
Sanhedrin Letter to Trump: “You have been elected to fulfill a heavenly mission”

Sanhedrin Letter to Trump: “You have been elected to fulfill a heavenly mission”
Elders of the Sanhedrin open a historic trial against Pope Francis and US President Barack Obama on Mt. Zion

The Nascent Sanhedrin published an open letter to President Donald Trump, blessing him for putting faith at the forefront by establishing a White House Faith Office. The Sanhedrin called on the President to establish an International Divine Court for all nations.

“Dear Honorable President Donald Trump,

“May Hashem [God, literally ‘the name’], the Creator, bless you and your nation! We extend our heartfelt gratitude for bringing faith to the forefront of American and global culture by establishing the Faith Office in the White House.”

This refers to the president announcing last week at the National Prayer Breakfast that he would create a White House Faith Office headed by Pastor Paula White. White is an outspoken supporter of Israel who has been at the forefront of advocating for the Jewish State since October 7th. Earlier last week, White met for four hours with Prime Minister Netanyahu.

The Sanednrin’s letter continued:

“Your recognition of the importance of religion in public life is a step toward restoring moral values and spiritual leadership in the world.”

The Sanhedrin then listed the Universal Moral Code:

“The Book of Genesis has a profound message of unity and divine purpose for humanity through three fundamental principles:

1. One God – To recognize the cause of all causes (Genesis 1:1).

2. One First Man – To affirm the basic equal rights of humanity (Genesis 1:26).

3. One Basic Law – To establish universal principles of justice (Genesis 2:16).

“Without a constructive moral framework, humanity descends into violence and destruction, as exemplified by Cain’s murder of Abel (Genesis 4:8). Every nation has unique strengths and resources, yet no nation is self-sufficient. Without a Universal Ethical Common Code, people resort to war and oppression to obtain what they need. With such a code, nations engage in spiritual commerce and a race for virtue.

The First Commandment and the Seven Laws of Noah

  • The first time the word “commandment” appears in the Bible is when Hashem commanded Adam: “And the Lord God commanded the man, saying: Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat.” (Genesis 2:16) This verse alludes to the seven universal laws that form the foundation of ethical behavior for all humanity. These laws reflect seven of the Ten Commandments.
  • These ethical principles were reaffirmed at Mount Sinai when Hashem revealed Himself to the world, and our ancestors witnessed this divine event.
  • The Jewish, Christian, Muslim and all monotheistic traditions recognize the divine revelation at Mount Sinai as a foundational moment in history.
  • When Hashem gave the Children of Israel the Torah, He provided an ethical standard for the entire world. This standard is known as the Seven Commandments of Noah, which form the basis of universal morality.
  • When a person accepts the Seven Noahide Laws, they receive divine blessings:

1. A Neshama (Soul) – The soul that animates the body and connects a person to Hashem.

2. Righteous Among the Nations – A person who upholds these laws is considered righteous and honored before Hashem.

3. A Share in the World to Come – Those who follow these principles merit a place in the hereafter.

“Enclosed with this letter, we have included the Universal Ethical Common Code (UECC), which outlines the benefits of adopting the Seven Commandments of Noah.”

The Role of Ethics in Business

“A businessman who commits to being Honest and Good in the Eyes of Hashem will seek trustworthy partners.

  • Who would he prefer to do business with? An atheist who may cheat and deceive? Or someone committed to Hashem, who upholds honesty and integrity?
  • A business owner will seek to hire workers who are loyal and committed to the success of the enterprise.
  • A worker will prefer to work for an employer who ensures fairness and ethical treatment. By aligning economic relationships with divine morality, business and ethics become intertwined, fostering prosperity and trust.

The Cyrus-Trump Coin and Your Historic Role 

“In 2017, the Nascent Sanhedrin minted a special coin featuring your image on one side and Cyrus the Great on the other. This symbolized your historic role, likened to that of Cyrus, who was chosen by Hashem to fulfill a divine mission.

“The Chinese appreciated this idea so much that they reproduced and sold millions of copies of these coins and other products featuring your image alongside Cyrus the Great.

Sanhedrin Letter to Trump: “You have been elected to fulfill a heavenly mission”
Many have seen similarities between the Biblical King Cyrus and President Donald Trump. (Breaking Israel News)

“You have been elected, as Cyrus was in his time, to fulfill a heavenly mission:

  • To unite all believers in God and foster ethical cooperation across all spheres of human activity.

A Call to Establish an International Divine Court – IDC

“ We invite you to meet with the Sanhedrin Court Rabbis in Jerusalem to discuss the establishment of an International Divine Court (IDC) for all nations. This court would be based on the seven universal commandments given to Noah and reaffirmed at Mount Sinai—a foundation for global peace and divine justice.

“May Hashem bless you with wisdom, strength, and success in your divine mission.”

The Rabbis of the Sanhedrin signed the letter:

  • Rabbi Daniel Stawsky Hacohen
  • Rabbi Meir Halevi
  • Rabbi Erel Segal-Halevi
  • Rabbi Ben Abrahamson
  • Rabbi Roee Zaga
  • Rabbi Boaz Melet
  • Rabbi Nadav Sofy
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