
The Betrayal & New World Economy

To some, being betrayed will not matter, but to others, it will. In my opinion, there is a lot of lying going on in high places.

It is reported that Tedros Ghebreyesus, the director-general of the World Health Organization, wants the power to declare a health emergency when the need arises. The WHO has violated the regulations and quickly ratified a series of revisions to the International Health Regulation (IHR).

Remember, the treaty was not approved initially because not all member states agreed on the vote. Still, they secretly bypassed protocols that would enhance the WHO’s authority and dictate how countries unite under the WHO’s rules in the event of another pandemic.

Two reliable organizations, The Liberty Council and Worthy News, reported:

  • Although the WHO asserted that there was an agreement, it unlawfully implemented the new legally enforceable IHRs without a formal vote, in violation of established regulations and processes.
  • Only 37 of the 194 member nations, including the “United States,” backed the updated IHRs, and sources indicated that only around a third of the nations were present during the final approval session.
  • Prompt approval was required “before” any objection could be raised. Here is the link.

It is obvious their tendency to break the rules in order to pass the changes gives rise to the belief they will continue to break the rules once the amendments are implemented.

They expect the new IHR to be finalized by 2025 or at the end of this year.

Remember, these are unelected officials who will have the authority to call an international health emergency. They will have the power to call for lockdowns, shut down businesses, churches, and public gatherings, and ensure everyone takes their experimental vaccines.

It is a serious situation that should not be overlooked.

The World is getting ready for the “great reset” announced by the Biden administration many times. They are “resetting” this world order under a new system. I continue to trumpet the warning: It is the Final World Empire, to be complete by 2030, if not sooner. Prophecy is being fulfilled. My two latest books are filled with valuable information you need on this “great reset” those in high places have planned for everyone on the planet.

Narcissism Rising! The Final World Empire                                                                             The Left of a Country & What’s Left   

The Books can be found on the Home page of this site under the Books menu.

Blessings!                                                                                                                                                            Lori B

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