
Labour Won the UK Election with 20% of the Possible Vote

Statistically speaking, the new Labour government in the UK is the least popular in British history.  They managed to garner a lofty 20% of the UK electorate’s votes.  That means 80% of the population did not vote for the “bright red commie” Labour government.

As for David Lammy, Starmer’s chosen Foreign Secretary, there are a few things you should know …

By Dr. Vernon Coleman

Statistically speaking, Labour is surely already the least popular government in British history. Starmer and Company received just 20% of the nation’s votes. That means that 80% of the population did NOT vote for them.

As a result of this absurd election, while the rest of the world lurches to the right, the UK has lurched to the far left and, having had a statist quasi-communist government for much of the last 14 years, we now have a real bright red commie government. The commies aren’t under the bed. They’re now in it.

I suspect that two things are certain.

Labour won’t win the next election.

And within twelve months Labour will be the most unpopular government in history.

But surely, I hear you say, Labour has won a resounding victory.

Oh no they haven’t.

Look at the facts:

There was a 60% voter turnout. One of the lowest turnouts in history.

Labour got 33.7% of the vote.

They won 9,698,409 votes and 412 seats in Parliament.

That means that each seat cost them 23,539 votes.

Conservatives got 23.7% of the votes.

They won 6,824,809 votes and 121 seats.

That means that each seat cost them 56,403 votes.

Reform got 14.3% of the votes.

They won 4,114,287 votes and 5 seats.

That means that each seat cost them 822,857 votes.

Liberal Democrats got 12.2% of the votes.

They won 3,501,040 votes and 71 seats.

That means that each seat cost them 49,310 votes.

Greens got 6.8% of the vote.

They won 1,941,227 votes and got 4 seats.

That means that each seat cost them 485,306 votes

SNP got 2.4% of the vote.

They won 708,759 votes and got 9 seats.

That means that each seat cost them 78,751 votes.

Plaid Cyrmu got 0.7 % of the vote.

They won 194,811 votes and got 4 seats.

That means that each seat cost them 48,702 votes.

And that’s what they call democracy.

Starmer received far fewer votes than Corbyn received in 2019 – and Corbyn was considered less than successful.

As a result of this utterly absurd election result, we can all expect our oil, gas and electricity supplies to become rather expensive in 2025. David Lammy (see my recent article about him [see below]) has been appointed Foreign Secretary. The Labour Party is almost certainly going to make sure that the oil and gas in the North Sea stays where it is. And the supplies from Russia have been cut off. That leaves the UK with having to import supplies of oil and gas from the USA. (Unless the Labour Party brings the stuff over in yachts it will be brought over in diesel-powered tankers). Lammy famously described President Donald Trump as a sociopath and as “a racist KKK and Nazi sympathiser.” If Trump becomes President of the USA it does not seem likely that these comments will help secure lasting trade agreements between America and the UK.

So why on earth did Sunak call an election when the Conservatives were clearly unprepared?

How about this for an explanation.

Maybe Sunak was TOLD to call an election because he was stumbling about and not doing enough to take us into the Great Reset without delay. Maybe the plan was to allow Starmer to form a Labour Government because it was known that he would take us into Net Zero and the Great Reset without any delay.

If you want to know what’s going on please read my book `Their Terrifying Plan’.

David Lammy – Britain’s Next Foreign Secretary?

By Dr. Vernon Coleman, June 2024

If Labour win the election on July 4th then David Lammy is likely to be British Foreign Secretary on July 5th. Here are a few things everyone in the world should know about Mr. Lammy.

1. David Lammy MP was an enthusiastic supporter of the covid-19 vaccine.

2. Lammy was a vociferous opponent of the British people’s referendum to leave the EU. Like many other Labour MPs, he is not afraid to stand shoulder to shoulder with Goldman Sachs in opposing the will of the British people. Immediately after the referendum, Lammy called on Parliament to vote against the people’s clear decision to leave the European Union. He claimed that the referendum was advisory and not binding, implying that he and other MPs knew better than 17.4 million Britons. In the weeks and months that followed Lammy, a keen tweeter, became an increasingly hysterical opponent of the decision by the British people and an enthusiastic proponent of a second referendum. (Since he had claimed that the first one was not binding, he was presumably demanding a second chance for the British to vote and to be ignored.)

3. Lammy, the Labour MP for Tottenham, is a former Higher Education and Skills Minister.

4. Lammy claimed that he was raised in a family dependent upon tax credits. However, tax credits were not introduced until he was 31 years old.

5. On a radio programme, Lammy said that it is possible for someone born male to develop a cervix.

6. Lammy attacked the BBC for wondering about the colour of the smoke likely to appear from the Vatican when the cardinals met to choose a Pope. The BBC had reported that the smoke would be white or grey and Lammy appeared to regard this as potentially racist. The Vatican has, of course, recorded the choosing of a new Pope with this smoke signal for some time.

7. Lammy claimed (in 2012) that absent fathers were a key cause of knife crime. He said that most young people who have stabbed someone to death come from single-parent families. In 2019 he was outraged when a newspaper columnist suggested that the absence of fathers might be associated with the stabbing epidemic in London.

8. Lammy suggested (when he was a minister in the last Labour Government) that the British government should send letters to all black British people apologising for slavery. There was no suggestion that the British government should send letters to all white British people thanking them for abolishing slavery.

9. Lammy appeared on a programme called Mastermind on British television. When asked for the name of the Nobel Prize winner for Physics in 1903 the former Minister for Higher Education and Skills suggested Marie Antoinette. He did not, however, mention her work for the cake industry. On the same programme, he claimed that the large prison in the middle of Paris was called Versailles and said, in response to another question, that Henry VII came after Henry VIII.
10. In March 2016 Lammy was fined £5,000 for making 35,629 nuisance calls (via a computer).

Some might find it startling and slightly unnerving that Mr Lammy has been elected as an MP and was Minister of Higher Education and Skills. How much unnerving is it that he seems to be in line to be Britain’s new Foreign Secretary?

I’ve had balloons which I’d prefer as Foreign Secretary to David Lammy.

To find out what sort of future we all face please read `They want your money and your life’ by Vernon Coleman. It’ll scare you even more than the prospect of David Lammy as Foreign Secretary.

About the Author

Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc practised medicine for ten years. He has been a full-time professional author for over 30 years. He is a novelist and campaigning writer and has written many non-fiction books.  He has written over 100 books which have been translated into 22 languages. On his website,,  there are hundreds of articles which are free to read.

Labour Won the UK Election with 20% of the Possible Vote
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