
Jihad Threat: Inside Sheikh Abu Usama At-Thahabi’s Florida Mosque, Indoctrinating Muslims Against Jews, Gays, Christians, and More (Video)

Jihad Threat: Inside Sheikh Abu Usama At-Thahabi's Florida Mosque, Indoctrinating Muslims Against Jews, Gays, Christians, and More (Video)

Is the reluctance to investigate At-Thahabi and his mosque rooted in the left’s refusal to acknowledge that his hatred of non-Muslims aligns with Islamic orthodoxy and scripture, thus contradicting the state’s narratives on Islam?

In his latest display of Islamic Jew-hatred, Sheikh Abu Usama At-Thahabi delivered a disturbing sermon at Masjid As-Sunnah in Orlando, Florida, on June 21, 2024. The American-born controversial cleric, who has long worked as a British imam, once again let his hatred toward the Jewish community be known. The sermon, live-streamed on the mosque’s YouTube channel, accused Jews of being deceitful and likened them to Satan, among other offensive anti-Jewish remarks.

At-Thahabi has repeatedly made headlines for his dangerous Islamic views and inflammatory sermons. His speeches, delivered at various mainstream mosques, include typically Islamic statements denigrating homosexuals and women as well as antisemitic remarks. He has also advocated for violent Islamic law (Sharia) punishments, including capital punishments such as stoning to death. At the same time, his mosque’s website seems to advocate for Sharia over Western law. At-Thahabi himself has also advocated for Sharia over Western law, making it clear that he supports the establishment of an Islamic government.

However, despite his controversial history and mosque, he continues to operate with impunity at Islamic institutions that support him, with an alarming lack of response from political and media figures.

Hateful Rhetoric and Dangerous Accusations

During the sermon, Sheikh At-Thahabi claimed that Jews hide the truth and conceal knowledge. He portrayed them as deceitful and tricky, suggesting that their actions resemble those of Satan. “Those Jews – they hide the truth. They conceal the truth. And they conceal knowledge. That’s how they are. That’s what I see when I meet these people,” he stated.

Mimicking how he believes Jews act deceptively, he described a scenario where Jews offer seemingly benign gestures with malicious intent. “They tell you one thing, and they mean another thing,” he said. “They trick you. They trick you. ‘Hey, come here and drink from this water right here.’ And he’s looking at you, like Satan, with this… ‘Come drink from this water…’”

Incendiary Claims and Stereotypes

The imam went on to make incendiary claims about Jews poisoning the community and being slumlords. He asserted that their holy book permits them to sell bad meat and poison to gentiles and that they consider themselves superior as God’s Chosen People. “They’re giving us poison in our community. Ask anybody African-American who grew up in the ghetto like myself! They’re the slumlords!” he declared.

He further emphasized his disdain by stating, “I’m not trying to get taken advantage of by anybody, especially – especially – by a group of people who I make supplications against every single day.”



The latest sermon from At-Thahabi has raised significant concern among Jewish organizations and community leaders in Orlando. They fear he will incite further hatred and violence against Jews, contributing to the already alarming rise in antisemitic incidents across the country.

Many are questioning why the Orlando mosque, Masjid As-Sunnah, which employs At-Thahabi, has not been investigated by the media, political figures, law enforcement, or even condemned.

Another Recent Controversy

In a May 17, 2024 sermon, At-Thahabi made incendiary remarks against Jews, Christians, and U.S. political figures, praying that Allah “deal with” U.S. President Joe Biden and U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham. He claimed that Islam is destined to flourish in the United States and criticized the influence of “Zionists​. ”



Troubling History

At-Thahabi previously served as the imam of the radical Green Lane Masjid in Birmingham, England, before returning to the United States. His hate-filled sermons have long targeted non-Muslim communities. Yet despite past controversies and troubling statements, Masjid As-Sunnah welcomed the opportunity for At-Thahabi to radicalize the Orlando area’s Islamic population.

Homophobic and Misogynistic Rhetoric

In 2007, he gained significant attention following a Channel 4 documentary, “Undercover Mosque,” where he was secretly filmed making several extreme statements. In the documentary, he called for gay men to be thrown off mountains and referred to women as intellectually “deficient.” He stated, “Take that homosexual man and throw him from the mountain,” and emphasized that women’s testimonies are worth less than men’s under Islamic law. He specifically called gay people “filthy dogs who should be murdered.”

See the full documentary below:



Antisemitic Views

At-Thahabi’s antisemitic Islamic rhetoric has long been a major point of contention. He was previously recorded making derogatory comments about Jews, including referencing the widely discredited “Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” In a December 2022 lecture, he suggested that Jews are involved in global conspiracies to control various aspects of life, reinforcing harmful stereotypes and spreading misinformation. He claimed, “The Zionists, the Protocols of the Zionists… they said: ‘Let’s keep the people busy with sports and games. Let’s keep the people distracted with sports and games.’” Such statements have been condemned for promoting antisemitic conspiracy theories.

Support for Sharia Punishments

In addition to his homophobic and antisemitic views, At-Thahabi has defended and called for the implementation of dangerous and deadly Sharia punishments. In various sermons, he has advocated for the amputation of hands for theft, arguing that it is an effective deterrent. He stated, “I believe that it is a deterrent, as well. And I won’t bite my tongue for anyone about ‘Oh, look how barbaric that is,’ because if we were to start to talk about … the way they do punishment here in the West is worse.”

Furthermore, At-Thahabi said in 2007, “Whoever changes his religion from al-Islam to anything else, kill him in the Islamic state.” Those who turn their back on Islam are to be executed. The words and deeds of Muhammad confirm this. The only freedom of belief in Islam is the freedom to become Muslim.

Such endorsements of Islamic legal measures (Sharia) have only added to his controversial reputation​​.

Green Lane Masjid and Its Controversies

The Green Lane Masjid in Birmingham, England, where At-Thahabi previously served, has faced scrutiny due to its association with radical Islamic speakers, who, in fairness, are only preaching from their “holy” books. The mosque was also featured in the 2007 documentary “Undercover Mosque,” which highlighted many dangerous sermons given at the mosque. Despite receiving significant government funding for community projects, the mosque’s history of hosting controversial Islamic figures has led to public backlash and a pause in the state’s financing.

Furthermore, an Islamic-based website that claims to expose “sexual deviant preachers who prey on our Muslim sisters” says at least two women from at-Thahabi’s mosque have reported his inappropriate behavior. A mosque in Reading even banned at-Thahabi from speaking after the allegations arose.

Lack of Media and Political Response

Despite the severity of At-Thahabi’s statements, there has been a notable lack of media coverage and political response. While federal law enforcement agencies in the United States focus on targeting Trump supporters, the threat posed by Islamic figures like At-Thahabi continues to be overlooked. This raises questions about the priorities of both the media, political leaders, and police in addressing the threat Islam poses in the West. Could it be that investigating his remarks would reveal that he, in fact, says nothing outside of Islamic orthodoxy and scripture? Is the failure to investigate due to a fear of contradicting leftist state narratives on Islam?

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