How voter fraud in the UK has enabled the Asian rape gangs
Raja Miah, an anti-grooming gang campaigner, has exposed wholesale voting fraud in the Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities in the UK through postal votes on demand.
The postal voting on demand system, introduced by Tony Blair in 2001, has enabled wholesale organised fraud and has been exploited in areas with high Muslim populations, such as Rochdale and Oldham.
The postal vote fraud is not limited to one political party but is linked across parties, with votes often being collected by “cartels” or gangsters and sold to candidates or parties. Postal vote fraud is intertwined with a variety of criminal activities, including the Asian rape gangs.
This network of organised crime and voting fraud has been exploited by Labour politicians to win seats on local councils and in the House of Commons. It is the reason why the political establishment has, for decades, covered up the rape of hundreds of thousands of white working-class girls by gangs of predominantly Asian men.
Raja Miah describes himself as an anti-grooming gang campaigner who senior Labour Party officials, who are now in government, have labelled as “a dangerous man.” He publishes articles and videos on two websites: Red Wall & the Rabble and Recusant-Nine. Yesterday he tweeted a video exposing how “wholesale” voting fraud occurs in the Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities in the UK. On the same day he was interviewed by The New Culture Forum during which he explained how this electoral fraud ties into organised crime, specifically the cover-up of the rape gangs.
Table of Contents
Twitter Post by Raja Miah
Yesterday, Raja Miah tweeted the following and attached a video he recorded early last year about how postal voting fraud occurs in the UK.
Ever wanted to know how the Muslim bloc vote operates and postal votes used to rig elections in towns where political parties rely on securing votes from Pakistani & Bangladeshi communities?
They Want Me Silenced. I Refuse to Back Down.
For six years, I’ve exposed the truth of how and why UK Labour politicians protected Pakistani Rape Gangs. Despite every attempt to silence me, the world now knows the truth of how children were exchanged for votes.
My name is Raja Miah MBE. I once advised the government on safeguarding children and protecting communities from extremists. Queen Elizabeth II honoured me for my service. Now, my family is targeted, my daughter terrorised and Islamists openly endorse my murder. All because I refused to look the other way to the gang rape of working-class white girls.
Our fight for justice has always been community-funded. If you believe in what we’ve achieved together, I need your help. Subscribe to my newsletter for just 75p a week.
The mainstream media won’t tell this story. And given the chance, Keir Starmer and his friends in the Muslim block vote-reliant Labour Party would rather we all move on.
Stand with me and help me finish this.
How Postal Vote Election Fraud Occurs in the UK
If the video above is removed from YouTube, you can watch it on Twitter (now X) HERE.
Concerns about Postal Vote Fraud in Rochdale By-election
In the year-old video above re-published on Twitter (now X) yesterday, Raja Miah discussed how election fraud occurs using the postal votes on demand system, specifically in places with a high Muslim population such as Rochdale and Oldham. Miah is sharing his own experiences as part of the Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities but is confident these fraudulent practices are happening in all Muslim communities throughout the UK.
Postal voting on demand allows any eligible voter to apply for a postal vote without providing a specific reason. The system was introduced by Tony Blair in 2001. The Representation of the People Act 2000 introduced absent voting on demand, repealing the 1872 Ballot Act, which was passed to end the fraud and bribery that used to accompany elections when voting was open. Before Blair’s “reform,” postal votes were reserved for people who were physically unable to get to a voting station to cast their ballot in person. Before 2001, postal ballots were restricted to, for example, people in the armed services stationed overseas or people with disabilities. It was Blair’s “reform” of relaxing rules on postal ballots to allow anyone within the UK to use postal ballots to cast their vote that left the electoral system wide open to organised fraud.
Further reading:
- UK ballot fraud delivers blow to postal voting, Financial Times, 4 April 2005
- Postal votes ‘undermine faith in our democracy’, The Times, 6 August 2005
- Blair at centre of new row over postal votes, The Guardian, 15 April 2005
- Mass postal voting is endangering our democracy, The Telegraph, 18 June 2024
Miah began by demonstrating the impact postal votes have in certain constituencies by using Rochdale as an example. In January 2024, the then Member of Parliament for Rochdale, Sir Tony Lloyd, died which triggered a by-election.
