
“In the Fall of 2025, we have every reason to expect the Final 7 Years to begin and for Barack Obama to be back in power again”

By: Ron Reese

June 22, 2024

The focus of this post will be the U.S. Presidential election in November, and how we can confidently expect this to lead directly to Barack Hussein Obama back in power again in 2025, and on his way to becoming the Biblical Antichrist. The main focus of my next post will be to give you the abundance of evidence that points to an overwhelming expectation for the Final 7 Years to begin in the Fall of 2025 and to conclude with the 2nd Coming off Christ in the Fall of 2032. We have definitely entered the final birth pangs before the 7-Year Tribulation, as world events, especially involving Israel, are getting closer and closer together, and greatly increasing in intensity.
In order for Obama to become the Antichrist, by confirming the covenant with Israel and many other nations, found in Daniel 9:27, Obama will have to be in a position of power, which right now he is not. That is all about to change in the next few months. The majority of political experts are declaring this upcoming election to be the most important election in the history of the U.S.
Will our next President be Joe Biden, Donald Trump, or someone else? After 50 years of studying end-times Bible Prophecy, as a Biblical watchman (Exekiel 33), I am very strongly expecting it to be someone else. I know this is hard for most of you to believe. In order for Obama to be in a position of power to become the Antichrist, the one-world leader of the Satanic New World Order, which will be a one-world government, in the Fall of 2025, our next President almost assuredly must be a Democrat, not a Republican. Also, if Trump is re-elected that would give the United States four more good years. With the Final 7 Years starting in the Fall of 2025, it becomes obvious that we will not have four more good years left.
I believe the New World Order elite will do whatever it takes to make sure that Trump does not win the November election. The plan of these globalists for many years has been to begin this one-world government in 2025. They planned on 8 years of Obama, as U.S, President, then 8 years of Hillary Clinton, then bringing back Obama again to be the President of their one-world government. Donald Trump threw a big wrench into their plans in 2020. They are absolutely determined not to let that happen again. To the New World Order, the Illuminati, the end always justifies the means. Lying and cheating are everyday occurrences with the NWO and the Democrats. So, whatever it takes, they will do it.
Before I give you what I consider the Number One option to prevent Trump from winning, let me suggest a few other options, in no particular order:
     1. Put Trump in prison, which might backfire on them.
     2. Assassinate Trump.
     3. Cheat, in order to win the election, like they did in 2020.
     4. Cause something major enough to happen to force the cancellation of the election in November, such as World War 3, or the nuclear destruction of New York City.
     5. The New World Order elite probably have more options, but losing is NOT an option, because in their eyes, they CANNOT lose this election. Whatever it takes to defeat Trump in the 2024 Presidential election, they WILL do it.
I am convinced that the Number One option of the NWO elite (mostly Democrats, but not all. It may surprise some of you that both George Bushes were controlled by the NWO.) is to come up with a Democratic ticket that can defeat Trump. Let’s be real. They HAVE to replace Biden, for many, many obvious reasons. Expect the change to probably come at the Democratic convention this summer. In my mind there is only one ticket that can defeat Trump. Kamala Harris may be even more unpopular and unqualified than Biden, but on the surface it appears that any ticket that does not include Harris, might be an unpopular move in the eyes of many women. But Harris would have no chance against Trump. Gavin Newsome, governor of California? His radical policies are forcing people to flee his state in record numbers. He probably is much too liberal.  There seems to be no other candidate who can defeat Trump. The Democrats APPEAR to be in deep trouble.
Sorry, Trump fans (and I will be voting for Trump), but I have already given you two reasons why it is extremely unlikely that Trump will be able to win. There is one other major reason. It is because there is one, and only one Democratic ticket that the NWO are confident will be able to defeat Trump in November. Soon, probably at the Democratic convention, they will be announcing a new ticket. I believe this ticket, can, and will, win. Whether it will be a legal win, or not, remains to be seen. The majority of Christians seem to be putting their faith in Donald Trump to get America back on track again. It is too late for that. God has pronounced judgment on the United States, and given us plenty of warning, which is mostly being ignored. I encourage all of you to put your complete faith in Jesus Christ, not Donald Trump.
I expect the winning ticket to be Michelle Obama as President and Barack Obama as Vice President. Most people are under the impression that Obama cannot serve a third term. The law only says that no person can be ELECTED to more than two terms as President. When Michelle resigns, Barack Obama would then be APPOINTED, not elected, to a third term as President. The law says nothing about becoming Vice President, after serving two terms as President. I realize that Michelle Obama has expressed no interest in becoming President, but I suggest to you that once she is elected, it has probably already been decided that she will resign, so that Barack Obama can take her place as President, probably before inauguration day in January of 2025. Michelle Obama running for President would probably appease most women who may have been upset by Kamala Harris being replaced on the ticket.
