New World Order Morphed into Global Governance

James Gustave Speth, after co-founding the Natural Defense Council in 1971, ran the World Resource Institute, ultimately becoming the head of the U.N. Development Program.
In 1997, Speth said, “Global governance is here, here to stay, and driven by economic and environmental globalization, global governance will inevitably expand.”
Thanks to U.N. Agenda 21 signed by most nations in 1992, and to President Clinton who started its implementation at all levels of government, U.N. global governance has expanded and taken over everything with SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT and its lynchpin, SUSTAINABILITY.
What exactly is global governance? Maurice Strong, with a U.N.-funded Commission on Global Governance, produced a 410-page report, Our Global Neighborhood, with recommendations. It was not defined until 1999: “Global governance is the framework of rules, institutions, and practices that set limits on behavior of individuals, organizations, and companies.” The U.N. claims that global governance is not the same as world government which is ridiculous semantics.
Global governance definition expanded into “policies created by non-elected bureaucrats from international institutions, usually located in Switzerland, who limit the behavior of individuals, organizations, and companies.”
Ever since Cecil Rhodes’ “Secret Society” of 1891, a select group of European monarchs, global billionaires, and other elites believed that society would be best controlled by a benevolent global government made up of “enlightened intelligentsia.”
This philosophy was advanced by organizations such as Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, World Federalist Association, Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, Center for American Progress, and others.
Was the origin of global governance, the wide restrictions on individual freedoms at all levels, the New World Order?
In 1990-1991, following the 1989 collapse of the Soviet Union, the idea of President Bush’s New World Order (NWO) quickly became part of the media lexicon. Bush had “emphasized the New World Order in a nationally televised address and in his official letter to Congress.” He said that he was going “to craft a new world order for the resolution of disputes.”
National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft termed the NWO a “defining moment in world history.” Serious thinkers realized that his New World Order (Novo Ordo Seclorum on our dollar bills) was the first step on the road to one world government or global governance.
The New World Order envisioned was developed via United Nations and global corporations. Technocracy, with the extreme global power it has today, did not exist In the 1990s.
David Funderburk, a former Ambassador, wrote at the time that the idea of using United Nations as a New World Order manager was half-baked since the United Nations was a “hotbed of KGB spies and Third World anti-American radicals.”
Thinkers quickly realized that “the old ideas of sovereignty and nationality will be casualties of the New World Order,” while money managers, global corporations, large banks, and other financial power centers will control everything from behind the scenes.
In 1991 David B. Funderburk asked a very significant question in his book, Betrayal of America, if the New World Order will put an end to American sovereignty. This sad reality is unfortunately in development now.
Throughout history, imposing one’s will on other countries and denying nations the right to choose their own system of government by interfering in their affairs and politics has not ended well.
Bush ran with the NWO idea. The League of Nations was probably the initial promoter of the NWO notion, to create a “new global political and economic system to replace the existing one.”
Michael Collins Piper wrote in “Who’s Behind the New World Order” in 1990 that U.N. and its promoters from the Council on Foreign Relations played the main role in Bush’s plans for the New World Order.
Henry Kissinger was a huge advocate for globalism and the one world government/global governance. He said in an interview that the challenge will be to maintain the new balance of power of the New World Order and that peace must be maintained by “global and regional balances of power.”
The New World Order was a major step toward one world government/global governance. The New World Order was not designed to benefit the average, tax paying American, but the elites and the Marxist billionaires.
Nothing about the American way of life would be preserved in the NWO: belief in God, the traditional family, self-worth and dignity, private property, individual liberties, and the representative Constitutional Republic. Instability would be planned and directed by government bureaucrats with cooperation from the media’s disinformation and deception machine.
The Soviets and all their satellites had advocated for a world government under a Communist leadership, but it never happened. The greedy American elites today are advocating the same world government/global governance, and they are succeeding even though it will spell the end of our American sovereignty.
Samuel Francis wrote in The Washington Times, Son of New World Order, on October 24, 1990, “U.N. treaties demand that the United States alter its laws to suit the demands of a foreign political body.” All treaties, conventions, and conferences organized by the United Nations over many decades required the end of national independence.
Mentioned in Francis’ article is a quote by Brian Urquhart, former Under Secretary General for Special Political Affairs at the U.N., “the U.N. should be granted expanded powers to manage vast problems such as global warming, refugees, overpopulation, environmental damage, and the eradication of hunger and disease.” Almost four decades later, it is happening.
Over time, U.S. politicians have complied with the U.N. dictates, while American citizens remained powerless to stop it, including the illegal alien invasion of the last four years. These powers were granted to the U.N. by corrupt politicians.
The end of separate nations governing their own citizens is here, along with the serious damage to western civilization. Global governance by elites who know best what is good for us is threatening our health, survival, and the self-sufficiency of healthy food production is in serious trouble. We don’t need to eat bugs with the dangerous chitin which humans cannot digest.
The existence in the U.N. of Communist tyrants and other dictators ensures that the scourge of Communism will not be defeated, it will be assisted by Americans and transferred across the ocean to America. And this has already occurred with the 2020 successful Marxist coup.
The late Henry Lamb wrote in 2010, “If America is to be free, Americans must rise up and force the government to abandon its quest for dictatorial power and honor the limitations on power set forth in the U.S. Constitution.” Read More