
Islamic Conquest in America: New York Church Converted into Mosque as Muslims Celebrate Victory

The conversion of St. Anne’s Church into a mosque is not just a real estate deal—it’s a symbolic conquest that exposes the West’s accelerating decline, as Islam advances with unwavering determination while Christianity crumbles under complacency, weak leadership, and self-inflicted surrender.

The battle for the soul of the West is being waged right before our eyes, and the enemies of our civilization aren’t even trying to hide it anymore. In a disturbing and outright threatening video by Syfeddine Hormi, posted on his YouTube channel, SYFEtalk openly celebrates the highly controversial conversion of St. Anne’s Church, a historic Catholic landmark in Buffalo, New York, into a mosque. His words aren’t just gloating—they are a brazen declaration of Islamic supremacy and a guarantee of what’s to come if the West continues its self-inflicted decay.

Breaking Down the Most Troubling Statements

Right from the outset, the Syfeddine declares: “Allahu Akbar! New York historic Catholic church, St Anne’s Church, has been bought by the Muslim community and is going to be converted into a mosque.” That phrase, shouted in triumph, has been the war cry of jihadists for centuries. It has echoed through history as Christians, Jews, and others have been conquered and forced into submission. Now, it’s being used to celebrate the Islamization of Buffalo, and make no mistake—this is an ideological conquest, not a mere real estate transaction.

A Prophetic Conquest?

He then invokes a hadith of Muhammad, stating: “This matter will certainly reach every place touched by the night and day. Allah will not leave a house or residence, but that Allah will cause this religion to enter it, by which the honorable will be honored, and the disgraceful will be disgraced.”

This is an open admission that Islam’s ultimate goal is total domination, with its adherents believing they have a divine right to subjugate every non-Muslim society. When Muslims like this speaker celebrate the Islamization of a Western city, they see it as the fulfillment of Muhammad’s prophecy—meaning they don’t intend to stop at one church, one city, or even one country.

“Muslims Are Taking Over While Christians Waste Their Time Online”

Another chilling moment in the video is when he mocks Christians, saying: “Muslims are on the front outside, taking over and winning in real life, Allahu Akbar, while thousands of churches close every year in the US.”

His contempt, as well as his intentions, are clear: while Western Christians are distracted, divided, and asleep, Islam is advancing with ruthless determination. The West is surrendering without a fight, and radicals like him know it.

Destroying Christian Heritage

His next attack is on Christian theology and iconography: “Look at the church. It is full of idols and imagery. I don’t understand how they claim to be monotheists while at the same time worshiping and venerating these idols.”

This is more than theological criticism—it’s a call for erasure. Historically, when Islam has conquered Christian lands, it has destroyed or defaced icons, crosses, and religious symbols. It happened in Constantinople, it happened in Spain, and it’s happening today wherever Islam gains ground in the West.

Where Islam dominates, it does not coexist—it erases. There are no Islamic archaeologists preserving non-Islamic civilizations, no Islamic anthropologists studying pre-Islamic cultures. Islam does not absorb or tolerate—it obliterates anything that existed before it, branding it as “Jahilliya,” the so-called time of ignorance.

This mindset is deeply embedded even in Islam’s most prestigious institutions. The world’s top Islamic university, Al-Azhar, does not teach philosophy—because philosophy demands critical thought, and critical thought challenges blind faith.

So, while the speaker pretends to make reasoned critiques of Christianity, Islam allows no such scrutiny of itself—often punishing even the mildest criticism with death.

And if any doctrine deserves relentless criticism, it’s Islam.

Attacking the Doctrine of the Trinity

One of the most aggressive moments in the video comes when he ridicules Christian beliefs, particularly the doctrine of the Trinity. He claims: “Christians want us to believe that God Almighty, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, became a baby and his mother had to breastfeed him.”

This crude misrepresentation of Christian theology is not just an insult—it’s a deliberate attempt to mock and delegitimize the core belief of Christianity. He further claims that Christians “still insist on worshiping a human being who cannot stay alive without breathing.”

The speaker also taunts Christians by challenging them to find a single moment in the debate where their side could explain the Trinity properly, suggesting that even Christian debaters are afraid to address the topic because it is inherently flawed.

A Brazen Call to Expand Islam and Silence Christians

Toward the end of the video, he rallies Muslims to action, saying: “I want every single Muslim watching this video to allocate a certain time of his life to share Islam.”

This isn’t just missionary zeal—it’s a calculated campaign. Islamic expansion isn’t accidental; it’s systematic, financed, and aggressively pursued while Christians in the West are silenced, cowed by political correctness, or lulled into complacency by weak leadership.