It is a legal plan. It is a clever plan, yet is underhanded and deceitful, which is very typical for the NWO. But they will get away with it, just like they got away with the phony birth certificate that is phonier than a 3-dollar bill. I have a copy of Obama’s phone Hawaiin birth certificate in my files. The NWO completely has the media under their control, so they can get away with most anything. This Obama–Obama ticket has most likely been in the NWO plans for years. Most everything you see happening today has been planned way in advance, except Trump winning the Presidency in 2020.
I do not see this ticket as a slam-dunk happening, but a strong likelihood. It remains possible the Democratic ticket could be Joe Biden as President and Barack Obama as Vice President. However, as unfit and unqualified, and unpopular as Biden has become, it seems very unlikely. It would seem to be easy to replace Biden between November and January, but I just do not see the Democrats taking this gamble. Michelle Obama was very popular, and most people will understand that Barack will be replacing her. If not, they would realize that Barack Obama would still be functioning as President, until she was replaced. Obama–Obama. This would seem to be their Plan A, maybe combined with cheating again like they did in 2020. Obama has been destined for 20 years or so to become the World President of the soon-to-be one-world government, and 2025 has been their pre-destined year.
I was one of the first to start proclaiming Obama as the future Antichrist, the Great Deceiver, about 18 years ago. Biblical watchmen, and watchwomen, including myself, have accumulated so much conclusive evidence that Obama is the future Antichrist, that millions of Christians are now on board and many watchmen are now boldly proclaiming it. To many of us watchmen, it is not just a theory, it is a slam-dunk sure thing that Barack Hussein Obama, will soon be in power once again, and indwelt by Satan, like Judas Iscariot was, and become the Antichrist.
Over the years, I have written several enlightening posts for my mailing list of several thousand people who are interested in end-times Bible Prophecy. All of these emails have also been posted on Five Doves (, the most popular, and most-read Bible Prophecy site on the internet. I highly recommend it. John Tng has been the moderator, for almost 3 decades, and is to be commended for his thousands and thousands of hours of work in his ministry.
This post is getting quite lengthy, but there is just so very much important information that you need to know about. I am now going to give to you just a very small fraction of the massive and conclusive evidence that points us directly to Obama as the future Antichrist. Obama is trying to become everything to everybody, in his attempt to imitate the real Christ. He is half black and half white. He claims to be a Christian, but in reality he is a Muslim.
He will attempt to become the man of peace, but he will become a man of war. Is Obama a heterosexual, a homosexual, or bi-sexual? Michelle Obama is affectionately and widely-known as Big Mike on the internet, a reference to Michael Robinson, who bears a striking resemblance to the person known as Michelle Obama. So, is Michelle (or Michael) a natural-born woman, a man, or a transexual? It has been widely reported, including photographs, of Barack Obama and Michael Robinson having a long-term sexual relationship together. So much of Obama’s life, and his words, are extremely deceptive, but the mainstream media is not allowed to talk about it.
Was Obama born in Hawaii (no), or in Kenya (yes)? When Obama’s grandmother began reporting that she witnessed Barack’s birth in Kenya, within days of her revealing disclosure, she mysteriously died. Sounds like the days of Bill and Hillary Clinton. It is not well-known, but Kenya was part of the Old Roman Empire, which many Bible scholars believe has to be connected to the Antichrist. Another reservation that some Christians have about Obama becoming the Antichrist, or Jewish Messiah, is that he is not known to be Jewish. I have in my files a post written by Dr. Wills, that I discovered on Five Doves, who, after years of diligent and extensive, and conclusive research and study, proving that Obama’s roots can be traced directly to the tribe of Dan in Israel. Once the Jews are presented with this amazing and conclusive evidence, combined with making a long-awaited peace covenant with Israel and her enemies, Obama will be received as Israel’s Messiah for the first three and one-half years of the Final 7 Years.
After these Biblical 1260 days, Obama, the Antichrist, will declare himself to be God, and turn against Israel. Thls will begin the Great Tribulation, the last three and one-half years before the literal Return of Christ. With the overwhelming evidence (presented to you in my next post, so join my mailing list) pointing to October of 2025 for the start of the Final 7 Years, we should fully expect the start of the Great Tribulation of three and one-half years, in March–April of 2029. One year earlier, in March–April of 2028, Obama will be 66.6 years old, or 66 years and 6 months. This makes it a strong likelihood that Obama will be involved in something that will identify him as the Antichrist, whose number is 666, in March–April of 2028. It could be the start of the Mark of the Beast, or the start, or finish, of the 3rd Temple in Jerusalem, where the Antichrist will rule the world from. Maybe this is the time when Obama becomes indwelt by Satan, or when he announces himself to be God, committing the Abomination of Desolation.
