Radiation levels have dramatically increased in New York City after the “mysterious” drone sightings were discovered hovering around the East Coast in recent weeks. The new revelations result in officials warning Americans to “prepare for the worst.”
According to GQ Electronics’ Geiger Counter World Map, high emissions levels were detected near the Bronx and the Upper West Side of New York City. The radiation reading scale measured 1048 counts-per-minute (CPM), or the number of particles detected. This exceeds the average number of particles detected by the 200 counts-per-minute safety threshold. In comparison, the average person is usually exposed to background radiation that measures about five to 60 CPM.
Author of Plan Red: China’s Project to Destroy America, Gordon Chang, told Forbes that the drones could be associated with the area’s high radiation levels.
“There have been reports of spikes and radiation in the New York metropolitan area,” Chang said. “Two of them, one on each side of the Hudson. That leads to the conclusion that maybe they’re looking for an implanted nuclear weapon.”
Chang compared the current drone fiasco to the 2023 Chinese spy balloon crisis spotted in U.S. airspace, saying that in both instances, there was an“apparent failure of the federal government— both the military and the president to protect the American people.”
“When you talk about radiation, clearly this could be one of the things that the drones are doing,” Chang continued. “And that would explain why they’re over residential areas because the device could be planted in one of those places.”
He criticized outgoing President Joe Biden for refusing to address the recent drone sightings and failing to give Americans proper briefings on the situation. Chang said it’s time for the “president of the United States to actually address the American people and tell us what the federal government knows and what it doesn’t know.”
The country would not be prepared in the event of a potential “dirty bomb” being detonated on U.S. ground, he explained. Chang said that if something like that were to happen, the country would be thrown into a chaotic situation and cause sheer panic in people, adding that for at least some time, the government would be unable to take care of the American people.
“So, people need to be able to have enough food enough water they need iodine pills – this is not a conversation that the American people have had for a very very long time,” he went on, adding that the U.S. has become too complacent living in peace, but pointed out that the nation has not been peaceful for quite some time.
At the same time, there have been reports of missing radioactive materials in New Jersey. Mayor Michael Melham expressed concern over a damaged shipment of medical devices, but authorities declared it a “non-emergency.”