
The earliest mention of man-made global warming is in US government documents relating to weather modification

In 2016, Peter Kirby joined James Corbett to discuss his book about the New Manhattan Project, which involves what is commonly referred to as chemtrails.

“The CIA [is] deeply involved and [there are] very strong, incredibly strong connections between weather modification and the theory of man-made global warming,” he said.

This month, he joined Corbett again to discuss the growing movement to ban chemtrails and what we can all do to help raise awareness.

Peter Kirby is the author of the book ‘Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project’.   The book is essentially a compilation of the articles he had been posting on the independent media outlet Activist Post for the previous five or six years. He also has a website which you can find HERE.

In 2016 he joined James Corbett to tackle the two questions most frequently asked by chemtrail sceptics: Would the government do something like this and could they do something like this?

They also discussed CIA Director John Brennan’s 2016 speech at the Council on Foreign Relations calling for stratospheric aerosol injection (“SAI”) and a 2016 study on the health effects of stratospheric aerosols.

The most significant pieces of evidence regarding the question “Would they do something like this” are two books.  “One was written by Dr. Leonard A. Cole called ‘Clouds of Secrecy’ and the other one was written by someone named Andrew Goliszek and that’s called ‘In the Name of Science’,” Kirby said.  “These two books outline hundreds of open-air testing experiments done covertly against the American people over the last 70 years.”

“There’s other evidence of us being sprayed openly and covertly.  As far as ‘would they do it’?  The evidence shows that yeah, they would and they have and they are,” he said.

You can read a synopsis of Cole’s book HERE and a synopsis of Goliszek’s book HERE.

The Manhattan Project, a research and development program undertaken during World War II to produce the first nuclear weapons, gave rise to the New Manhattan Project, which includes using chemicals to electrify our atmosphere.

“The people who put together the first atomic bomb were physicists,” Kirby explained.  “There’s a certain group of scientists who were the most prominent scientists of their time and they developed the original Manhattan Project, they developed the first atomic bombs.  And on into the radiation laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, they developed also a lot of technology that went into this New Manhattan Project specifically … the electromagnetic aspects of the New Manhattan Project.”

The New Manhattan Project employs electromagnetic energy to manipulate the dispersed particles that are sprayed out of aeroplanes.  In this respect, it differs from conventional weather modification or geoengineering, such as cloud seeding.

Another distinction between the New Manhattan Project and conventional geoengineering is that conventional weather modification efforts are conducted on a regional basis while the New Manhattan Project is global.  To get a fuller understanding of what the New Manhattan Project is, you can read the history of the New Manhattan Project which Kirby wrote the year before his interview with Corbett HERE.

Kirby said the US Central Intelligence Agency (“CIA”) appear to be deeply involved in the New Manhattan Project.  He found a 1965 document from the office of the executive branch under President Lyndon B. Johnson titled ‘Restoring the Quality of Our Environment’.

“This document was the earliest top-level document that I have been able to find. It states both the theory of man-made global warming and what John Brennan was just talking about the SRM – the solar radiation management – spraying of particles otherwise commonly known as geoengineering,” Kirby said.

“Earlier in 1965, the head of the CIA was none other than Vice Admiral William Raborn who clearly has involvement in the development of technologies that have gone into this New Manhattan Project.  He looks like one of the main players, historically, and he served briefly as the head of the CIA but he quit before that paper came out,” Kirby explained.

In 1974, the CIA released a document titled ‘A Study of Climatological Research as it Pertains to Intelligence Problems’.  It “appears to be the fount of this idea that global warming can cause the end of humanity,” Kirby said. “Ever since then, this has been used as a justification for spraying us.”

The earliest mention of man-made global warming that Kirby has been able to find was in 1958, the year that Captain Howard T. Orville, who at the time was the leading weather modifier and served as science advisor to the US president, wrote an article in Popular Science titled ‘Weather as a Weapon’.  “This is the earliest mention of the theory of man-made global warming that I could find,” Kirby said.

“So, the earliest mention of man-made global warming appears in an article about weather modification,” he said.

Also in 1958, Kirby explained, the solar radiation management (geoengineering) thesis was unveiled in the most cited weather modification report: ‘Final Report of the Advisory Committee on Weather Control’. The report contained an article by Bernard Vonnegut, Vincent Schaefer, J. S. Barrows and Paul MacCready titled ‘The Future’.

Bernard Vonnegut “had been deeply involved in the development of technologies that have gone into the New Manhattan Project,” Kirby said.  The report said: “The radiation properties of the atmosphere can be altered by the introduction of gases or aerosols and by cloud seeding.”

“So, the whole idea of the theory of man-made global warming comes from weather modification,” Kirby said. “All the earliest documents are related to weather modification.”

Later on, in the late 1960s into the early 1970s, the rhetoric began changing from weather to climate. “This is when the atmospheric chemistry idea came in,” he said.  “And the atmospheric chemists when they started getting more complex with the things they could sense in the atmosphere, concurrently they were changing the rhetoric from weather to climate.”

“So, we see the CIA deeply involved and very strong, incredibly strong connections between weather modification and the theory of man-made global warming.”

The Corbett Report: Peter Kirby Explains the New Manhattan Project, 3 July 2016 (34 mins)

You can find the show notes and a link to the video above on Odysee HERE.

The website Chemtrails Exposed is building “the biggest database of chemtrails on Earth.”  where people around the world can upload their photos of chemtrails. You can view a worldwide map of the locations where the photographs were taken HERE.

What else are people doing to expose and try to halt the chemtrail programmes?

Peter Kirby joined The Corbett Report again a couple of weeks ago to discuss the growing movement to ban chemtrails – from the legislation that’s been popping up in various US states to criminalise geoengineering to the rising citizen-led initiative to ‘Save Our Skies‘. Corbett and Kirby spoke about this movement, what it says about growing public awareness of the issue, and what we can all do to help spread information about this important topic.

The Corbett Report: Banning Chemtrails – Solutions Watch, 10 July 2024 (53 mins)

You can find the show notes and links to the video above on other platforms HERE.

Corbett has subsequently added a note to update the information contained in his latest interview with Kirby: has responded to this post to indicate that Beverly Foster has not interacted with Peter Kirby and is not a leader of the movement and that the group does not wish to be associated with the anti-chemtrail movement or anti-chemtrail researchers: “The programme mischaracterised Our website strictly uses legal and legislative terms and avoids click-bait and conspiracy language.”

The earliest mention of man-made global warming is in US government documents relating to weather modification

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