
Guernsey doctor who resigned in protest to children being given covid injections says vaccines must be suspended and harms investigated

Doctors for Patients UK submitted testimonies to the People’s Vaccine Inquiry from several doctors.  One of them was Dr. Scott Mitchell, an emergency department doctor until he resigned in September 2021.  

All doctors take an oath, he said. “First, do no harm.”  When he raised his concerns about giving children covid “vaccines,” instead of his concerns being addressed he was put under investigation.

“To this day, I’ve not had any response to the concerns I raised.  It seemed more a strategy to silence me,” he said.

The excess deaths have proved his concerns to be valid.  Guernsey experienced the highest excess deaths for two consecutive years in 2022 and 2023.

You can follow the People’s Vaccine Inquiry (“the Inquiry”) on Twitter HERE and you can watch or read all the testimonials on its website HERE. The organisers of the Inquiry encourage other experts to come forward and provide additional testimonials by submitting them via THIS email link.

Doctors for Patients UK (“DfPUK”) have already submitted their written statement to the Inquiry.  Within DfPUK’s 77-page statement are testimonies from several doctors: consultant cardiologist and general physician Dr. Dean Patterson; oncologist Professor Angus Dalgleish; surgeons Mr. T James Royle, Mr. Ian McDermott and Mr. Tony Hintonon; psychiatrist Dr. Ali Ajaz; emergency department doctor Dr. Scott Mitchell; general practitioners Dr. Kathy Grieg, Dr. Caroline Lapworth, Dr. Ayiesha Malik and Dr. Tim Kelly.

On 26 April, Dr. Scott Mitchell gave a 10-minute presentation at a webinar held by the Channel Islands & UK Alliance.  The webinar was hosted by UK Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen and chaired by US Senator Ron Johnson.

Channel Islands & UK Alliance: Covid Vaccines | The Devastating Health Crisis in the Channel Islands & Around the World, 26 April 2024 (92 mins)

Dr. Mitchell based his written testimony to the People’s Vaccine Inquiry on the webinar above.  His full written statement is included in DfPUK’s submission starting on page 29 and consists of the text from the slides in his presentation.

Dr. Mitchell was formerly a doctor in an emergency room in Guernsey, Channel Islands.  He resigned in protest when it was announced that Guernsey would be giving covid injections to children.

Pandemic Mortality

In the early days it was difficult to get information, particularly out of China, Dr. Mitchell said.  “We were told by the WHO that the mortality rate [of covid] was as high as 3.4%.  And the case fatality rate from [science] publications described it as over 4%.”

Dr. Mitchell explained why using the case fatality rate (“CFR”) was not correct.

The case fatality rate is based on patients who presented to doctors with symptoms, which doesn’t include cases of mild symptoms where people didn’t go to the doctor and dealt with the symptoms themselves at home.

The infection fatality rate (“IFR”) includes all cases, including “at home” minor cases.

In October 2022, John Ioannidis and fellow researchers published a study that found the IFR of those aged under 69 years old was less than 0.1%.  “And dropped to a very small number, 0.0003%, in those 19 years old or less,” Dr. Mitchell said.

Pandemic Response

Guernsey’s pandemic plans, “seemed to be thrown out of the window” when the covid pandemic came along, Dr. Mitchell said.

“It’s interesting that this pandemic plan, although geared towards influenza, was drawn up, regarding Guernsey, at the end of January 2020.  As it’s influenza, which we expected to be the next pandemic, there are some differences but coronavirus is a respiratory virus and behaves in much the same way,” he said.

“There were no plans for lockdowns, mask mandates or anything in this document,” Dr. Mitchell said. “But I think because of the unknown, public health took a cautious approach and went with these lockdowns until they decided what we were dealing with.”

(Related: “Lockdowns” didn’t work and they were catastrophic)

“However, I was concerned about the possible collateral damage of measures taken,” Dr. Mitchell said.  Collateral damage such as impacts on economics, mental health, and delayed access to healthcare and early diagnosis of, for example, cancer.

Could the government have taken a different route in response to the pandemic?  Yes, Dr. Mitchell said and briefly spoke about the Great Barrington Declaration which suggested targeted protection, “especially as the majority, the young and the healthy were at very low risk.”

(Related: NIH Directors Fauci and Collins Target the Great Barrington Declaration)

The “Vaccine Solution”

“The vaccine solution was pushed as the way out of the pandemic,” Dr. Mitchell said.  “It seemed to be an ‘all eggs in one basket approach’.”

