
Islamic Invasion in Michigan: Army of ‘30,000+ Muslims’ March Through The Streets of Dearborn, Led By Radical Imam (Video)

Islamic Invasion in Michigan: Army of '30,000+ Muslims' March Through The Streets of Dearborn, Led By Radical Imam (Video)

A massive Islamic procession in Dearborn, Michigan, led by a radical Imam, reveals the unchecked spread of Sharia, the alarming alliance between local authorities and radical elements, and the growing threat of Islamic supremacism, all under the guise of a so-called ‘peace’ rally on American soil.

In a shocking demonstration of power, around 30,000 Shia Muslims converged on Dearborn, Michigan, to mark the 40th day of Imam Husayn (A.S.) in a significant religious observance known as Chehlum or Arbaeen. This sharia-adherent event, which commemorates the martyrdom of Imam Hussein ibn Ali during the Battle of Karbala, is more than just a religious gathering—it is a display of Islamic dominance on American soil.

However, the scale of this event is even more alarming when considering the claims from Islamic sources within Dearborn. According to Dearborn News, the 40th March of Ashura 2024 “attracts millions as every year in the American city of Dearborn.” The city and its neighborhoods are reportedly filled with the call “Labbaik Ya Hussein,” while Husseini and Ashura banners flutter in the streets. In the heart of these gatherings, raised fists and the voices of participants reverberate, all in the name of reviving what they call a “humanitarian cause.”

This event sees “millions” from the Islamic community gathering in Dearborn to participate in this display of unity and power. The sheer scale of this gathering, coupled with the fervent expressions of allegiance to Imam Hussein, underscores a troubling reality: Dearborn, a city on American soil, is becoming a hub for a massive, organized show of Islamic strength, with all the associated implications for the wider society.




Shia Waves, which is based in Iraq, boasted that there were 30,000 Muslims marching through the streets:



Islamic Invasion in Michigan: Army of '30,000+ Muslims' March Through The Streets of Dearborn, Led By Radical Imam (Video)


The supremacist procession began at the radical Karbala Islamic Center and concluded in Ford Woods Park, all under the watchful eyes of the infiltrated Dearborn Police. The Karbala Islamic Center was recently in the spotlight for expressing their grief and sympathies for Ebrahim Raisi, the Iranian President known as “the butcher of Tehran,” and others killed with him, announcing their commemoration. This event highlights the troubling radical ties and ideologies celebrated within the community, with local authorities seemingly complicit.


Islamic Invasion in Michigan: Army of '30,000+ Muslims' March Through The Streets of Dearborn, Led By Radical Imam (Video)


In order to deceive non-Muslims, the radical event was promoted as a “Rally for Peace and Justice.” However, in the context of Islam, “peace” and “justice” carry meanings that sharply contrast with Western interpretations. Rather than representing harmony and coexistence, “peace” in Islam is often synonymous with submission to Islamic rule, and “justice” aligns with the enforcement of Sharia law. This language is not about mutual respect but about dominance—where non-believers are subjugated, forced to convert, or eradicated. The Quran’s call for jihad against infidels isn’t a path to peace as understood in the West; it’s a blueprint for global domination through violence and fear, all cloaked in the misleading language of tolerance and justice.


Islamic Invasion in Michigan: Army of '30,000+ Muslims' March Through The Streets of Dearborn, Led By Radical Imam (Video)


Islamic Invasion in Michigan: Army of '30,000+ Muslims' March Through The Streets of Dearborn, Led By Radical Imam (Video)


Dearborn, where the Islamic event was held, is often dubbed the Arab capital of North America and is a city where nearly half of the population is Muslim, predominantly of the Shiite denomination. It is home to the nation’s largest mosque, and Halal meat is served in all public schools—a fact that should concern anyone who values the separation of religion and state. The procession, led by Imam Husham Al-Husainy, an Iraqi refugee with a long history of anti-American and anti-Jewish rhetoric, was the largest of its kind in the United States. Yet, the left-wing media chose to ignore this provocative event, raising serious questions about the agenda of the formerly free press.

Imam Husham Al-Husainy is not just another religious leader; he is a dangerous figure with a history of supporting Islamic terrorism and advocating for the destruction of Israel and the United States. He has refused to denounce Hezbollah, a designated terrorist organization and proxy army for Iran, which is hostile to the United States. His calls for laws that would criminalize free speech under the guise of protecting religious texts should be a wake-up call to all Americans. His rhetoric, often highly antisemitic, is not just inflammatory; it is a direct threat to the values and freedoms that define the United States.



In a troubling revelation, a video posted to Facebook and uncovered by the Clarion Project shows Imam Al-Husainy condemning the Saudi royal family as “agents of the Jews” and calling for their execution. He attributes Saudi transgressions to an alleged Zionist conspiracy and even claims that Saudi airplanes bombing Yemen are “Israeli airplanes with Israeli policy and Israeli targets.” Furthermore, Al-Husainy has urged Muslims to “stand together” with Christians against what he terms “oppressive Saudi-Zionist airplanes.”

