
Planetary Emergency!

By: The Gospelist

It seems that the evil Globalists are inviting us to a ‘Planetary Emergency,’ and attendance is mandatory.

Just in time for the election.

I recommend we send our regrets and refuse to attend.

Either these people have no self-awareness, or they just do not care what anyone else on the planet thinks of their idiocy.

They are going to impose a ‘planetary emergency’ on us whether we like it or not.

They have already established numerous Bio-labs around the world that can be used in the event that too many people refuse to acquiesce to their demands.

And, if they do not feel comfortable releasing a dangerous pathogen because it might get to them, they can just make one up and claim that it is ravaging some distant part of the world.

That strategy really helps cut down on any resistance to their totalitarian ambitions.

I realize this is deadly serious, but I am having a hard time taking this level of absurdity seriously. It’s like a Monty Python skit in which the characters who promote this foolishness are so zany that they are cartoonish.

According to Derrick Broze of the “Last American Vagabond,” our overlords are planning the 79th General Assembly of the United Nations where they will sign their “Pact of the Future.”

The current corrupt administration in the White House will quickly sign on to this pact, by ‘Executive Agreement,’ and attempt to bind the U.S. to this new manifesto.

On the 22nd and 23rd of September in the Democrat hellhole of New York City, they are going to confirm their “Pact for the Future.” This agreement is for their future where they will create a system that will allow them to accumulate ungodly amounts of wealth and power.

The future they have planned for us is much bleaker.

They are going to shift “financial resources,” aka their ill-gotten gain and pilfered taxpayer money, to complete their Agenda 2030 goals. The vast majority of the world has absolutely no idea who came up with this plan or what its consequences might be.

In September of 2021, the Secretary-General released his report, “Our Common Agenda,” which included the participation of not one person who will be adversely affected by this idiocy.

It is a ‘Common Agenda’ among the evil Globalists, and we are expected to blindly go along with it.

According to Broze, “This summit was called to “forge (force) a new global consensus (that we will accept ‘or else’) for a future that is rife with risks (terrible events caused by the evil Globalists) but also opportunities (for more ill-gotten wealth and power for our evil overlords) (my commentary in parentheses).”

That means we get starvation, slavery and oppression while the evil Globalists feast sumptuously on our labor.

According to their ‘Summit of the Future’ website, the ‘Pact for the Future’ will be “a world—and an international system—that is better prepared to manage the challenges we face now.”

One of the biggest challenges they will face is the wars and rebellions that Jesus spoke of in the Book of Mathew against their ‘vision for the future.’ God will also be sending famines and earthquakes as the mindless, faithless population of the world slowly submits to this agenda.

When they are done, we will have ten world dictators who will govern in accordance with their god Satan.

Prior to this, our overlords will vote to radically alter the UN to turn it into an even greater abomination than it already is. Only with a lot more power.

They have also announced their plan to sign a “Global Digital Compact” that those who might object have never read or even heard of. We will all become ‘stakeholders (a euphemism for servant or victim)’ as they set up their ‘mark of the beast system.’

They can’t have a bunch of people running around buying or selling without permission, doncha know? That’s not ‘sustainable.’

There’s too much consumin’ goin’ on out dere (quote from (Ret) Senator Foghorn Leghorn Fritz Hollings (D) from the great State of South Carolina many years ago).

Fortunately, our media is on it and keeping us informed of the nefarious plans of these wicked and deceptive people. By ‘on it,’ I mean they are in bed with them.

The completely moronic chuckleheads who propagandize our youth in academia are also on board. They like to refer to this agenda with such terms as ‘multilateralism’ to intimidate the rest of us with over-intellectualized nonsense.

One of their acolytes, Jeffrey Sachs, has declared that “The world’s geopolitical system is not delivering what we [the evil Globalists] want or need [unchecked power and wealth]. Sustainable development [determined by us, not you] is our [not your] declared goal, which means economic prosperity [poverty], social justice [injustice], environmental sustainability [you locked in your hovels], and peace [imprisonment or death if you get out of line]” for humanity.