The actual birth date of Obama, or the one assigned to him, was August 4th of 1961. August 4th just so happens to be the 216th day of the year. 6 times 6 times 6 equals 216. For all of you skeptics, I suppose this is just one more coincidence??? I could definitely go on and on and on and write a long book on all of the conclusive evidence that has been compiled pointing directly to Obama as the future Antichrist. But I am only going to include one more.
This last one is completely my own. I wrote it probably 7 or 8 years ago. It was the most profound post that I have ever written, and I have written several hundred posts, as well as several dozen newsletters, and over 55 Bible Prophecy tracts in the 1990’s, with almost 10,000,000 in circulation. This post also received the most favorable responses of any post that I have ever written.
I believe the Lord has given to me the correct interpretation of Revelation 17:8-11. Here are the verses I want to concentrate on, with the understanding that the “Beast” is another name for the Antichrist.:
Verse 8–“The beast that you saw, was, and is not, and will ascend out of the bottomless pit and go into perdition. And those who dwell on the earth will marvel, whose names were not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world, when they see the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.”
Verse 10–“There are also Seven Kings. Five are fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come. .And when he comes, he must continue a short time.”
Verse 11–“The beast that was, and is not, is himself also the eighth, and is of the seven, and is going to perdition.”
I had never found an interpretation of these verses that resonated with me. Verse 11 tells us that the eighth King is the Beast, that is the Antichrist, but it also tells us that he is one of the first seven Kings. The word, “king” in these verses can be misleading. It can be properly interpreted as “the most powerful person”. It usually represents the most powerful man in the most powerful country in the world, which for a long time has been the United States. I believe the correct interpretation of these verses is that these eight kings represent the last, and final, eight Presidents of the U.S., leading up to the 8th King, who verse 11 tells us is the Beast, or Antichrist, who is Obama. But I do believe we have to make an exception for Joe Biden, who has never been the most powerful man in the U.S., let alone the world. Therefore, he simply cannot be one these last 8 Kings.
Biden has simply been a puppet, taking his orders from Obama, or Obama’s people in power. Verse 8 describes Obama perfectly when it says, “the beast who was, and is not, and yet is.” Obama was (for 8 years, as the 6th King of the world), and is not (because the 7th King of the world, Donald Trump has taken Obama’s place) and yet is (when Obama once again becomes the 8th King of the world, as he once again becomes the U.S. President, after an 8-year absence)”.
Verse 8 tells us that all of the unsaved people of the world will marvel as Obama re-emerges as once again the most powerful man of the world, the King, or President of the one-world government. I must warn all of you unsaved people who happen to be reading this, that Obama is the Great Deceiver. The Bible warns everybody that if any person takes the Mark of the Beast, on their right hand or forehead, they will lose their last chance of salvation. But without this Mark you will not be able to buy or sell ANYTHING! What a choice! Hell for all eternity, or trying to become a Christian, but not be able to buy food, or electricity, or heat, or gasoline, etc. That is what the Great Tribulation is going to be like. I have spent several dozen hours preparing this post because I have a burden for lost souls. I also have a firm conviction that we are almost out of time. Please consider getting saved today, or getting your heart right today, as a lukewarm, compromising, fence-straddling, backslidden Christian.
So, Obama will soon become the 8th King of the world. Trump was the 7th King, who only ruled a short time, that is, just one term, as opposed to several for Obama. The 6th King was Obama (one of the first 7, as well as the 8th King). The 5th King was George Bush II. The 4th King was Bill Clinton. The 3rd King was George Bush I. The 2nd King was Ronald Reagan. The 1st King was Jimmy Carter. This leaves us with one question. Why did the Lord start the procession of 8 Kings with Jimmy Carter?  It took two or three days before the answer was revealed to me.
The Bible reveals to us what event will make the 8th King the Antichrist. It is peace with Israel and her enemies (Daniel 9:27). This is the one Biblical event that starts the Final 7 Years. This will be confirmation that Obama will become the future Antichrist. For decades, the biggest ongoing problem for the whole world has been trying to find peace in the Middle East, revolving around Israel, God’s chosen nation. A permanent peace will not take place until Jesus returns to rule and reign for 1000 years. A temporary peace will take place, initiated by the 8th King, the Antichrist, Barack Obama. We have every reason to believe that this temporary peace with Israel will last 1260 days, which is three and one-half years from the Fall of 2025 until the Spring of 2029.
