
Leadbeater’s euthanasia bill is a step towards a slaughter of the innocent and infirm

Kim Leadbeater’s Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill, in other words “euthanasia bill,” is at the committee stage in the House of Commons.  Dr. Vernon Coleman warns that the Bill is a step towards “genocide” and the “slaughter of the innocent and infirm” and urges people to help stop it from becoming law.

The Members of Parliament (“MPs”) who have voted in favour of Leadbeater’s bill did so despite knowing little about the subject, Dr. Coleman points out.  And Leadbeater has significant control over the parliamentary committee scrutinising the Bill, having chosen its members and witnesses, many of whom likely support euthanasia.

Dr. Coleman shares some resources that you can send to your MP to educate them about this deadly bill.

By Dr. Vernon Coleman

Last year a British Member of Parliament called Kim Leadbeater introduced a Bill to make euthanasia legal in the UK.

MPs (most of whom knew very little about the subject) voted for the Bill but probably thought that they were merely allowing the Bill to begin an arduous journey before becoming law.

The next step in turning the Bill into law was for a committee of MPs to look into the issue more closely. The committee has the responsibility of scrutinising the Bill.

But Ms. Leadbeater, who introduced the Bill, has a considerable amount of power over the committee.

In fact she has picked the members of the committee. She chose who would sit on the committee and most of the MPs she picked, and who have a known view, voted for her Bill.

And she has picked the witnesses who will give evidence.

The witnesses were picked in secret and I’d bet that a surprising number of the witnesses back euthanasia.

Doctors have been deliberately killing people for years.

First, there was the Liverpool Care Pathway – a scheme whereby doctors were allowed to kill off the elderly, the frail, the vulnerable and the sick if they were considered to be an unproductive waste of space. The Liverpool Care Pathway was supposed to have been discarded. But it hasn’t been. Doctors still use it to kill patients who are regarded as a nuisance.

Second, there were the Do Not Resuscitate notices which were and are used as an excuse to kill anyone who has an illness which needs a lot of medical or nursing care. Patients are supposed to be given the option of whether or not to agree to a DNR notice. “Sign here and if you feel poorly, we’ll put you out of your misery.” Note the word “supposed.” In practice doctors, and especially nurses, slap DNR notices on anyone they decide should be dead.

And now comes Leadbeater’s “Kill by Doctor” Bill – in my view, the official approval of genocide; the slaughter of the innocent and the infirm – the very people doctors should protect. I believe it is a Bill which will put an end to the final vestiges of dignity and decency in medical practice. Doctors are supposed to care for patients, not to kill them.

There is, I fear, one point that Leadbeater’s committee might not hear.

Nine out of ten people who attempt suicide and fail will not die of suicide. They will change their minds and often live long and successful lives.

Many, many famous and enormously successful people have tried to commit suicide and failed. The world would be a sadder and bleaker place if they had been allowed to take advantage of a legalised euthanasia programme such as the one Ms. Leadbeater’s Bill will give us.

I suspect that Ms. Leadbeater’s Bill will doubtless delight the World Economic Forum and those dangerous lunatics who believe the world is overpopulated.

Since Ms. Leadbeater seems determined to push through this thoroughly evil Bill it is up to us to stop it becoming law.

Please, please help.

I am banned from all corproate media and all social media – for the modern crime of telling the truth, backed up by the facts.

There is still time for us to stop the Parliamentary Bill designed to legalise euthanasia. To find out exactly what is coming please watch my video entitled `They want to kill you. Here’s how they’ll do it.’ You can find the video via the video button on my increasingly suppressed website.  Nearly 100,000 people have already watched the version of the video which appears on my website (Click HERE to watch the video). And read Jack King’s magnificent book `They want to kill us’ (you can buy it by clicking HERE). Share the video and book with everyone you know – especially your MP. And send this article to your MP too. You can find your MP’s email address HERE.

Leadbeater’s thoroughly dangerous and evil Bill will be one big step forward into the Great Reset which will take away humanity and hope. We have to stop it.

About the Author

Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc practised medicine for ten years. He has been a full-time professional author for over 30 years. He is a novelist and campaigning writer and has written many non-fiction books.  He has written over 100 books which have been translated into 22 languages. On his website, HERE, there are hundreds of articles which are free to read.

There are no ads, no fees and no requests for donations on Dr. Coleman’s website or videos. He pays for everything through book sales. If you want to help finance his work, please just buy a book – there are over 100 books by Vernon Coleman in print on Amazon.

Leadbeater’s euthanasia bill is a step towards a slaughter of the innocent and infirm
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