Muslim rape gangs, a peril of multiculturalism
On Saturday, Dr Jordan Peterson published a monologue dissecting the problems the working class in the UK is experiencing with its political class regarding the sadistic mass rape by gangs of Muslim men. The issue has resurfaced, not just in the UK but internationally.
Rape gangs continue to be an issue for many reasons, but one is fundamental, Dr. Peterson said. Multiculturalism.
The following are some highlights from Dr. Peterson’s monologue on Saturday; we have embedded the video at the end.
The rape gangs operating in the UK highlight the desperate need for a serious discussion about the perils of unthinking multiculturalism, which is often used as a clichéd advertisement for tolerance by “progressive” hypocrites on both the left and right of politics.
It’s time for us in the free world to look at human beings and their cultures as they truly are rather than how people wish to see them and to acknowledge the stark reality of cultural differences and the inclination of some people to use religious affiliation as camouflage for their machinations.
In many non-Western societies, intercourse between men and women is severely restricted and punished, leading to the flourishing of sexual psychopathology. It is from these societies that much of the mass immigration to Western countries occurs. There is an “idiot presumption” that these migrants will not bring with them the terrible attitudes and customs they are hypothetically fleeing from.
This “idiot presumption,” of course, doesn’t make sense considering only 24 out of 195 countries, approximately 12% of the world’s nations, are true Western democracies, characterised by respect for human rights, limited government, separation of church and state, and the rule of law.
Of the 171 countries that are not Western democracies, 59 are fully authoritarian and 20 are chaotic, failed states. The remainder are at best a mixed bag – not fully authoritarian, not entirely chaotic but not thriving democracies and certainly not the Western democracies that the oppressed or predatory of the world flee to given a choice.
“That alone proves that … classically liberal democracy is the exception; strongly indicating at the same time that the absence of democratic attitude and social order, rather than its presence, must be assumed as the default,” Dr. Peterson said.
Naïve and self-aggrandising Westerners wanting to look good proclaim that deep in the chest of every oppressed person beats a heart longing for responsible freedom. However, totalitarian states are characterised by a distributed network of deceit and cruel oppression, more than a mere top-down hierarchy of power. Removing the dictator does not necessarily lead to freedom or stability. Thus, immigrants from authoritarian states are likely to bring authoritarian attitudes with them.
Muslim majority countries are more likely to be authoritarian, with 80% being fully authoritarian, while majority Protestant or Catholic countries, Africa excepted, are all highly functional free societies. Why is there a stark difference?
Firstly, the Islamic world is governed by divine law, or sharia law, which conflicts with the democratic idea of man-made laws that are subject to change and improvement by consensual and voluntary agreement. The concept of God’s law in Islamist supremacism is considered immutable and superordinate to human legislation. The Islamic concept stands in opposition to the democratic idea of the sovereignty of the people.
The Islamic principle of consultation, known as Shura, is often compared to democracy but it is not. Shura traditionally involves a consultation among a select group of Islamic scholars or leaders. It is a variant form of top-down elite governance or tyranny rather than the democratic electoral process involving universal suffrage. This Islamic elitism is clearly reflected in the historical method of selection of caliphs, with the same being true for the selection of imams.
Secondly, the idea that Islam should govern all aspects of life, from personal behaviour to state laws, and that the punishment for rejecting such claims, the price paid for apostasy, is not infrequently death also conflicts with the democratic principle of pluralism and freedom to choose. “There is no manner in which any of {Islamic governance] self-evidently aligns with the Western principles of freedom of thought religion and expression,” Dr. Peterson said.
As bad as Islamic governance is in general, it is worse for women. The treatment of women in traditional Islamic jurisprudence is significantly different from that in Western societies, with women in authoritarian Muslim countries requiring a male guardian’s permission to marry, travel or work, and having limited rights such as inheriting less (typically half), men can divorce unilaterally with ease well women cannot and polygamy is legally allowed in many authoritarian Muslim countries but polyandry is not allowed in any country.
Women in authoritarian Muslim countries face severe restrictions on their political participation, dress codes, and access to education and employment. They are often subject to laws that are biased against them, with limited control over their reproductive choices. The judicial system in these countries often operates in ways that are severely biased against women, with their testimonies valued at less than men’s and their access to justice is impeded.
The disregard for women’s rights and dignity in these countries points to a broader cultural problem. “If those who inhabit such countries cannot treat their own mothers, wives and daughters equally then their track record for tolerating others, including anyone who does not share their attitudes religious and otherwise, is unlikely to be good,” Dr. Peterson said. “The rape gangs point to this terrible fact.”
The assumption that cultural reasons play no role in crimes committed by rape gangs is not supported by the evidence. It is incumbent on those who believe in the commensurability of Islamic and Western principles to prove that it exists.
The possibility that religious belief is involved in rape gangs is often dismissed, and instead, the culpability of the host society and the victim is emphasised, which leads to blaming the victims and failing to protect them.
We have not allowed ourselves to know the full scale of the rape gang disaster, including the number of rapes and victims. “How many have fallen prey to the depredations of the rapists? Is it a quarter of a million, a half [of a million] or the full Monty? How many cumulative acts of rape have occurred? We won’t allow ourselves to know,” Dr. Peterson said.
“What of those who have fallen victim? Well, first they were raped brutally. Then they were pillared or even arrested, for their hypothetically disorderly behaviour. Then they were told to remain silent for the sake of a social cohesion, that doesn’t truly exist, and gaslit when they dared to speak. And all at the hands of those directly charged with their protection.”
