Plano, TX – Inside the highly controversial East Plano Islamic Center in Plano, Texas, Nihad Awad, the leader of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), delivered a speech that exposed their sweeping, multi-tiered strategy to embed Islamic influence into American politics. His remarks, given in a setting that blurred the lines between religious activism and political engineering, revealed CAIR’s carefully orchestrated expansion into direct electoral influence.
For years, CAIR has operated under the guise of a civil rights organization, maintaining 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status while actively shaping political discourse. However, Awad’s speech in Texas outlined how CAIR has systematically built a network of legal, lobbying, and electoral organizations to amass power while shielding its finances from scrutiny.
“The real money is in the Super PAC… These are the organizations that make or break political campaigns,” Awad told the audience.
From mosque-driven fundraising campaigns to Super PACs capable of accepting unlimited donations, CAIR’s political machine is not just about advocating for American Muslims—it is about seizing influence over U.S. elections.
CAIR’s Multi-Tiered Influence Machine: A Civil Rights Group or a Political Powerhouse?
For decades, CAIR has portrayed itself as a civil rights organization, advocating on behalf of American Muslims. But behind this public image lies a highly sophisticated, well-funded, and carefully structured operation designed to wield influence across multiple fronts—legal, political, and electoral.
Through a complex system of tax-exempt entities, lobbying arms, and a newly established Super PAC, CAIR has built an ecosystem that minimizes scrutiny while maximizing its reach. What may seem like an organic grassroots movement is, in reality, a highly coordinated, multi-tiered network designed for long-term political control.
The Legal Fortress: CAIR’s 501(c)(3) Shield Against Scrutiny
At the core of CAIR’s operation is its 501(c)(3) nonprofit entity, a status that provides major financial advantages while also allowing CAIR to control the public narrative. With a legal team of over 70 attorneys, CAIR has established itself as a formidable legal powerhouse, using litigation both as a defensive mechanism and a weapon against critics.
As a charitable organization, CAIR National enjoys tax-exempt status, meaning donations to it are tax-deductible—a crucial financial advantage. While the law prohibits 501(c)(3) groups from engaging in lobbying or political endorsements, CAIR has instead steered supporters toward “civic engagement”, a legally ambiguous phrase that has allowed it to influence politics without openly violating IRS rules.
This legal firewall serves a critical function: it shields CAIR from scrutiny while allowing its other entities to directly engage in political activism.
CAIR Action: The Political Engine of Influence
Recognizing the lobbying restrictions imposed on 501(c)(3) organizations, CAIR established CAIR Action, a 501(c)(4) social advocacy group. This entity operates with one key difference—it is legally permitted to engage in unlimited lobbying.
While donations to CAIR Action are not tax-deductible, they are also anonymous, making it impossible to trace who is funding its political influence efforts. This effectively allows foreign-linked money to flow into CAIR’s lobbying activities with little oversight.
At this stage, CAIR was already shaping U.S. policy. But lobbying was just one piece of the puzzle—the next step was controlling electoral outcomes.
“We need another organization called [a] 501(c)(4) social advocacy organization. The 501(c)(4) outside the masjid can lobby, fight legislation, propose legislation, and mobilize people to get legislation at any level in our life, at the school board, at the City Council, at the state House, all the way to the federal government,” declared Awad.
The Next Phase: Political PACs and Super PACs
CAIR’s ambitions go far beyond policy influence. Awad confirmed that CAIR is now directly embedded in the political process, linked to both traditional PACs and a newly established Super PAC.
Traditional PACs: A First Step Toward Influence
CAIR-affiliated Political Action Committees (PACs) allow for direct candidate donations, but they come with strict contribution limits—$5,000 per candidate per election. For an organization seeking deep, long-term influence, traditional PACs were not enough.
Awad explains, “The more effective and most effective entity, brothers and sisters, I want you to pay attention to. This is what the Supreme Court, about 11 years ago, allowed to happen, which is super PACs. Super PACs, or independent expenditures, are really the organizations that make or break any campaign. And donation to the 501(c)(4) is—you can give as much as you want—but the real money is in the Super PAC. There’s unlimited amounts of money people can give.”
