercials on TV? This hospital specialises in paediatric cancer. You may be wondering why so many young children are being diagnosed with cancer. This wasn’t happening a few decades ago.
According to a 2016 UK Telegraph science editorial, childhood cancers have increased by 40 per cent over the past 16 years, especially among teenagers. Since that report, cancer cases among infants and toddlers have continued to climb.
The following is quoted from Children’s Health Defense, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s site:
For American children ages one through 14, cancer is the top disease-related cause of death, second only to accidents among all causes of childhood mortality. Leukaemia and malignancies of the central nervous system are the most common types of childhood cancers.
Childhood Cancers, Autism and Environmental Toxins, Children’s Health Defense, 28 February 2018
This article will discuss findings that link childhood vaccines to the increased cancer rates among the very young. The explosion of childhood cancers correlates with the increase in vaccination schedules for children during the 1990s up to today.
In October 2016, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny was one of several health expert presenters in a live online ‘Truth About Cancer’ symposium. She did a 50-minute segment on the relationship of vaccines to cancer. The current Truth About Cancer symposium in Asia.
How Cancer is Created When Normal Cellular Metabolism Fails
Shortly before 1930, Nobel Prize-winning German biochemist, Otto Warburg, discovered that cellular oxygen insufficiency results in a metabolic shift, where cells resort to fermenting glucose for energy instead of using oxygen to metabolise glucose and other nutrients.
This conversion from cellular respiration to glucose fermentation is a cell’s survival mechanism. Unfortunately, the cells survive as cancer.
Based on his research, Warburg postulated that cancer is a metabolic disease. His findings confronted the unproven theory of mainstream oncology, which claims cancer is the result of genetic mutations.
“Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. But, even for cancer, there is only one prime cause. Summarised in a few words, the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by fermentation of sugar.” – Dr. Otto Warburg (Source)
Deep within each cell within our body are tiny organelles called mitochondria that use oxygen respiration to metabolise nutrients to release ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the basic fuel that provides the body’s energy. ATP is the “gasoline” that runs the engine.
(Watch THIS short video to understand the relationship between mitochondria and ATP.)
When the mitochondria are corrupted due to toxins and heavy metals, mitochondrial disorders occur. These dysfunctions are now recognised as the cause of many diseases. Mitochondrial disorders contribute to the shift from oxygen respiration to glucose fermentation which Dr. Warburg discovered was the root cause of all cancers.
Glucose fermentation produces lactic acid and contributes to acidosis. Cancer thrives in acidic environments.
Mitochondria also play a role in cell death called apoptosis, a process that eliminates old or damaged cells and replaces them with new cells. This essential function is hampered when the cell’s mitochondria are damaged. If a cell never dies, it is referred to as an “immortal cell” – which is cancer. Cancer cells are resistant to apoptosis due to their metabolic processing: glucose fermentation.
Again, from the Children’s Health Defense website:
Mitochondrial dysfunction and metabolic problems are features of cancer, ASD and other neurodegenerative diseases.
Childhood Cancers, Autism and Environmental Toxins, Children’s Health Defense, 28 February 2018
Dr. Gary G. Kohls, a retired physician and outspoken author of the weekly column, Duty to Warn for the Duluth Reader states this:
Common iatrogenic (drug or doctor-caused) diseases can be caused by commonly prescribed drugs and/or commonly injected vaccine ingredients, which are making many of us highly drugged, malnourished, environmentally toxic and also thoroughly vaccinated. [Emphasis added]
The hyperlink to the source for this quote in The Tenpenny Report’s article is no longer available. We found a copy of the source article here: Thanks Big Pharma for the Mitochondrial “collateral damage”
In 2017, Frontiers in Oncology published a study that discusses how mitochondrial dysfunction leads to cancer tumours. This statement, “Mitochondrial dysfunction is a hallmark of cancer …”is introduced in the first paragraph of the study. Modern research is circling back to Warburg’s findings from decades ago.
How Vaccines Contribute to Mitochondrial Dysfunction
Let’s review a few of the ingredients in vaccines and their connections to mitochondrial dysfunction and even cancer.
Additives to boost a vaccine’s purported “efficacy” are called adjuvants, Both adjuvants and preservatives in vaccines are known to be highly toxic when injected into humans. These toxins are injected into babies whose immune systems are not fully developed. These toxins directly corrupt the DNA of mitochondria.
Formaldehyde, an embalming fluid used to preserve dead bodies for viewing in funeral homes, is another additive used in many vaccines. Its presence is meant to minimise bacterial infections held by corrupted antigens. But it is a known carcinogen.
Thimerosal is the most publicized toxic preservative. The compound consists of 49.6 per cent ethyl mercuryby weight. Mercury is second only to plutonium in terms of toxicity as a metal. It is a serious neurotoxin that binds easily with fat. Notably, the brain and the central nervous system are primarily comprised of fat.
Until 2004, most childhood vaccines contained thimerosal. Since then, thimerosal has been removed from most of the childhood vaccines “as a precaution,” although the vaccine industry and the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) still maintain the mercury injected into children (and adults) is safe.
Aluminium is used in almost all vaccines as an adjuvant for boosting an antibody response from its viral or bacterial antigen. The pharmaceutical industry measures vaccine efficacy by its antibody response. An antibody response is only a small part of an immune response. It does not guarantee protection against any infection! Natural immunity comes from human contact with the pathogens or contracting the illness – in the presence of fever – and recovering from it.
Aluminium is a known neurotoxin that easily penetrates the blood-brain barrier. A 2018 study determined infants receive 17 times more aluminium than would be allowed if doses were adjusted per body weight during the first days of their lives.
All of these toxic vaccine components have the potential to create mitochondrial dysfunction that can shut down normal cellular respiration, leading to the glucose fermentation described by Dr. Warburg as the root of all cancers.
Some vaccine ingredients, such as formaldehyde, are independently carcinogenic. Even though the role of defective mitochondria in cancer development has been intensely debated for years, current science is providing direct evidence to support the theory that mitochondrial dysfunction leads to cancer as initially proposed by Warburg.
When you dig deep enough, you find that vaccine toxins disrupt cellular metabolism and could quite possibly be responsible for the surging rate of childhood cancer.