
Only One “World View’ Survives

As I reflect on current events, I ask myself how much longer it will be before the return of the Lord and the “sudden destruction” of God’s wrath upon the planet is poured out.                           He has given us the “signs” to watch for, and I dare not predict a timeframe, but it does not look like a happy ending for America!

Joe Biden is indeed a genuine globalist with advanced dementia, as we see daily in media, but let us set aside for a moment Joe Biden’s dementia. The mainstream media and some corrupt politicians are totally “gaslighting” the masses on serious issues pertaining to a country’s existence.

A political party that has booed God is at an era in time with no interpretation beyond the dementia patient that they are mocking. It is scorn to them as they parade him around on the world stage, with all his “slurs” of speech, if he is able to finish his sentence as his wife leads him around by the hand.

In the meantime, the “normies” ignore such drastic methods and go about their daily schedules. This “aids” the distress we find ourselves in this country.

As mentioned several times, We have only two “World Views” on the planet. A Biblical World View, and a World View.

The two worldviews cannot coexist. Only one will succeed the other.

Those with a “worldview” are committed to destroying a Biblical worldview.

Those with a Biblical worldview cannot compromise their faith; if so, they don’t need a Savior.

Sadly, many on the right are falling by the wayside under the pressure they feel pushed upon them consistently by radicals out of every institution in promoting their agenda.

We should not be surprised, however, as Jesus foretold that the “Apostasy” (falling away) would come first, and then the antichrist would be revealed.

The laws of Nature and Nature’s God have been revealed to everyone. It is the collective structure on which civilization is founded, and with the progressive left in control, they are unraveling all principles and policies a civilization needs to coexist.

Their “gay agenda” is their creed, their doctrine, their religion. It is not about “free expression,” as they constantly use in their narrative. It is about domination, the unraveling of a culture’s God and His rule of law.

They want to enforce their “gay religion” on the entire planet and will not rest until they have completed the job.

Why do you think Jesus was asked by His followers what the condition of society would be when He returned? He told them the culture would be like the Days of Noah and Lot. He could have told them as the Days of something else, but instead said what He said, which was over 2,000 years ago! Here we are, in that era. He was very precise in foretelling, and you cannot disagree with His Words because you witness it daily now, in real life, on the job, in school, when you go out, in the news media, in Hollywood, in music, and on most commercials viewed on TV and elsewhere.

No one knows the day or the hour of His return, but all the “signs” are already fulfilled, with the exception of a few more that are just on the horizon.

Only one “worldview” will succeed, and I hope you hold to the right one!

(Romans 10:9-10) Will give it to anyone who is searching for the “truth” on what worldview they need now and in eternity!


Lori B

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