It is obvious why these 8 Kings end with Obama, the future Antichrist as the 8th and Final King. But why did God choose Jimmy Carter as the 1st King? It is because the whole peace process with Israel BEGAN WITH JIMMY CARTER!!! The Camp David Accords, signed by President, and King number 1, Jimmy Carter, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, and Israeli Prime Minister Menachim Begin in March of 1979. We can expect the entire Israeli peace process to end exactly 50 years later, in late March of 2029, when the Great Tribulation, and the Jews are forced to flee from the land of Israel. This is just one more amazing confirmation of our expected timeline of the Final 7 Years. A peace process involving 8 Kings, from Jimmy Carter to Barack Obama. A peace process of EXACTLY 50 years! Quoting from Ed Vallowe’s excellent book, “Biblical Mathematics”, he says, “the number 50 is connected with Israel’s return and restoration to their land which God gave to them.” What an amazing God we serve! Exactly 50 years from the very beginning of Israel’s peace process to the very end of Israel’s peace process. What is so very amazing to me, and should be to you also, is that I had no idea of this 50-year peace process with Israel until I discovered it while writing this. I will definitely have to include this in my next post when I add it to the many reasons why we should fully expect the Final 7 Years to begin in the Fall of 2025 and end in the Fall of 2032. I am literally in awe of what God has just chosen to reveal to me, and to all of you.
If the Lord tarries, here are some of the next topics I intend to be writing about:
     1. Why do we have every reason to believe that Final 7 Years will start in the Fall of 2025 and end in the Fall of 2032?  The evidence, which just got even stronger as I write this, is Biblical, overwhelming, and will amaze you. This should be the main topic of my next post. The rest of these topics are in no particular order.
     2. Why the war with Israel will get worse and more extensive and will lead us directly to the start of the Final 7 Years. This is an extremely important sign that the end is getting very, very near.
     3. The Rapture, or Raptures. Yes, I believe in more than one future Rapture and I believe this is Biblical. Most watchmen believe in the Gap theory, that there has to be a gap between the 1st Rapture and the start of the Final 7 Years. If this is true, this means that the 1st Rapture could happen in 2024, or in 2025.
     4. Are all Christians going in this first Rapture? What does the Bible teach us about this very important topic?
     5. Further updates on this all-important Presidential election coming up.
     6. Is there a gap between the 2nd Coming of Christ and the start of the Millenium?
     7. Some see the Bible teaching that we have to see a big revival before the Final 7 Years begins. Is this true, or could this happen during the Final 7 Years? Or both?
     8. The Bible only clearly implies two cities that we should fully expect to be destroyed by nuclear weapons. What are these two cities, and will there be more than two?
     9.  Ezekiel 38 and 39. Is this part of World War 3, and when does this take place in relation to the Final 7 Years? This is not an easy question to answer.
     10. Who is Mystery Babylon in the Book of Revelation?
I encourage all of you to forward this email to your family and friends, regardless of their spiritual condition. Everyone needs to be warned about Obama, and about how close we almost certainly are to the start of the horrific Final 7 Years. If you did not receive this email directly from me, there is no guarantee that whoever forwarded it to you will forward my future emails to you. Just send me an email at, and put the word, “Subscribe” in the title line and you will be added to my email list of several thousand people.
If you are reading this email on Five Doves and have been on my mailing list in the past, please give me two weeks to send this email to your email account, as AOL has really messed up my mailing lists. I will add you again, if you request it, after two weeks. This way we can hopefully avoid duplications. I have not written any posts in four or five years, so you have not missed any emails from me. Although I encourage you to mail my emails to your family and friends, especially in these very last days, please do not ask me to add other people to my mailing list. A request must come from people directly.
The Word of God describes the Final 7 Years as, by far, the worst time ever in world history. Over two-thirds of earth’s population will die during this horrible devastating time. The Bible also teaches that everyone will spend eternity in either Heaven of Hell. Nobody will be found good enough to go to Heaven by God. You MUST follow God’s plan of salvation. There is no other way. Accepting God’s Son, Jesus Christ, as your personal Lord and Saviour is the only way that any of us can make it to Heaven.
Now, say this prayer out loud, and mean it in your heart, and you will be saved:
“Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for dying on the cross for MY sins. I repent of my sins, which means I turn away from my sins, and turn my life over to you. I ask you, right now, to become my PERSONAL Lord and Saviour. By the power of your Holy Spirit, give me victory over sin and temptations. Lead me and guide me to the right fundamental, Bible-believing Protestant church which you have chosen for me. Help me to understand Your Word, as I read it (New Testament first). Thank you for saving me. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.”
Maranatha! (Behold, the Lord cometh quickly.)
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