
Prophetic Indication of Pandemic Treaty Failure

There is a reason why the “vote” on the Pandemic Treaty did not pass. It is because the antichrist of (Revelation 13) cannot enter the world stage until the “restraining force” is taken out of the way, spoken of in {2 Thessalonians 2:3-8), which is the Holy Spirit’s presence in true believers at the Rapture.

Another indicator of the Lord’s restraint on current world events is the failure of the Pandemic Treaty. We see daily how lawlessness and wickedness are expanding rapidly all over the world. However, the Lord continues His restraint on the full force of evil because once released, the coming World Order spoken of by Daniel and the prophets will be fully established, and the Beast will take full control.

On March 30, 2021, world leaders issued an “urgent call for an international Pandemic Treaty,” asserting that a unified global response to pandemics requires a treaty like the one they were trying to implement. That announcement kicked off the movement of the Pandemic Treaty. However, at this time, they cannot get all world leaders on board.

They will continue trying and eventually get the “vote” they so desire.

Important fact: In 2022, the Biden regime submitted amendments to the proposed Pandemic Treaty, and as Leo Hahhman, an investigative journalist, stated, it would give an increase in control, sovereignty, and legal authority over to the World Health Organization.

Simply put, when the next public health emergency occurs, the head of the WHO will decide not only whether there is an emergency but also how each member country will respond. This would hand all power and control over to “one person,” the head of the World Health Organization.

Bill Wilson, a journalist and author, claims that Biden was determined to see the deal approved since it would essentially abolish all national sovereignty. You can read his article here.

So, what is the significance between the Pandemic Treaty and Prophecy? Everything! The evil globalists are trying to rush through their world order at this time, but God determines the right timeline for when it will happen. However, the wicked are being used to get the plan ready as they set the stage for their antichrist leader to rule.

The significant event to do this will be the removal of God’s true and committed followers during the Rapture, also known as “the Blessed Hope. It will be this “World Emergency” that will give the UN and World Economic Forum the reason to implement their agenda. In the midst of a “World Emergency,” and out of the chaos will emerge the antichrist (Revelation 13). He will be the one to unite the planet and bring order and false peace under his initiatives.

(Revelation 6:1-2) tells us he is the “rider on the white horse” as he goes about conquering all the countries of the world once the “vanishing” (Rapture) takes place. It also tells us this will happen “suddenly.”

The stage is already “set” as the lawlessness, corruption, and full-blown immorality, just as the Days of Noah and Lot were, as the Lord Himself explained to His disciples what the culture would be like just before His return. Then, He will remove the “restraint” so that the full force of wickedness on the planet is released, and the evil minions on the Left and others will have the depraved utopia they so desperately crave.

But, before it all occurs, all God’s true and committed followers will be removed from this present corrupt planet, enjoying the joy and presence of being with their Savior, as those left behind will face the judgments and wrath that falls upon the whole earth.

Lori B

Prophetic Indication of Pandemic Treaty Failure



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