
Here is What The Democrat Party Represent

Take a look at what we are dealing with here!

What level of “Evil” would you rate Kamala Harris and Tim Walz at?

Steve Deace is right. This is a “TERMINAL” election coming up in November.

Never before have we had a “World View” election; we have reached that point as the evil godless democrats have advanced their agenda and are now running on a Socialist/Marxist platform! Take a listen to the information in this video on Tim Walz. Is this who you want for your President and Vice President? If you “vote” left-wing, you support everything they stand for, and you cannot say you don’t agree with some of their policies, but still “cast your vote” in that direction, you then have aided them to that office; therefore, you do support their agenda, regardless of your opinion and you have allowed Socialist/ Marxist to control your everyday life and that of your children and grandchildren.

Lori B

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