Guernsey doctor who resigned in protest to children being given covid injections says vaccines must be suspended and harms investigated
Channel Islands & UK Alliance: Covid Vaccines | The Devastating Health Crisis in the Channel Islands & Around the World, 26 April 2024 (timestamp 45:32)

As well as rolling out a vaccine in the middle of a pandemic, which had never been done before, Dr. Mitchell was also concerned that simple interventions and repurposed drugs were vilified.

One of the drugs that was vilified was ivermectin.  In mid-2021, Dr. Mitchell was the co-author of a paper titled ‘Ivermectin for the Prevention and Treatment of Covid-19 Infection: A Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis, and Trial Sequential Analysis to Inform Clinical Guidelines’ published in the American Journal of Therapeutics.  The study showed a significant reduction in deaths using ivermectin as a treatment.

Another drug that has been around for many years is hydroxychloroquine, Dr. Mitchell said.  “Even if you question the data on [those drugs] which can remain quite mixed, [there are] other simple things such as vitamin D  – we recognised early on that there was a correlation between vitamin D deficiency and worse outcomes, especially in hospitalised patients.”

(Related: Rapid Vitamin D Delivery May Result in Better Covid Outcomes)

The initial vaccine trials were short in duration so there was no medium-term or long-term safety data.  There was a headline relative risk reduction of around 95% but the absolute risk reduction was negligible.  “Perhaps you could argue it was worth the risk for the vulnerable, in that sense, but my question is why were they eventually rolled out to younger people and children,” Dr. Mitchell said.

(Related: Dr. Richard Fleming: What does vaccine efficacy really mean?)

“All doctors take an oath – first do not harm,” he said.  “That doesn’t mean not doing anything, it sometimes means calculating whether the benefit of an intervention exceeds the risk.”

“And with covid being very low, low risk to young people – very few, if any, healthy children died from this – we have to question why [covid vaccines were being given to children],” Dr. Mitchell said.

Additionally, “early on we knew there were short-term risks such as myocarditis … And we still don’t know the long-term risks because these [vaccines] have only been used for a few years.”

“So, I protested this, and sadly, resigned from my position because I disagreed with the government approach in Guernsey.”

Read more: ‘A line has been crossed’ – doctor, Guernsey Press, 23 September 2021

Health professionals should be able to raise concerns without reproach or reprimand.  This is good medical practice. However, Dr. Mitchell was put under investigation by the Guernsey Medical Director for raising his concerns.

In late September 2021, Dr. Mitchel had raised his concerns in an email.  “And I was sent for investigation for using my work email to raise concerns, speaking to the media without stating it was his own opinion – although I never stated I was speaking officially on behalf of anyone – and potentially violating the civil service code,” he said.

“To this day, I’ve not had any response to the concerns I raised.  It seemed more a strategy to silence me,” he added.

Guernsey’s vaccination campaign began in December 2020 with a target of administering 40,000 injections by the end of March 2021. Guernsey has a population of about 63,500.  By May 2022, 80% of those eligible had received their fourth dose.  This was followed by an autumn booster in 2022, a spring booster in 2023 and an autumn booster in 2023.

During the peak pandemic year, 2020, there were below-average deaths.  However, after the vaccine rollout followed by boosters, in 2022 and 2023 Guernsey experienced the highest excess deaths for two consecutive years.

“So, if the vaccines are saving people from covid, then why are there more deaths post the peak pandemic years?”

Meanwhile, despite Dr. Mitchell’s concerns and the concerns raised about the link between myocarditis cases in Guernsey and the covid vaccine,  in April 2024, the States of Guernsey began its 2024 covid spring booster programme, which will run until the end of this month and is open to elderly and immunosuppressed people older than six months.  For some, this will be their 8th dose over the three and a half years since the first vaccination campaign began.

Guernsey doctor who resigned in protest to children being given covid injections says vaccines must be suspended and harms investigated
Channel Islands & UK Alliance: Covid Vaccines | The Devastating Health Crisis in the Channel Islands & Around the World, 26 April 2024 (timestamp 49:30)

Dr. Mitchell concluded that an investigation is required to establish whether mRNA injections are causing harm and until this investigation is completed, the use of mRNA therapeutics should be suspended.  Additionally, we need to acknowledge those who have been harmed and offer help and compensation where appropriate, he said.

Guernsey doctor who resigned in protest to children being given covid injections says vaccines must be suspended and harms investigated
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