
Labour Decides To Create Fear – But The British Public See Through Their Agenda.

Keir Starmer, a man who has fallen into power, by default, has, in a few months, managed to destroy and divide a once great and proud United Kingdom. While the everyday, hardworking, high-tax-paying citizens of this great nation are still reeling in shock and fear that anything they might think, do or say, could end in a jail term, we ask how can a democracy fall so fast into what verges on dictatorship.

The current Labour party finds itself unable to resist exerting a powerplay, supercharged by its alliance with both the civil service and the unions, giving in to the demands of those with their own agendas, in order to hold this nation to ransom. Along with the unchallenged left-wing mainstream media, many people have been groomed into accepting the narrative held by the few.

Labour however, can only be seen as opportunists, who took advantage of the lack of governance displayed by what has been viewed by the population of the UK, as the end of conservatism, therefore, with no true differing opinion between the two leading parties, people desperately looked for a political home they could believe in, which in turn, splintered the votes. Along with a turnout in the polls being a sad 52%, the lowest since 1928. (source)

Average working-class people feel they have no voice, which ironically was the original reason for the Labour Party to begin with, in 1900. The labour party of today would rather side with the globalist elites, happy to jail people like Julie Sweeney, 53, a full-time carer for her husband, to prison for 15 months, for a “Facebook post”.

Labour Decides To Create Fear – But The British Public See Through Their Agenda.
Julie Sweeney, jailed for 15 months over Facebook post

Although the post was ill-judged, it shows how the establishment, by feeding lies and refusing to be honest and transparent, frustrate many into actions they would not normally dream of, while, in stark contrast, a convicted child rapist was handed an 18-month suspended sentence in December 2023.

Rees Newman 33, avoided a custodial sentence altogether and was able to jet off to Egypt for a holiday in May this year. It is this kind of blatant, sickening dual use of the law, in order to suit the political agenda that is being wielded in the UK currently, that is shining a light on an increasingly corrupt political system.

Labour Decides To Create Fear – But The British Public See Through Their Agenda.
Rees Newman, 33, spared jail after conviction for child rape.

How are people going to be afforded the freedom to disagree and maintain healthy political debate? Who can they turn to with their frustrations? When does a regime have complete control, and where does this control lead? Of the UK protestors that took to the streets at the beginning of August in the UK, the overwhelming majority had legitimate and grave concerns over the immigration emergency, lack of housing, a crumbling NHS, and the list goes on. Instead of showing any concern or compassion for the serious crisis the country faces, this prime minister decided to accuse millions of the people in this tolerant, fair and beautifully patriotic land as far-right, as a way to try and close down legitimate worries concerning the vast majority.

People have been bullied from the streets, with threats to their liberties and the use of two-tier policing against the very individuals that they signed up to serve and protect. We as a society need to feel safe enough to conduct free and open discussion about uncomfortable topics, in fact, that process is vital for democracy to flourish. if there is a constant fear that something aired by an individual could have such dire consequences as prison time, then democracy will die in a truly frightening way. Nations across the world have always looked to the UK for its level-headed and civilised approach to how democracy works at its finest. The country is breaking apart, with this government sitting back and getting intoxicated on this power they now wield.

As a society we must be more united in the way we tread through this incredibly difficult time, displaying temperance and refusing to play into the hands of those who wish us only harm. And as for those who believe their games will eventually work, and you try to force us to fall in line with this globalist narrative that we are observing across the world, we are not falling for the narrative that’s being fed to us, you are showing your true intentions, but we are still here, and we remain loyal to our country, therefore it will take far more than bullying to break the spirits of millions of true patriots.

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