
Global stock markets slump; is the unrest in the UK being used to usher in the Great Financial Reset?

As of Monday, 5 August 2024, global stock markets are experiencing a severe selloff, with losses cascading across various regions. The rout is driven by concerns over a potential US recession, triggered by weak jobs data and rising recession indicators.

Japan’s benchmark stock index, the Nikkei 225 index, suffered its biggest fall in nearly four decades.  It tanked by more than 12% on Monday in the biggest single fall since the Black Monday crash of 1987.

As reported by the Guardian earlier today, South Korea’s Kospi fell by 9%. Share indices in Australia, Hong Kong and China also dropped heavily.  London’s FTSE 100 fell by 2% on opening to its lowest level since April.

The global stock market rout was triggered by weak US jobs data that prompted fears of a recession in the world’s biggest economy.  Investors are concerned that the Federal Reserve may have left it too late to try to support the US economy. A US recession would hurt economies around the world.

Jim Reid, the global head of macro research at Deutsche Bank, said there had been “astonishing moves” in share prices, and “markets are melting down in Asia”.

“Markets were on edge before Friday but a weak payrolls has really escalated a profound move across the globe,” he said.

In the following, 2nd Smartest Guy in the World explains why he thinks it is deliberate and how he believes it relates to the civil unrest in the UK that began in the wake of the stabbing attack on a children’s event in Southport, Merseyside, England – unrest which has been inflamed by the UK government’s response to the native Britons who are on the streets.

Related: No. This is NOT just “far right thuggery”, Matt Goodwin, 5 August 2024

Psyop-Market-Crash: The Great Reset Convergence Commenced in Japan

By 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

This [2nd Smartest Guy in the World’s] Substack has been warning of a global financial reset for quite some time now:

And now Japan and the rest of Asia have seen their stock “markets” implode overnight.

From all-time highs to bear market: slowly, then all at once.

It is important to appreciate that Japan has been engaging in Quantitative Easing at the behest of the Federal Reserve (“the Fed”) and Bank for International Settlements (“BIS”) since well before the Global Financial Crisis, and as such their central bank was and continues to social engineer a negative population growth and zombie economy. As Japan revolts against the slow-kill bioweapon “vaccines” their captured government has instituted a programme of importing mass (replacement) migration into this closed traditional society to further destroy this highest IQ nation to perfectly coincide with their crashing economy and “markets;” in other words, there truly are no coincidences.

[Related: CBDCs are a solution for a problem we don’t have, and they want to implant it under our skin]

Back to the collapsing indices:

And bonds are certainly not immune; quite the contrary, as both stocks and the untenable bond supercycle must crash:

Remember how the PsyOp-19 “pandemic” was released just as the Hong Kong protests were gathering tremendous momentum? A similar situation is rapidly developing in the UK, with Brits finally losing their patience with the illegal Muslim invaders and their perpetual crimes as imported and protected by their criminally captured government:

Meanwhile, Trump is screaming into the politrix void – the same Trump that has no idea about Bitcoin and China – and whipping up his soon-to-be destitute middle-class base:

Global stock markets slump; is the unrest in the UK being used to usher in the Great Financial Reset?

This leads us straight into the pre-engineered global “black swan” scam known as The Great Reset:

Global stock markets slump; is the unrest in the UK being used to usher in the Great Financial Reset?

Let us see if the Plunge Protection Team (“PPT”) is ordered to rescue US “markets” today, or if they finally let the Ponzi collapse under the weight of their buybacks and profligate central bankster money printing larceny.

Expect more “pandemics,” sabre-rattling as Iran is being positioned to kick off World War IV (“WW4”) with Israel, assassinations, false flags, psyops, etc. & etc.

They want you dead.

Do NOT comply.

[ Further reading: The Great Taking: Have the global elite devised an elaborate plan to take everything we own? and All of your stocks and bonds can be taken with total legal certainty in the next financial collapse]

Featured image: Before It All Ends Badly, They’ll Do This to Money, Fat Tail Daily, 16 May 2020

Global stock markets slump; is the unrest in the UK being used to usher in the Great Financial Reset?
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