Adding to the concern, the Dearborn police, which has been Isamized, were present at this event not to arrest these radicals but to help escort them, effectively endorsing this show of Islamic power. In 2022, Dearborn appointed its first Muslim police chief, 47-year-old Issa Shahin. He is a second-generation American with an Egyptian father and an Albanian mother. He is married to a Jordanian-American woman.


Islamic Invasion in Michigan: Army of '30,000+ Muslims' March Through The Streets of Dearborn, Led By Radical Imam (Video)


The sight of women and children, all dressed in their Sharia attire, was a stark reminder of the creeping influence of Islamic law in a city that should represent American values.


Islamic Invasion in Michigan: Army of '30,000+ Muslims' March Through The Streets of Dearborn, Led By Radical Imam (Video)


Islamic Invasion in Michigan: Army of '30,000+ Muslims' March Through The Streets of Dearborn, Led By Radical Imam (Video)


Islamic Invasion in Michigan: Army of '30,000+ Muslims' March Through The Streets of Dearborn, Led By Radical Imam (Video)


During the march, the absence of American flags was glaring, replaced by Shi’ite religious flags—a clear symbol of Islamic supremacy. The event, held in Muslim Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib’s district, featured banners reading “Labbaik Ya Hussain,” a call to allegiance to Imam Hussein, with Muslims marching with raised fists. This blatant display of Islamic power in an American city should be a cause for alarm.


Islamic Invasion in Michigan: Army of '30,000+ Muslims' March Through The Streets of Dearborn, Led By Radical Imam (Video)


How can our media and political leaders ignore the presence of such a controversial and dangerous figure leading thousands of Muslims through the streets of Michigan? The silence is deafening and suggests a deliberate attempt to downplay the very real threat of Islamic supremacism in America. The fact that these so-called peaceful Muslims are not rejecting Imam Husham Al-Husainy’s anti-American and anti-Jewish rhetoric but rather amplifying it is a clear indication of where their true allegiances lie.

The media’s failure to address this issue while simultaneously attacking those who dare to speak out against Islam should make every American question their motives. We must confront the reality that Islamic supremacism, as embodied by figures like Imam Husham Al-Husainy, poses a direct threat to our Constitution, our way of life, and the very fabric of our nation. The time to act is now before it’s too late.


Islamic Invasion in Michigan: Army of '30,000+ Muslims' March Through The Streets of Dearborn, Led By Radical Imam (Video)
Islamic Invasion in Michigan: Army of '30,000+ Muslims' March Through The Streets of Dearborn, Led By Radical Imam (Video)
Islamic Invasion in Michigan: Army of '30,000+ Muslims' March Through The Streets of Dearborn, Led By Radical Imam (Video)
Islamic Invasion in Michigan: Army of '30,000+ Muslims' March Through The Streets of Dearborn, Led By Radical Imam (Video)
Islamic Invasion in Michigan: Army of '30,000+ Muslims' March Through The Streets of Dearborn, Led By Radical Imam (Video)
Islamic Invasion in Michigan: Army of '30,000+ Muslims' March Through The Streets of Dearborn, Led By Radical Imam (Video)
Islamic Invasion in Michigan: Army of '30,000+ Muslims' March Through The Streets of Dearborn, Led By Radical Imam (Video)
Islamic Invasion in Michigan: Army of '30,000+ Muslims' March Through The Streets of Dearborn, Led By Radical Imam (Video)
Islamic Invasion in Michigan: Army of '30,000+ Muslims' March Through The Streets of Dearborn, Led By Radical Imam (Video)
Islamic Invasion in Michigan: Army of '30,000+ Muslims' March Through The Streets of Dearborn, Led By Radical Imam (Video)
Islamic Invasion in Michigan: Army of '30,000+ Muslims' March Through The Streets of Dearborn, Led By Radical Imam (Video)
Islamic Invasion in Michigan: Army of '30,000+ Muslims' March Through The Streets of Dearborn, Led By Radical Imam (Video)
Islamic Invasion in Michigan: Army of '30,000+ Muslims' March Through The Streets of Dearborn, Led By Radical Imam (Video)
Islamic Invasion in Michigan: Army of '30,000+ Muslims' March Through The Streets of Dearborn, Led By Radical Imam (Video)
Islamic Invasion in Michigan: Army of '30,000+ Muslims' March Through The Streets of Dearborn, Led By Radical Imam (Video)
Islamic Invasion in Michigan: Army of '30,000+ Muslims' March Through The Streets of Dearborn, Led By Radical Imam (Video)
Islamic Invasion in Michigan: Army of '30,000+ Muslims' March Through The Streets of Dearborn, Led By Radical Imam (Video)

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