Candidates included internationalist (globalist) and socialist George Galloway and Labour’s Azhar Ali. Labour leader Keir Starmer had initially backed Ali to contest the by-election but later retracted his support over Ali’s remarks about Israel and “people in the media from certain Jewish quarters.” Ali was suspended from the Labour Party pending an investigation.
In the 2019 general election in Rochdale, Miah showed that Tony Lloyd received over 24,000 votes, which was about 50% of the turnout, the win the election.
Miah said that according to a reliable source, 24,000 postal votes were registered in Rochdale for the by-election in 2024. So, the postal votes were clearly the deciding factor on who won the 2024 by-election, especially considering the turnout of voters in by-elections tends to be lower than in general elections.
Miah suggests that the high number of postal votes in Rochdale, combined with the vulnerabilities to fraud in the UK’s electoral system, raises alarm bells and warrants further investigation.
The ‘Securing the Ballot’ Report and Electoral Fraud
Miah referred to a 2016 government report called ‘Securing the Ballot: Review into Electoral Fraud’, which is a review into electoral fraud by Sir Eric Pickles. This report, he said confirms all the concerns he has from witnessing what happens in the Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities.
Related: Election fraud allowed to take place in Muslim communities because of ‘political correctness’, report warns, The Telegraph, 12 August 2016
The report highlights the threat of electoral fraud to the UK’s democracy, with unscrupulous people seeking to subvert the will of the electorate and manipulate local authority policy and funding for their own ends.
My work in the Department for Communities and Local Government during the previous Parliament highlighted some shocking issues and revelations: our well-respected democracy is at threat from unscrupulous people intent on subverting the will of the electorate to put their own candidates into power, and in turn, manipulate local authority policy and funding to their own self-centred ends.
Securing the ballot, Report of Sir Eric Pickles’ review into electoral fraud, 12 August 2016, pg. 2
The report also notes that international organisations, such as the Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, have raised concerns about the vulnerabilities to fraud in the UK’s trust-based electoral system.
The Tower Hamlets case, where Lutfur Rahman was removed from office, serves as a significant reference point for the review of election fraud in the UK, highlighting weaknesses in the system employed throughout Great Britain.
Abuses of postal voting on demand were noted too often be carried out in communities where an individual’s right to vote in secret and exercise free choice may not be fully valued. Evidence was presented of pressure being put on vulnerable members of some ethnic minority communities, particularly women and young people, to vote according to the will of the elders, especially in communities of Pakistani and Bangladeshi background. There were concerns that influence and intimidation within households may not be reported, and that state institutions had turned a blind eye to such behaviour because of ‘politically correct’ over-sensitivities about ethnicity and religion.
Securing the ballot, Report of Sir Eric Pickles’ review into electoral fraud, 12 August 2016, pg. 22
The abuse of the system in Tower Hamlets was facilitated by weaknesses that can be exploited nationwide, undermining trust in democratic institutions and potentially discouraging people from voting due to perceptions of postal vote fraud.
Electoral fraud and corruption are often intertwined with other forms of crime, such as financial crime and illegal immigration, as noted by Sir Eric Pickles, the government’s anti-corruption champion.
Local authorities’ procurement roles and quasi-judicial decisions on planning and licensing can be compromised by people who cheat their way to power, highlighting the need for a comprehensive and robust approach to tackling fraud.
Electoral fraud and corruption is intertwined with other forms of crime as well. Local authorities have a large procurement role. A group of people who cheat their way to power are unlikely to hold a higher moral standard when handing out public contracts, or when making quasi-judicial decision on planning and licensing. Electoral registration fraud is connected with financial crime and illegal immigration.
Securing the ballot, Report of Sir Eric Pickles’ review into electoral fraud, 12 August 2016, pg. 2
The ‘Absent Voting’ Report and Ongoing Concerns
The ‘Securing the Ballot’ report proposed a series of measures to address election fraud, including changes to postal voter registration, such as requiring a date of birth and sample signature and limiting postal voter registration to three years.
Despite these changes, Miah said, the issue has not been fully addressed. A 2023 report by Neil Johnston and Elise Uberoi titled ‘Absent Voting’ highlighted ongoing concerns with absent voting, including postal and proxy voting.