“The rapes themselves were sickening, brutal, sadistic, low and criminal. The cover-up: cowardly, hypocritical and unforgivable. All of it, in a word, evil,” Dr. Peterson said.
All the while, “progressives” prioritised concerns about Islamophobia – “that term for cowards, collaborators and fools” – and hate speech – “that term for those who hate speech” – over the protection of victims and the condemnation of actual hate crimes, such as sadistic and racially motivated gang rape.
Tommy Robinson has been a spokesman for the victims. He stood up to rape gang criminals and their protectors, despite his own unprivileged socioeconomic status and being pilloried as a Nazi. “Not only did Mr. Robinson stand up to the mad and dangerous rape gang criminals at the risk of his own skin but also to their middle and upper-class protectors and Stooges,” Dr. Peterson said.
A Henry Jackson poll indicated that 75% of British Muslims did not believe that Hamas committed rape on 7 October 2023 and held a positive view of Hamas. 40% believe that UK Members of Parliament on the Israel side of the Israel-Palestine debate should be removed from office. The same poll showed that 77% of British Muslims wanted Islam to be declared the national religion and supported the establishment of sharia law across the UK.
This begs the question: Why did Muslims who want to live in a Muslim country under sharia law leave the countries where these policies are already in place? “The answer to that is straightforward,” Dr, Peterson said. “Many believe the West can only be improved by the imposition of Muslim practices.”
Shockingly, during an interview with Winston Marshall, Nigel Farage noted that approximately a quarter of young Muslim men believe that Jihad is acceptable.
Watch: Nigel Farage On The Truth About Southport, Meeting Musk, Two-Tier Britain and Trump’s Win, Winston Marshall, 16 November 2024
Notably, the objections from the international community to the mass rape scandal in the UK are not in the main coming from hypothetically moderate Muslim countries but from other Western democracies. And there is a lack of public demonstrations in Muslim societies against people who claim religious affiliation while behaving atrociously. It is incumbent on those within the Islamic world to state that such behaviour is unacceptable and absolutely at odds with the Muslim faith.
So, what might be the way forward, if any, in light of the intractable differences between Islam and Western democracies? The unspeakable depravity of the crimes in question, the utter cowardice and prevarication of the liberal elite as the betrayal of the working class? Does such a way exist, even in principle, even if optimism is allowed to be our guiding light?
Dr. Peterson doesn’t think the obvious answer is “yes.” “But there are genuine glimmerings of hope,” he said.
One is coming from within the Islamic world itself. “There are leaders within the [international] Islamic community itself, not without influence, seeking to diversify and modernise their respective States [and] who are already more willing than their Western counterparts both to admit to the existence of the psychopathic manipulators cloaking themselves in the guise of pure religious Islamic fundamentalism and to exercise severe control over their machinations,” Dr. Peterson said.
Closer to home, moderate attitudes could be fostered among Muslim immigrants to the West if Western leaders were to help separate the wheat from the chaff within the Muslim immigrant communities, which would benefit both the moderates within those communities and Westerners who share social spaces with them, i.e. the working class. This would require Western leaders to take a strong stance and work with their moderate Islamic counterparts internationally to exercise control over extremist ideologies and promote moderate teachings.
This would mean courageously identifying, pursuing and incarcerating or deporting bad actors. It would mean applying the law of the land to newcomers precisely as it is applied to citizens of longer standing, which would require withstanding accusations of Islamophobia and associated risks of reputation destruction, demolition of career and general cancellation by leftists and apologist right-wingers. This approach would also involve firmly and unapologetically noting where Western traditions and laws clash with Islamic authoritarian intolerance.
Finally, it would mean publicly admitting to the mass rape of hundreds of thousands of British girls, investigating the causes of the atrocious behaviour of the rape gangs and ensuring severe and certain punishment not only to the perpetrators but also to the enablers and allies who turned a deaf ear.
Terrible as it may sound to those who do not want to risk anything by doing the right thing, the pathway forward described above is preferable to the even more intolerable alternative: the capitulation to the worst of men cloaking themselves in the guise of the divine, swearing enmity to the West and to free women, posing true danger to the poor and marginalised, and threatening not only the free societies of the world but those who are striving toward freedom within the many countries who remain unsustainably repressive and authoritarian.
If the multicultural experiment is to be continued, people will have to accept responsibility for dealing with the evil of diversity as well as the good, which means standing up for what is right even when the perpetrators of malevolence and crime are members of communities deemed “oppressed.” We will have to drop the naive belief in the untrammelled goodness of diversity and multiculturalism and respond maturely and with discernment to the true complexities of religious, racial and ethnic differences.
We need to admit to the scale of the mass sadistic rape catastrophe and thoroughly examine its causes. We need to document the complicit behaviour of those deemed protectors of the innocent and hold them to account for their failure. We need a frank and unflinching discussion, nationally and internationally, about how to identify criminals shrouding themselves in the guise of Islam, separate them from those who want harmony and peace and stop them dead in their tracks.
You can listen to Dr. Peterson’s full monologue below.
A week earlier, Dr. Peterson sat down with author, ex-professor and public advocate Matthew Goodwin. They discussed the systemic rot of the academic institutions, how the West has been subjugated by long-term mass radicalisation, why the elites rally behind far-left progressivism, the grotesque extent of the UK rape gang scandal and exactly why we won’t be quiet about it regardless of what Keir Starmer would prefer.
Goodwin is a disillusioned university professor who stepped away from a tenured position last year to get more involved in politics and the public debate. He has the largest Substack in the UK, presents the TV Show State of the Nation on GB News, is the author of six books, including two national bestsellers, and has many followers on social media in the UK and across Europe.