Super PACs: The Game-Changer
Recognizing the limitations of PACs, CAIR has now entered the most powerful arena in U.S. politics—the Super PAC system.
Awad openly celebrated the creation of Unity and Justice Fund, CAIR’s new Super PAC, which enables the organization to funnel unlimited donations into election campaigns. He exclaimed,
CAIR has also created the Super PAC, Alhamdulillah. This is important because the Muslim community and others have been complaining—where are the Muslim PACs? There is a Muslim Super PAC today. It’s called Unity and Justice Fund.”
This is a direct admission that CAIR has established a Super PAC, proving that it is not just a civil rights group but a full-blown political machine.
Unlike traditional PACs, Super PACs allow for unlimited contributions and spending, meaning CAIR can now deploy massive financial resources to shape elections, fund attack ads, and manipulate voter turnout efforts.
Foreign Influence? A Question That Demands Answers
While foreign money is legally barred from entering U.S. elections, CAIR’s documented history of foreign funding raises serious concerns about whether its affiliated Super PAC, the Unity & Justice Fund, is being used as a conduit for external influence. Given CAIR’s long-standing ties to foreign donors and entities linked to Islamic movements, there must be urgent scrutiny into whether prohibited foreign funds are being funneled into U.S. elections through its political network.
In the 2007 Holy Land Foundation trial, CAIR was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorism-financing case in U.S. history, which exposed financial ties to Hamas, a designated terrorist organization.
More recently, a federal court ruled that CAIR must disclose its financial records and donor sources, including potential foreign funding after a defamation lawsuit backfired. The legal case opened the door for unprecedented scrutiny of CAIR’s financial network, raising new questions about whether foreign-linked donations are now being funneled into CAIR’s Super PAC, enabling external influence over U.S. elections.
“We grow with the community,” Awad said in Plano, alluding to how CAIR adapts its strategy based on political and financial opportunities. Given its history of foreign financial entanglements, its increasing involvement in electoral politics demands immediate federal scrutiny.
CAIR’s Own Words: “We Have to Protect America from Itself”
One of the most alarming moments of Awad’s speech came when he framed CAIR’s role as one of guiding America’s political future.
“We have to protect the future of the Ummah here. We have to protect America from itself.”
This isn’t just political activism—it is an ideological mission aimed at reshaping America’s institutions through long-term infiltration.
CAIR’s Ties to the Muslim Brotherhood: Fulfilling a Stated Plan for America
CAIR is not just an isolated activist organization; it is following the long-established blueprint of the Muslim Brotherhood, whose mission has always been to Islamize the West through gradual infiltration of its institutions, politics, and legal structures.
- Omar Ahmad, CAIR’s co-founder and Chairman Emeritus, was directly implicated in this effort.
- During the 2007 Holy Land Foundation trial, Ahmad was named as an unindicted co-conspirator due to his connections to Hamas and his attendance at the 1993 Philadelphia meeting of Hamas leaders and operatives—a secret gathering aimed at devising strategies to expand Islamic influence in the U.S.
- Prosecutors described Ahmad as a member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s “Palestine Committee” in America.
The Muslim Brotherhood makes no secret of its objectives. Its official motto states:
Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest aspiration.”
This is not mere rhetoric—it is a strategy in action.
The founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hassan al-Banna, made his intentions clear:
It is in the nature of Islam to dominate, not to be dominated, to impose its law on all nations and extend its power to the entire planet.”
Nihad Awad’s speech in Plano, Texas, aligns precisely with this mission. His calls for embedding Islamic influence in law, politics, media, and education mirror the Brotherhood’s long-standing strategy to conquer America from within.
What Must Be Investigated?
With CAIR’s expansion into direct electoral influence, there must be immediate and thorough scrutiny into its financial operations, political activities, and foreign connections.
1. FEC Audit of CAIR’s Unity and Justice Fund
The Federal Election Commission (FEC) must conduct a full audit of CAIR’s Super PAC, Unity and Justice Fund, to determine whether foreign-linked money is being funneled into U.S. elections. Given CAIR’s history of receiving foreign donations and its close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, a forensic financial review is critical to uncover potential election law violations.
