
How the PCR test has killed millions – and is STILL killing!

The PCR test is responsible for more deaths than any test in history. It has been the weapon of choice for those determined to create fear, to justify pointless and damaging lockdowns, harmful and futile mask wearing and toxic and useless vaccinations.

“Anyone who has ever used the PCR test as a diagnostic aid is a criminal and should be regarded as such,” Dr. Vernon Coleman writes.

The late Kary Mullis invented the polymerase chain reaction (“PCR”) test in 1984-1985 for research purposes to amplify specific DNA or RNA sequences for genetic analysis. It is a DNA amplification technique, not a diagnostic tool.

Nevertheless, in the early 2000s PCR-based tests began to be adopted for diagnostic purposes, particularly for detecting infectious diseases such as HIV, tuberculosis and influenza.

The covid-19 “pandemic” accelerated PCR test development and its widespread use. The first PCR-based covid tests were approved for emergency use in late 2019 to early 2020 to detect the genetic material, or fragments of RNA, of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that is said to cause covid-19.

Even when done properly – using gene sequences which are uniquely specific to a particular pathogen, correct procedures (e.g. low amplification cycles) and correct sampling and testing conditions (e.g. samples that are not cross-contaminated from other samples or sources) – PCR tests are meaningless as a diagnostic tool.  They cannot detect whether someone has an infection, they can only detect genetic material which could have been present in the person or animal’s body for decades.

Kary Mullis, Inventor of PCR Test – “PCR is not a reliable test for viruses”

PCR tests are not only ineffective for diagnosing whether someone has an infection, but they are also dangerous. In the following, Dr. Coleman argues that the PCR is the most lethal medical test in history.

By Dr. Vernon Coleman

The PCR test is responsible for more deaths than any test in history. It was a crucial weapon in misdiagnosing millions of patients. I recently reprinted an article I first wrote three years ago. But there is more to know about the PCR test which I will, in this article, show to be not only worthless but to be responsible for the deaths of millions.

Since the flu of 2019 was selected to be marketed and promoted as a major threat to mankind, and the fake covid pandemic first became a weapon in the manufactured war driving us remorselessly towards “Net Zero” and the “Great Reset,” the PCR test has been the weapon of choice for those determined to create fear, to justify pointless and damaging lockdowns, harmful and futile mask wearing and toxic and useless vaccinations.

It was always known that the PCR test didn’t work and wasn’t of any value in detecting the over-promoted and oversold version of the annual flu known as covid-19.

Right from the start, the evidence showed that the PCR test was utterly useless in making diagnoses. It was, in fact, worse than useless since it created an epidemic of false positives. No test in history has ever been so misused or used with such malignant intent. And, of course, despite denials there is evidence that the PCR test has killed people. For the evidence, please see my article entitled `The PCR Test Can Kill You…’ which was re-published here, on, just a few days ago.

Everyone who used or promoted the PCR test in the guise of diagnosing covid, or who still uses or promotes the PCR test for that purpose, should be arrested and charged with being part of a conspiracy to deceive, to manipulate and to kill. Anyone who has ever used the PCR test as a diagnostic aid is a criminal and should be regarded as such.

Those who use or have used the PCR test are demonstrably and unarguably guilty of two types of crime – crimes of commission and crimes of omission.

The PCR test is the most lethal test in history and it is time now to try to assess the extent of the damage that has been done – damage that has been done deliberately and with malice aforethought.

First, look at the crimes of commission.

Around the world millions of patients have been falsely diagnosed as having covid – the rebranded flu – as a result of the PCR test.

And huge numbers have been mistreated and too often killed by inappropriate and dangerous treatment programmes. We will never know, for example, how many people were killed by being put on ventilators.

Most people who get the flu get better by resting and using old-fashioned, well-tried remedies. In the six-month flu season, the number of people who get the flu can be measured in hundreds of millions and the number who die of the standard, annual flu can be around 650,000 per six-month flu season. Compare those figures to the genuine covid flu figures (which can easily be ascertained from official figures) and it is clear that covid was nothing more than an average flu.

The treatments offered to patients with the re-branded flu were inappropriate and deadly.

We will never know how many people who were diagnosed with covid-19 through the PCR test – and who may or may not have had the flu – were killed by doctors prescribing dangerous and inappropriate treatments. This truly was a slaughter of the vulnerable and the innocent.

Those then were the sins of commission.

The sins of omission, however, were much, much greater.

The problem was that misguided and ignorant doctors forgot to read the instructions and regarded the PCR test as definitive when it was, and is, utterly useless. Having a positive PCR test doesn’t mean that you have covid-19 any more than it means you have dandruff, acne or myxomatosis. As a medical historian, I can tell you that there has never, in all of history, been a more useless and dangerous test than the PCR test.

The result was that millions of patients who had serious and treatable diseases were misdiagnosed and mistreated because of the PCR test.

Patients who were admitted to hospital because of a positive PCR test, or who had a positive PCR test after being admitted to hospital, were treated (if that is the right word) as though they had the flu (covid). And that was the only diagnosis that was made. Their signs and symptoms were never investigated or treated.

Patients with clear signs and symptoms of cancer, heart disease, stroke, gastrointestinal (“GI”) disorders or neurological problems were denied proper investigations or treatment because they were wrongly deemed to have covid. Even victims of road accidents and street crime were diagnosed as covid patients.

And so it was how the misapplied PCR test became the biggest killer in history.

How many patients were misdiagnosed, sent home without being investigated or treated or simply died and were put down as covid deaths?

I have no idea. Nor has anyone else.

But the figure is vast.

In the last four years, the PCR test has been responsible for more deaths than most of the well-known diseases which people fear.

And I would estimate that not even the toxic and deadly covid-19 vaccine has killed more people than the PCR test (though, of course, the number of deaths from the appalling covid-19 vaccine is rising fast).

And what disturbs me more than I can say is that this is still going on.

The PCR test is still regarded as the gold standard test for covid-19.

How long is this going to continue?

For how much longer are doctors and nurses going to ignore the facts and continue to misdiagnose and mistreat their patients by relying on a discredited and utterly useless test?

I have no idea. Nor does anyone else.

All I can tell you with certainty is that as a result of this article I will, as usual, be abused, attacked, discredited and oppressed still more. (I have already been the object of at least one documented and proven murder attempt, which failed more by good fortune than anything else.)

And no one will dare debate with me on national TV or radio. They’re too terrified to debate because they know I’m right and they’re wrong.

Moreover, no one will allow national TV or radio to give me airtime. No one at the BBC has the courage to debate this vital issue.

The establishment will do its collective best to protect the PCR test which is an integral part of the genocidal plan.

Because, of course, none of this has happened by accident.

It has been deliberate – part of the drive to kill which is an integral part of net zero and the great reset.

And the doctors and nurses who have participated in this modern, genocidal fraud have done so either because their compliance was bought with huge payoffs or because they are just too damned lazy and uncaring to make the effort to discover the truth.

About the Author

Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc practised medicine for ten years. He has been a full-time professional author for over 30 years. He is a novelist and campaigning writer and has written many non-fiction books.  He has written over 100 books which have been translated into 22 languages. On his website,,  there are hundreds of articles which are free to read.

How the PCR test has killed millions – and is STILL killing!
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