Absent voting includes postal votes, where a person fills in their ballot in advance and sends it back to be counted, and proxy votes, where a person asks someone to vote on their behalf on polling day.
Anyone who is registered to vote in Great Britain can ask for a postal vote at any time. They do not need to give a reason. This is called postal voting on demand.
This includes someone who has been appointed as a proxy voter for someone else, but who cannot get to the appropriate polling station.
Absent voting, Research Briefing, House of Commons, 27 November 2023, pg. 8
At the time the then-Prime Minister Tony Blair changed the rules in 2001, making postal voting available on demand, the number of people registered for postal voting was 2%. This had significantly increased to 17.2% in the 2019 general election.
… at the 2019 General Election, 17.2% of voters across the UK were issued with a postal ballot. This compares with 18.0% of all voters in 2017, 16.4% in 2015 and 15.3% in 2010. [pg. 26]
Turnout tends to be higher for postal voters than those who vote at polling stations. This means that 21.0% of all valid votes at the 2019 General Election were postal votes. Before postal voting rules were changed in 2001, this was around 2%. [pg. 5]
Absent voting, Research Briefing, House of Commons, 27 November 2023
The significant increase is because postal voting on demand, the system that Blair introduced in 2001, means that anyone registered to vote in Great Britain can request a postal vote at any time without needing to provide a reason.
Postal vote applications require voters to supply their date of birth and signature as personal identifiers, which are checked for security purposes to the signatures and date of birth on the ballot when votes are returned.
A waiver provision is available for people unable to provide a signature due to disability or inability to read or write, requiring a reason for the request and the name and address of any person assisting with the application.
Voter ID and Electoral Fraud
Before the introduction of voter ID, electoral fraud was relatively simple to commit, particularly in close-knit communities, such as the Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities, where people responsible for the fraud could identify who was away or not voting. Without voter ID, people could impersonate others and cast votes on their behalf, with cases reported as recently as the 2019 local elections.
In the 2019 elections a friend of Miah who went to the polling station to cast his vote in the evening. When he got there, he discovered someone else had voted pretending to be him during the day. He reported his stolen vote to the police.
Miah gave another example of a stolen vote by impersonators. “In my town, in Oldham, a number of years ago,” he said, “the official Conservative candidate had his vote stolen. It was done on purpose by the criminal gangs to demonstrate their power: ‘You stood against us, you think you can outsmart us, you think you can stand against us? We’ll show you’. They went to the polling station and voted as though they were the official opposition [Conservative] candidate that’s how powerful these people are.”
In 2016, Eric Pickles made recommendations to address electoral fraud, including the introduction of voter ID, which Labour opposed. Voter ID requirements for in-person voting were finally introduced in the UK starting from May 2023, following the Elections Act 2022. The introduction of voter ID has helped to prevent electoral fraud, contrary to claims that it is not a significant issue.
Methods and Evidence of Electoral Fraud
After 2001 but before changes in postal voting regulations, people could be registered for postal votes without their knowledge or consent, and these votes could be intercepted and filled in by others. The votes were then submitted without any checks or balances to verify the authenticity of the voter, allowing for widespread electoral fraud.
Eric Pickles introduced reforms to address this issue, requiring individuals to apply for postal votes, provide a signature and date of birth, and limit the duration of postal voter registration. Despite these reforms, postal votes can still be intercepted by family members or people living in the same household, who can collect and fill in the votes without the knowledge or consent of the registered voter.
In some cases, postal votes are being collected by political candidates or their representatives, who are registering people for postal votes and then collecting and filling in the votes themselves. This is often done with the cooperation of the voters, who may hand over their signed but incomplete (no candidate selected) postal ballot paper as a demonstration of loyalty or in exchange for favours, particularly in areas with clan-based politics.
The collected postal votes are then “harvested” by being taken to a centralised location where the votes are filled in, “X” marked against a candidate’s name, according to the desires of the people collecting them.
This practice of collecting postal ballots for harvesting has been witnessed by people, including a postman who reported seeing someone collecting postal votes from a letterbox.
Miah attributes the surge in the number of postal votes counted to the efforts of political candidates and their representatives, those who want the votes, rather than an increase in voter demand for postal votes.