2. Congressional Hearings on CAIR’s 501(c)(3) Violations
CAIR’s continued tax-exempt status despite its political activities must be fully investigated by Congress. Lawmakers must determine if CAIR is illegally using its 501(c)(3) nonprofit entity to shield its political influence machine while engaging in activities prohibited under IRS rules.
3. DOJ Investigation into Foreign Influence and Lobbying
The Department of Justice (DOJ) must examine whether foreign-linked funding has infiltrated CAIR’s lobbying and Super PAC efforts. CAIR’s establishment of a 501(c)(4) and Super PAC allows anonymous donations, creating a potential loophole for foreign actors to influence U.S. politics. Investigators must determine if CAIR is laundering foreign donations through these political arms to bypass election laws.
4. Greater Transparency and Oversight for Super PAC Donations
Super PACs allow unlimited contributions with minimal transparency, making them a prime vehicle for foreign influence. Congress must enforce stricter disclosure laws requiring CAIR to reveal its major donors and prevent foreign-linked money from corrupting the U.S. electoral system.
5. CAIR’s Ties to Terrorism and the Muslim Brotherhood
Federal authorities must reexamine CAIR’s deep-rooted ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. CAIR was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the 2007 Holy Land Foundation case, which exposed financial links to Hamas. Its co-founder Omar Ahmad was identified as a member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestine Committee, established to support Hamas operations in America.
The Brotherhood’s stated mission is not peaceful integration but Islamic domination. Given CAIR’s proven ties to this extremist network, authorities must determine:
- Is CAIR still operating as a front for the Muslim Brotherhood in America?
- Are Brotherhood-linked donors funding CAIR’s lobbying and electoral operations?
- Should CAIR be designated as a foreign agent or even a terrorist organization?
CAIR’s Plan is No Longer Hidden
Nihad Awad’s Plano speech confirmed what many have warned about for years—CAIR is not, and never has been, a civil rights group. It is a fully operational political machine, meticulously designed to infiltrate and reshape American institutions while shielding its financial and political operations from scrutiny.
CAIR’s reach extends far beyond simple advocacy. They are raising millions through tax-exempt mosques, directing funds into political and legal efforts aimed at transforming U.S. policies to align with their broader ideological goals. They lobby lawmakersm not for fair representation, but to push pro-Islamic policies that prioritize foreign interests over American sovereignty. They have created a Muslim Super PAC, funneling vast sums of money into political races to secure influence over candidates who will serve their agenda. They strategically mobilize Muslim voters, not for civic engagement, but as a calculated move to shift electoral outcomes in their favor.
Beyond their political efforts, CAIR has also constructed a legal war machine unmatched by nearly any advocacy group of its size. With over 70 attorneys on staff, CAIR’s legal division is larger than most U.S. law firms, giving them a formidable tool to silence critics and intimidate opposition. This is not simply a legal defense operation—it is an offensive legal arm dedicated to waging lawfare against those who dare to challenge their agenda. By leveraging litigation, threats of defamation suits, and harassment campaigns, CAIR has built an atmosphere of fear, ensuring that politicians, journalists, and activists think twice before speaking out.
This well-oiled machine of political manipulation, legal intimidation, and unchecked influence has allowed CAIR to operate with impunity for decades. The question remains: who is funding this enormous legal and political apparatus? Given their historical ties to foreign donors and entities linked to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, an urgent investigation is needed to uncover whether CAIR’s operations are being covertly funded by foreign Islamic interests intent on reshaping American policy from within.
With every speech, every lawsuit, and every election cycle, CAIR advances its ultimate objective: to shift America’s political and legal framework to serve its ideological and religious ambitions. Their network is not a civil rights movement but a well-funded political insurgency using America’s own laws, tax codes, and institutions as weapons against it.
The time for complacency is over. Why is CAIR still tax-exempt? Why is their Super PAC allowed to operate without full transparency? Who is financing this legal and political machine?