Magnetic Pole Moving Toward Russia, Presaging Malachi’s Devastating “Day of Hashem”
Earth’s magnetic field (Source: Shuttterstock)
Researchers recently published the latest edition of the Earth’s magnetic field map showing that the magnetic North Pole has shifted from northern Canada toward Siberia over the past five years, accelerating as it went. While the magnetic north pole is constantly in motion, Scientists noted that for the first time in recorded history, the pole has changed its speed, slowing dramatically in an inexplicable manner since it was last recorded five years ago from 50 kilometers per year to 35 kilometers per year.
“The current behavior of magnetic north is something that we have never observed before,” says Dr. William Brown, a geomagnetic field modeler at the British Geological Survey, in a media release. “Magnetic north has been moving slowly around Canada since the 1500s but, in the past 20 years, it accelerated towards Siberia, increasing in speed every year until about five years ago, when it suddenly decelerated from 50 to 35 km per year, which is the biggest deceleration in speed we’ve ever seen.”
The map, called the World Magnetic Model (WMM2025), is published every five years by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the British Geological Survey (BGS) as a navigational reference for ships and aircraft used by governments, militaries, and civilian systems worldwide. . It also indicated that the locations of blackout areas, where compasses do not function, at both poles have moved during the same period.
The magnetic north pole, an aspect of the magnetic field that surrounds the planet, is not static and “wanders” near the geographic north pole. The cause of the changes is beneath our feet. The Earth’s magnetic field, called the magnetosphere, is generated by the rotation and convection of liquid iron and nickel in the outer core. The magnetic pole is mostly the result of ferrous fluids moving around in the earth’s core. The magnetic pole naturally moves and has even been known to shift hemispheres, turning the magnetic north pole into the magnetic south pole. As the poles shift, the magnetic field weakens. In the last 30 years, the rate of distance that the magnetic north pole move\s per year sped up from about 9.3 miles per year to around 34 miles per year, moving out of northern Canada, across the Arctic Ocean, and toward Siberia.
The Earth’s magnetic field also plays an important role in protecting the surface from solar wind and coronal mass ejections, which propel plasma and magnetized particles from the Sun’s corona. The magnetic field has weakened about nine percent over the past 200 years, and an area between Africa and South America has experienced a significant reduction in magnetic intensity.
As a result, this change in the magnetic field will have a visible impact. Resulting geomagnetic storms could result in intensified northern lights in some parts of the US in the near future.
In 2007, Canadian and French researchers revealed that the magnetic North Pole was moving north-northwest at about 55 kilometers per year. The British Geological Survey ident
ified in its analysis that the North Pole rapidly moved toward Siberia over 20 years, then suddenly decreased its speed from 50 kilometers to 35 kilometers per year five years ago.
Sometimes, these movements can become more extreme, and the magnetic poles can even reverse. A recent study focused on one such magnetic pole reversal that occurred 42,000 years ago. Known as the Laschamps Excursion, a survey carried out in 2021 revealed that the shift in magnetic poles led to the destruction of the ozone layer, electrical storms raging across the tropics, and solar winds that generated spectacular auroras. Polar vortexes blasted North America, generating ice sheets and glaciers. Intense ultraviolet light pierced the atmosphere, causing animal and plant species, and even Neanderthals, to go extinct, while early men sought shelter in caves.
This phenomenon that occurred 42,000 years ago is well on its way to reappearing. Researchers estimated that the planet’s magnetic field has lost 30 percent of its intensity in the last 3,000 years and predict it will drop to near zero in the next few centuries. This phenomenon, referred to as the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA), is blamed for an increasing number of electronic failures in navigation and communication satellites and may affect earth-bound power grids. The shifting polarity of the planet may also be behind outbreaks of migrating birds becoming confused and dying.
Saul Kullook, a scientist with many patents to his name who passed away last year, wrote about his theories concerning the end-of-days. Kullook believed that this period of intense exposure to solar radiation was described by the prophet Malachi as a harbinger of the final redemption.
“There is prophesy in the Hebrew Bible that a similar cosmic event will take place,” Kullook told Israel365 News.

For lo! That day is at hand, burning like an oven. All the arrogant and all the doers of evil shall be straw, and the day that is coming—said the lord of Hosts—shall burn them to ashes and leave of them neither stock nor boughs. Malachi 3:19
Kullook cited the medieval French Biblical commentator Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki, known by the acronym Rashi, who explained the verse in Malachi:
Lo, I will send the Navi Eliyahu to you before the coming of the awesome, fearful day of Hashem. Malachi 3:23
“This ‘Day of God’ is the result of God’s taking out the Sun from its sheath,” Rashi wrote.
“The prophet was describing the removal of an existing cover protecting us from the light of the Sun,” Kullook said. “Rashi was foreseeing an existing cover around the Earth, which is the magnetic field found by scientific research many centuries later.”
This polar shift is described in Jewish sources. Midrash states that God initiated the flood in the time of Noah by moving two stars. This caused a shift in the poles of the world; the north became the south, dry land became oceans, and oceans dried up.