“This is made easier because the marked registers that they all have access to actually shows who is already a postal voter. So [the candidates or their agents are] knocking on doors of people who aren’t registered to postal vote mopping them up. That’s what is currently taking place,” Miah said.
Electoral fraud can occur in various ways, he said, including people voluntarily handing over their postal votes in exchange for favours, such as housing lists, immigration status, council grants or planning applications.
Votes can also be sold, particularly by gang masters who have power over people they have brought into the country (often through modern-day slavery) and registered to vote. “If they’re selling people, enslaving people, do you not think that they’re selling votes?” Miah asked.
Outright forgery is another method, where gangsters with a history of violent crime may intimidate voters into handing over their postal votes, which are then signed, dated, and used to cast fraudulent votes.
Giving a hypothetical example of how this works in practice, Miah said: “A gangster will come and knock on your door; someone like a convicted heroin dealer someone like an individual who’s been in prison for carrying guns and attacking people with machetes, someone like that will come and hammer on your door – remember they already know who’s registered for postal votes, so you might have even registered for postal votes for a legitimate reason – they’ll come in a knock on your door and they’ll say. ‘I know you’ve got seven postal votes in this house how do you want it to end?’”
Bribery is also a common method of electoral fraud, with examples including the sale of properties at discounted prices to friends of local politicians in exchange for influence and votes.
Miah accuses Andy Burnham’s Greater Manchester Police of covering up electoral fraud, including a specific incident involving the sale of Glodwick Baths to friends of Arooj Shah, the leader of Oldham Council and Chair of the Labour Party Constitutional Committee.
Read more: The Fast Track Sale of Glodwick Baths, Recusant Nine
The current checks in place to prevent electoral fraud, such as requiring a signature and date of birth, are insufficient, as these can be easily forged or added to a blank postal vote form.
The harvesting of postal votes is a significant concern, where blank postal vote forms are collected and then used to cast fraudulent votes, often without the knowledge or consent of the registered voter.
Further Concerns and the Need for Greater Action
The 2023 ‘Absent voting’ report noted that the introduction of National Insurance numbers for absent voting applications is now required. However, this does not address the issue of electoral fraud, as the fraud often takes place after the application has been made.
The actual fraud in the UK postal voting system occurs when returning the postal vote, as the necessary information for checks and balances is already filled in, except for the voter’s signature.
Before 12 December 2023, there was no limit to the number of postal voting packs that could be handed in at a UK parliament election, making it possible for someone to submit a large number of votes. The ‘Absent voting’ report noted:
There will also be a limit of five on the number of postal vote packs that anyone can hand into a polling station in Great Britain. If handing in someone else’s postal ballot the person handing in will be required to fill in a declaration. Failure to make the declaration as required or an attempt by a campaigner to hand in a postal vote will lead to the ballots being rejected and they cannot be included in the count. Northern Ireland voters cannot hand in postal votes at polling stations or council offices.
Absent voting, Research Briefing, House of Commons, 27 November 2023, pg. 6
As Miah noted, “That means before 2023, I could rock up before the 12th of December – so up to any election that’s gone on before now – I could rock up with 5,000 postal votes and hand them over. And that’s if you hand them in of course. If you return them by post it makes no difference.”
The Electoral Commission has stated that no absent voting process can be guaranteed to be free from the risk of electoral fraud and that postal voting makes people more vulnerable to undue influence, intimidation, harassment, or pressure to vote in a particular way:
The Electoral Commission submission to the Pickles report also noted there were opportunities for further improving the security of postal voting processes by preventing undue influence on people who have received a postal ballot:
“No absent voting process can be guaranteed to be free from the risk of electoral fraud. By removing the act of voting from the protected public space of a polling station, people who have been sent postal ballot packs may be more vulnerable to undue influence, intimidation, harassment or pressure to vote in a particular way. Because of this vulnerability, electors may also face pressure to apply for an absent vote against their wishes.”—Electoral Commission, Written evidence submitted by the Electoral Commission to Sir Eric Pickles’ review of electoral fraud, October 2015, p8
Absent voting, Research Briefing, House of Commons, 27 November 2023, pg. 38
The current system is open to massive fraud, and studies from Manchester University in Oldham and Pendle have shown that this form of electoral fraud is open to exploitation, particularly in certain communities.