This strategy isn’t new—it’s commanded in Islamic doctrine. Muhammad obligates all Muslims to wage jihad by the purse, the pen, or the sword—meaning every Muslim must contribute to making the world Islamic, whether through physical warfare, propaganda, or financial backing. This isn’t a personal choice; it’s a religious duty.

The Quran reinforces this obligation:

  • Surah At-Tawbah (9:41) – “Go forth, whether light or heavy, and strive with your wealth and your lives in the cause of Allah.”
  • Surah Al-Hujurat (49:15) – “The believers are only those who have believed in Allah and His Messenger and then doubt not but strive with their wealth and their lives for the cause of Allah.”
  • Surah Al-Ankabut (29:69) – “And those who strive for Us—We will surely guide them to Our ways.”

Islam does not merely seek converts—it demands the subjugation of entire societies. The takeover of Dar al-Harb—the lands of non-Muslims—isn’t a fringe interpretation. It is a doctrinal commandment, and Western leaders ignore it at their peril.

A Historic Church Becomes a ‘Victory Mosque’

Beyond the troubling rhetoric in this video, the sale of St. Anne’s Church has caused a public outcry. Father R. Vierling posted on X that the church had been sold to the Islamic community for $250,000, a statement that quickly went viral, amassing nearly 12 million views and sparking intense debate.

For Muslims, this is not a mere business transaction—it is a statement of conquest. Throughout history, Islam has sought to convert the religious sites of others into mosques, as seen with the Ka’ba in Arabia, the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, the Umayyad mosque built atop the Church of St. John the Baptist, and the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople. The transformation of St. Anne’s Church into a mosque is simply another example of this long-standing tradition.

Muslims see such conversions as the physical manifestation and validation of their dominance, making the phrase “Allahu Akbar” chanted at these moments deeply symbolic. It declares that their god has triumphed over another faith, reinforcing their belief in Islam’s inevitable global supremacy.

This deliberate targeting of Christian houses of worship follows the same pattern seen in history. When Islam historically conquered a region, one of its first actions was to seize and convert the most significant cathedral or church into a mosque—signaling the defeat of the previous faith and its people. The Grand Mosque of Cordoba and Hagia Sophia are undeniable examples of this practice, now continuing in the West, not through military conquest, but through demographic and cultural surrender.

Yet, Islamic expansion isn’t the only force erasing Christian heritage. As Christian faith declines and congregations shrink, Western churches are being abandoned and sold off—not just to Muslim buyers, but to anyone with the cash. And while some become mosques, many are turned into gay bars, nightclubs, and entertainment venues that mock their original purpose.

This is the dual conquest of Western civilization:

  • Islam claims victory through conversion and ideological dominance, turning former churches into centers of Islamic power.
  • Western secularism desecrates its own sacred spaces, turning them into playgrounds of hedonism, stripping them of their religious and cultural meaning altogether.

Either way, Christianity is erased. The result is the same: an increasingly godless, leaderless, and powerless West, with nothing left to stand against those who seek its submission.

A Nationwide Trend: Churches Becoming Mosques

This sale is not an isolated case. Across the U.S., churches are closing at an alarming rate, and many of them are being transformed into mosques. Examples include the United Congregational Church in Bridgeport, Connecticut, the Immaculate Conception B.V.M. Catholic Church in Pennsylvania, the Catholic Holy Trinity Church in Syracuse, and numerous other Christian sites in cities like Southfield, Houston, Philadelphia, Concord, and Jacksonville.

This trend is fueled by declining Christian populations, financial struggles, and increasing foreign funding of Islamic centers. Reports indicate that many of these mosques are financed by nations like Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Qatar, raising concerns about foreign influence and ideological agendas.

Who is to Blame?

As shocking as this sale may be, some argue that Western leaders and Christian institutions themselves are to blame. Fr. Vierling, despite his initial outcry, later urged people not to direct their anger at the Muslim community, stating: “No doubt the changing demographics of the area and the inability to financially support the complex made the continuance of St. Ann as a viable parish possible.”

In other words, the Catholic Church itself facilitated this transfer. The Diocese of Buffalo confirmed that the property was legally relegated to profane use and sold through a standard transaction. Some have pointed out that Western leaders continue to allow the demographic shifts and cultural submission that make such transformations possible.

The West Must Wake Up

This video isn’t just a cause for concern—it’s a warning. It’s a wake-up call to every American and every Westerner who still values their heritage, their faith, and their freedom. This isn’t an isolated event. This is happening all over the Western world, and the consequences of inaction will be devastating.

This is not just a warning—it is a final alarm. If Christians do nothing, their history, faith, and civilization will be erased, brick by brick, church by church until nothing remains but the echo of our surrender. The West must rise now, reclaim its heritage, and stop funding its own demise—before it’s too late.

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