Has anyone ever asked themselves who makes the determination as to what is ‘sustainable’? Since we are the ones who will make all the sacrifices without the ability to provide any input, it may be a good idea to find out who is at the top of this pyramid scheme.

Sachs points out that we need a world government to tackle the unprecedented challenges that can only be solved through global cooperation. Since the evil Globalists will be causing these ‘unprecedented challenges,’ we apparently need them to solve the problems that they create.

In order for our Globalist masters to accumulate unprecedented power, they will need lots of money. They will “transform the world” with a new system of taxes on CO2 emissions, shipping, aviation, and financial transactions.

In that way, we can pay for our enslavement because subjugating a world is very expensive.

We will have a ‘transformed international financial structure’ that will be set up to fight (impose) poverty and the imaginary dragon of ‘climate change.’

The evil Globalists are now working on an “Emergency Platform” that can be activated when they detect an emergency. An emergency is defined as an uprising against the totalitarians due to the suffering they have inflicted on the ‘stakeholders.’

The possible election of Donald Trump is definitely a planetary emergency.

When such an emergency occurs, the UN will need a “coherent, coordinated and multidimensional response.” A trial run of this response was completed when they implemented the recent flu bug hysteria, which helped them steal the last presidential election.

We are assured that this “Emergency Platform” will not be implemented by a standing institution or body. Any decision to convene an “Emergency Platform” will fully respect the sovereign, territorial integrity, and political independence of States.

In other words, our political leaders, the majority of whom have been purchased and placed in power by the evil Globalists at the State and Federal level, will be independently making decisions on how much to curb our freedoms.

They are close to having their “Emergency Planetary Plan” operational. A big part of this plan is based on the imaginary ‘urgent need’ to halve greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.

Although this agenda will be destructive to world economies, that is a sacrifice that our masters are willing to make. There is no amount of suffering that these people will not impose upon us to attain more wealth and power.

Besides, poor people are easier to subjugate than prosperous people.

The call for this “Emergency Planetary Plan” is actually based on eugenics rather than attempting to solve the imaginary climate crisis. According to the theology of the Club of Rome, which much of this climate nonsense is built upon, the real enemy of the utopia they plan to create is humanity itself.

Looks like a lot of ‘stakeholders’ are going to meet an untimely death.

The “Summit of the Future,” which is coming up in just a few weeks, is just one step to the evil Globalists’ eugenics program. Once they get this plan in place, they will begin working on a “Second World Summit for Social Development.”

This is set up for 2025. Next year, we can look forward to even more attempts to mutilate our children sexually while enduring false accusations of ‘racism’ or ‘homophobia’ should we choose to resist their dictates.

The worst part of this travesty is that the evil Globalists are nothing more than tools of God’s judgment against faithless humanity. They will achieve many of their goals because God is going to use them to pass judgment on the enemies of the Gospel.

This is the price the world must pay for its rejection of Christ and his sacrifice on the cross for our sins. God did not crush his only Son at the cross so we could say “thanks, but no thanks.”

Those who worship Allah, call the pope ‘Holy Father,’ preach and feed on false gospels, deny the existence of God, and worship created things rather than the creator are in for a rude awakening. That describes the vast majority of the current world population in this extremely wicked generation.

Those of us who make up the remnant of the church have our work cut out for us.

Noah preached righteousness for one hundred and twenty years, and his harvest was fairly small. Our time is much shorter.

However, we have our marching orders, and we need to carry them out.

We must continue to work to make disciples of all nations by following our prime directive:

“Then he said to them, ‘These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.’ Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, and said to them, ‘Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, and that repentance for the forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem’” (Luke 24:44-47).

If the majority of churches do not intend to carry out their mandate, it is up to the laymen to do it.

If we hold our peace, the stones will cry out and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our place.

I would be awfully embarrassed if I were charged as a servant of Christ but stood idly by while the stones did my work. Read More

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