Related: Understanding electoral fraud vulnerability in Pakistani and Bangladeshi origin communities in England, The University of Manchester, January 2015 (access PDF HERE)
The fraud is not limited to one political party but is linked across parties, Miah said that all parties are involved, which is why no one wants to do anything about it.
The votes are often collected by “cartels” or gangsters, who then sell them to candidates or parties. The cartels target specific wards – such as Werneth, Coldhurst and Alexandra, three wards in Oldham – and sell votes to the highest bidder, regardless of the candidate’s party affiliation.
“The Electoral Commission is clear, as is the Pickles report, that actually this issue is not just linked to one political party. It’s linked across political parties. The suggestion is that they’re all at it which is why no one wants to do anything about it,” he said.
Gary, who was watching Miah’s podcast, witnessed the fraud firsthand at a local election count, where Asian candidates and their representatives would exchange votes and engage in vote-swapping.
“[Gary] stood for a local election this time, along with a few of us, and he was at the count. One of the things Gary said to me when he came out, and I wasn’t at the count by the way, one of the things Gary said to me was how in the Asian area counts they were all chatting to each other and it was like all in it together,” Miah said. “They were different factions of the same family groups the same clans, the same grouping.”
The vote-swapping process involves candidates collecting postal votes in one area and exchanging them with votes from another area, often through intermediaries, to secure votes for themselves.
Miah also explains that candidates will meet in the lead-up to the election and negotiate and agree among themselves to fill in postal votes for each other, leaving some votes blank to sell to other candidates, making a profit from the process.
Miah said that postal vote electoral fraud is “wholesale” and involves various groups, including thugs, cartels, clan representatives and candidates, with the government aware of the issue but unwilling to address it.
Related: Warehouse was electoral fraud factory, The Guardian, 5 April 2005
“The government are necked deep in the scandal,” Miah said. “They won’t own up to what’s taking place. And the reason they won’t own up to what’s taking place is because it completely undermines our electoral system and makes it comparable to that of a Banana Republic,”
“The only thing left,” he added, “is for the fraud not to be taken place by the actual officials who are doing the counting. In terms of corruption, that’s the only thing left in this process.” However, even that may be happening.
In the 2021 local elections, there was a high court case that was later dropped due to witness intimidation, which involved council officials restricting the activities of one party over another.
“Electoral fraud, postal vote fraud, the rigging of elections is very real – particularly, and I won’t say Muslim, in Pakistani and Bangladeshi wards,” Miah said, allowing candidates to be elected and influencing general elections and by-elections.
Miah accused politicians, including Jim McMahon, Debbie Abrahams and Andy Burnham, of benefiting from postal vote fraud and so refusing to speak out against it.
The current postal vote system is rigged and needs to be reformed to restrict postal votes to those who genuinely need them, such as the armed forces and people in hospital, Miah said.
Miah emphasized the need to stop postal vote fraud, citing the disenfranchisement of the white working-class community and the impossibility of beating the criminal system as it stands. The solution lies in candidates and politicians standing up to demand reform and acknowledging that the system is rigged.
Mosques and Allegations of Postal Vote Harvesting
Allegations of postal vote harvesting at Oldham Central Mosque has been reported, which was secretly funded by the council through an 18-year interest-free loan. The mosque’s management committee, mostly comprised of Labour Party members, denied involvement in elections, despite evidence to the contrary.
Related: Welcome to Oldham Part VI, Recusant Nine
Miah expressed concern over the high number of postal votes, 24,000, in the Rochdale by-election, questioning how many people willingly register for postal votes and how many are coerced into handing them over to family members or gangmasters.
He is alsoconcerned about the increasing number of postal votes in the country, stating that 1 in 5 votes are now postal votes, and in some communities like Rochdale, the figure is even higher, with 1 in 2 or 2 out of 3 votes being postal votes.
Appeal for Support
Miah has been investigating election issues for 5 years and is only able to continue his work due to the support of subscribers, who contribute as little as 75p or more.
He is currently £83 short of a £1,000 target and promises to make his content available for free once the target is reached, provided subscribers continue to support his work.
