
Is This a Blatant Indicator for the Next False Flag Disease?

Is This a Blatant Indicator for the Next False Flag Disease?By Paul A. Philips

In relation to pandemic preparedness, the “International Bird Flu Summit” at Washington DC is scheduled to start on October the 2nd and will go on for 3 days. It comprises conference and workshop sessions. You can check out the details of what will be covered here.

Does this seem all too familiar to you? Like Event 201, the October 2019 meeting in New York with the World Economic Forum? Is this a blatant indicator of a planned, soon to be wave of assault on we-the-people again with all its related medical tyranny in the form of another false flag disease psyop?

More crony-based medical fraud spun by Big Pharma and Big Government with the aid of their clueless clown associates enforcing baseless, useless, counterproductive masking, social distancing, lockdowns, fake diagnostic tests, fake toxic medicines causing mass genocide… for making massive gains?

It has been said that nobody ever had Covid because it never existed! Then there’s the further suggestions that there are no viruses: That viruses are NOT microorganisms, so, in retrospect, be prepared for another round of forthcoming fakery.

Yes, one surefire thing we can all glean from the last global pandemic is: Don’t be fooled again, don’t be one of the sheep getting led off the cliff. Consider this next potential so-called pandemic threat:

Bird Flu

In anticipation of bird flu, U.S medical division BARDA (Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority) has recently granted $176 million to develop a pandemic influenza mRNA-based vaccine. Moderna will be in the funding to develop an mRNA vaccine as a bird flu pandemic response:

Will this be history repeating itself in the respect that Moderna has not had one single product proven to be successful? Their last product, the Covid mRNA vaccine, had bypassed human clinical trials and was still put out on the market, fast-tracked through the Emergency Authorization Act!

(Remember Humpty-Trumpty’s Operation warp speed? Still think he’s your man?)

As part of the globalist’s false flag disease psyop playbook, will Moderna’s next product, the mRNA bird flu vaccine, also be fast-tracked on humans…?

CSL Seqirus have also been asked to develop and manufacture a bird flu mRNA vaccine from their sponsors the European Union, which could also be fast-tracked through emergency authorization.

By the way, CSL Seqirus are under the advisory of their funders, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

According to Dr. Peter McCullough, the mass-culling of animals to destroy a virus is not only futile but counterproductive, as this will give rise to a factitious food shortage… also the usual fanfare and fearmongering in the MSM would be used to get humans to mass vaccinate.

Consider This

If the so-called bird flu (H5N1) jumps from spreading its affects on migratory birds to mammals including humans, doesn’t this suggest that some form of gain of function manipulation may be at work as this spread has never happened before? As Dr McCullough says; “…in its 100-year history we have never had a single human death from bird flu.”

Funny how non-farmed birds such as seagulls, ducks or eagles… etc., would be left out in the mass culling. Now do you understand the fakery??

And what about the nonsense that has been spun related to Disease X and that it’s many more times deadlier than any other contagion without a scrap of supporting evidence??

Don’t be a sucker folks in the gross overplaying of this threat. Don’t buy into the fearmongering. Don’t take a fake PCR test, fake vaccine and refuse to comply with the lockdowns and other related tyrannies… Don’t go along with the mass bird culling…

Yes, having parallels to Event 201, the Bird Flu Summit suggests that it’s a plan that will soon go on to happen for real. Take a look at the items on the brochure and decide for yourself.

Well, are you going to buy a ticket, book yourself a place at the summit? It will cost you $625 to attend. Maybe in your participation you could ask questions based on real journalism? Now, that just might cause a stir!

There are a number of pertinent questions that could be asked such as:

*What’s the point in having this summit when bird flu’s been around for at least a 100 years and numerous healthcare professionals have been telling us that there’s nothing for us humans to worry about?

*History has shown us that the birds will be okay, so why start culling them en masse?

*So, given the above, why in your summit will you have these imaginary breakout scenario sessions dealing with numerous human casualties or mass fatalities, the imposition of nationwide lockdowns…etc.??!  

*Is it because something is planned, something soon to go down that we don’t know about…?

*How can we trust any of the authoritative bodies, Big Pharma and Big Government agencies behind this summit?

*In retrospect of the last global pandemic (false flag disease) how much confidence do you think that we-the-people will have on these authoritative bodies…?

*How suspicious can it get when mRNA vaccines are the said “safe and effective” cure-all solutions while alternatives such as hydroxychloroquine have been suppressed?

*Is the Bird flu Summit the next in a never-ending series of pandemic preparedness events soon to happen for real, as endless pandemics bring in endless profits?

The questioning goes on.


Remember, these big biopharmaceutical corporations, in order to keep the profit machine turning, they desperately need ongoing massive profits to maintain share price momentum.

More vaccine sales for endless false flag diseases would be their ideal solution.

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