
Pfizer and Moderna are rolling out catch-all mRNAs for ‘pandemic influenza’

Pfizer, Moderna, and the mRNA gang are unleashing a new “vaccine” enterprise upon the public, and U.S. Government Health is all too happy to assist in the operation.

On Tuesday, The Biden Administration awarded Moderna with a $176 million contract purposed with developing a vaccine for bird flu. It serves as a much needed lifeline for Moderna, because after its failed mRNA Covid-19 gambit, the $45 billion company has once again found itself without any functioning products. However, given Moderna’s partnerships with the American government, the company has been able to sustain itself through regulatory capture.

But that’s not even the nefarious part of the story.

Both Pfizer and Moderna have expanded the mRNA pipeline through a catch-all label that they refer to as “pandemic influenza,” which can be identified as any current or future influenza-labeled “pandemic.” And the federal government is very much on board.

“The award made today is part of our longstanding commitment to strengthen our preparedness for pandemic influenza,” Dawn O’Connell, the Biden Administration’s assistant secretary for preparedness and response, said Tuesday. “Adding this technology to our pandemic flu toolkit enhances our ability to be nimble and quick against the circulating strains and their potential variants.”

O’Connell, an attorney by trade who has no experience in healthcare, was previously the U.S. director at the Bill Gates-controlled Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), which has significant portfolio investments in both Pfizer and Moderna.

So if the Bird Flu scare isn’t potent enough, they can simply rebrand their latest mRNA injection as a groundbreaking remedy and/or cure to [insert your respiratory illness here].

In a press release last month, Pfizer elaborated upon its plans to push forward with a catch-all “pandemic influenza” vaccine, which is currently undergoing clinical trials.

Pfizer and Moderna are rolling out catch-all mRNAs for 'pandemic influenza'

This is far from the first time that Pharma and the government have repurposed failed drugs so that they could cash in on The Current Thing.

mRNA vaccines were originally advertised as cures for cancer. When they failed to cure cancer, the entire technology platform was later rebranded (at the onset of the Covid hysteria era) into vaccines for coronaviruses.

Remdesivir, the infamous failed Ebola drug, would later be declared Anthony Fauci’s “standard of care” treatment for Covid-19.

Of course, drugs have successfully been repurposed to help people. But there is zero evidence of this being the case with mRNAs.

Pfizer and Moderna are effectively manufacturing a cure for a yet to be discovered infectious agent. If this doesn’t make logical sense, you must be an idiot who “thinks for yourself” and “does your own research” like a buffoon, instead of honoring the time-tested tradition of trusting Pharma-sponsored virologist and epidemiologist experts at Harvard and the CDC. Horray $cience!

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