He concluded by thanking his supporters and expressing a message of encouragement, telling us not to fear those in power.
Labour Politicians Linked to Grooming Gangs
Yesterday, Miah joined The New Culture Forum to reveal how the Labour Party, the police and the media conspired to cover up the rape gang scandal.
Miah started publicly talking about the rape gangs six years ago. One of the people that he took the baton from was the late Warren Bates, a former Oldham councillor, who had been trying to raise the issue of the rape gangs for about 10 years.
Miah told the Forum’s Peter Whittle that he believes that the local press has been “partners in the cover-up” of the rape gang scandal, as they have consistently refused to report on it despite being approached by victims, politicians and local community members.
The local BBC, specifically BBC Northwest, has also been involved in the cover-up, with senior political correspondent Kevin Fitzpatrick conspiring with the leader of the council, Jim McMahon, to keep the news of grooming gangs out of the public eye.
The local press’s attitude towards the scandal is believed to be due to a “cosy arrangement” with the local councils, who provide them with funding and information, and a desire to maintain “community relations” and avoid offending certain groups.
A former Labour MP, Denis McShane, mentioned in an interview that there was a feeling that they shouldn’t “rock the multicultural boat,” which may have contributed to the allowance of certain issues to persist.
Related: Rotherham sex abuse: Disgraced ex-MP admits ‘I should have done more to investigate allegations’, Mirror, 27 August 2014
The combination of funding dependence and a desire to maintain community relations has led to the local press being “politically on side” and refusing to report on the scandal.
Miah has pieced together a network that allowed grooming gangs to operate, revealing a complicated system that involved the Labour Party and other entities. The realisation that something was terribly wrong came when Miah was arrested the for first time and he knew the charges were fabricated, indicating a systemic issue rather than individual mistakes. Miah has been threatened regularly, including an incident last Sunday where the police were at his house. He believes the Labour Party continues to protect a network of individuals involved in organised crime and Islamist groups.
Miah is of Bangladeshi heritage and a Muslim. “In the Bangladeshi/Pakistani/Muslim communities [the Labour Party has] a strange partnership with two types of people. One is, I call them the cartels – these are families within those communities who have direct links with organised crime, they’re not even hiding it … And then there is this growing number of Islamists.”
Adding, “Both those factions have come after me and consistently come after me. Not because I’ve criticised either of them but because I’ve questioned and brought to public attention the way in which politics works in a town such as mine.”
The country is being held to ransom by a small demographic of people, Miah said, specifically referencing the Labour Party being in a “right mess” due to being blackmailed by a group controlling 80-100 constituencies.
The four “sectarian Muslims,” five if you include Jeremy Corbyn, that have been elected as Members of Parliament (“MPs”) are not Muslims. “I call them Islamists. I’m clear what they are, they’re Islamists,” Miah said.
Related: Muslims vs. Islamists, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, 8 June 2016
Whittle posited the idea that Labour no longer needs these Islamist MPs to achieve their aims. Miah believes the Labour Party is trying to outwit Islamists by using a narrative of “white racists” to lure Muslims into their fold while bypassing the Islamists.
Immediately after the Southport murders and the protests that followed, Starmer came out immediately and spoke about the need to protect the Muslim community. What the Labour Party are trying to do, Miah said, is “trying to reassert their influence over the Muslim communities by saying, ‘if we don’t take care of you, these racist white folk are going to come and get you’.”
He continued, “So that’s the game being played by the Labour Party to counter the Islamists is to say, ‘Okay you can elect Islamist MPs if you want but they haven’t got the power to take care of you; we’ve got the Prime Minister on side, we’ve got senior government ministers on side, and we will take care of you’. So, they’re trying to outflank the Islamists. And they’re using the legitimate concerns, grievances, in the wider community … just as they [looked] the other way to white working-class girls being abused, they are using that same approach on a wider demographic of working-class communities.”
The issue of white grooming gangs is often hidden and covered up, and these crimes are racially motivated, with perpetrators targeting white, working-class girls and degrading them due to their background. The victims of these crimes have reported that the perpetrators made it clear they were targeted because of their race and class.
Miah has been involved in politics for around six years but previously spent 15 years working on counter-extremism, including sitting on government task forces, such as one led by David Blunkett when he was Home Secretary.
He is horrified by the increasing segregation and sectarianism in the country and believes that the increasing segregation is a result of a deliberate strategy.
The rise of Islamist extremism and the consequences of a failed multicultural strategy in the UK date back to 1997, with the Tony Blair Labour government attempting to address these issues at the time.
At a local level, there was an arrangement between the Labour Party and Asian politicians, where white politicians would take care of Asian politicians, often at the expense of the white working class. Over time, Asian politicians, particularly from Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities, began to represent themselves and their own community needs, eventually replacing white politicians in council seats and now seeking MP seats.
Miah explained that the Labour Party’s dominance in multicultural communities led to an arrangement where local white politicians would prioritise the needs of Asian politicians in exchange for votes, which were often harvested through postal voting. This arrangement allowed Labour politicians to maintain power while ignoring the needs of working-class white girls who were victims of grooming gangs. The calculated exchange involved looking the other way in exchange for votes from the Asian community, which were provided to the Labour Party.
On a practical level, this arrangement worked through community centres, where People like Shabir Ahmed, a notorious grooming gang leader, were employed and helped to harvest postal votes for the Labour Party.
The introduction of postal voting by Tony Blair allowed for the collection and harvesting of signed postal votes, which were often left blank, to be used for Labour candidates.
Organised crime groups, including heroin dealers, operated in the same networks as grooming gangs and were involved in electoral fraud through the harvesting of postal votes. These groups would often use intimidation tactics, such as reminding people to register for postal votes, to influence the outcome of elections. Shabir Ahmed, a prominent member of the Labour Party, was a key figure in these networks and was known to regularly visit the office of Labour MP Michael Meacher.
Another politician involved in these networks, Miah said, was former Liberal Democrat MP Phil Willis. Miah thinks Willis was eventually removed as an MP due to the Misrepresentation of People’s Act. Willis is now a life peer in the House of Lords.
The system underlying the Labour Party’s power was heavily dependent on postal votes, which were often harvested through intimidation and coercion. The infiltration of the electoral system and the foundations of democracy by organised crime groups and grooming gangs has delegitimised the state and requires urgent attention. Miah said.
A national inquiry into the rape gangs is needed, but it should not be used to delay justice, and those responsible should be held accountable and put in prison.
In Manchester, a network of 97 men was identified by Greater Manchester Police, but the investigation was shut down, and the minutes of the meeting where the decision was made have gone missing.
The system has covered up the crimes and it is necessary to hold to account not just the perpetrators but also those who were complicit in closing down the investigations. A layer of politicians has emerged who are complicit and partners in the cover-up, and it is right to say that there has not been a single prosecution of any official in any branch, except for two policemen in West Yorkshire who were partners with the grooming gangs.
The situation of grooming gangs and the cover-up by the political establishment is systemic, cultural and institutional, Miah said. And “the institutional culture in our political establishment was to cover this up.”
The systemic abuse of hundreds of thousands of children is unspeakable and reveals alarming attitudes, including disdain and snobbery towards working-class white people.
Related: Lord Pearson of Rannoch spoken contribution on Grooming Gangs, House of Lords, Hansard, 14 May 2019 and Was the King’s Speech used to suppress the truth about grooming and violence? (video), Dr. G Ashenden, 2 January 2025
White working-class girls were abandoned and failed by society, and people in power decided to exchange them for power. If the same situation had happened to girls from the Muslim community, there would be national outrage.
The issue was framed as a far-right issue, which was intentional, and manipulated communities who are politically disenfranchised. The framing of the issue as a far-right conspiracy was done on purpose to discredit those who spoke out against it.
When asked what can be done. Miah responded, “We’ve launched a campaign, we’re trying our best. It’s a grassroots campaign.
“We launched a campaign where we are encouraging councils across the country to call an ‘Extraordinary Council Meeting with a single motion’. That motion is demanding a national inquiry … and write to the Home Secretary saying, ‘This isn’t good enough we want a national inquiry’. This includes the towns and cities where the grooming gangs operated and also those where it didn’t because we all have a responsibility.”
If you would like to help Miah’s campaign, you can find a draft of the letter to be sent to your town and city councils HERE.