
Former Israeli Ambassador: Kamala Harris will Isolate Israel on the World Stage

In a compelling interview, Yoram Ettinger, a prominent Israeli diplomat and former Israeli ambassador to the US, issued a stark warning about the potential consequences of a Kamala Harris presidency for Israel. Ettinger’s remarks, which sharply contrast with the favorable outlook on Donald Trump’s policies, outline why Harris could pose a serious threat to the historically strong alliance between the U.S. and the Jewish


Trump: A Proven Ally for Israel

Ettinger’s praise for former President Donald Trump is unequivocal. According to Ettinger, Trump’s presidency was marked by a series of unprecedented pro-Israel actions that reinforced the U.S.-Israel bond. “Trump’s administration was unequivocally the most pro-Israel in history,” Ettinger declared. “He made the historic move of recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and relocating the U.S. embassy there, defying decades of diplomatic inertia.”

Ettinger also highlighted Trump’s decisive actions against Iran, emphasizing that Trump’s economic sanctions “crippled the Iranian economy and curtailed its ability to fund terrorism.” Furthermore, Trump’s support for Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights and his suspension of aid to the Palestinian Authority (PA) until it addressed anti-Israel rhetoric were also pivotal. “Trump’s stance on the Golan Heights and aid to the PA showcased a principled approach that unequivocally supported Israel’s security and sovereignty,” Ettinger remarked.

Kamala Harris: A Dangerous Shift

In sharp contrast, Ettinger voiced serious concerns about Vice President Kamala Harris’s potential presidency. Harris’s foreign policy advisors, he argues, are deeply problematic for U.S.-Israel relations. “Kamala Harris’s foreign policy team includes figures like Philip Gordon and Elan Goldenberg, who are known for their pro-Palestinian leanings and their disdain for Israeli policies,” Ettinger explained. “Gordon was Obama’s top advisor on Palestinian issues, advocating for policies that undermined Israel’s security.”

Ettinger did not hold back in criticizing Goldenberg, who is affiliated with J Street, a group often seen as critical of Israeli policies. “Goldenberg’s track record with J Street suggests he supports policies that would press Israel into dangerous concessions,” Ettinger said. “His influence could push Harris’s administration toward policies that compromise Israel’s safety and sovereignty.”

Furthermore, Ettinger pointed to Rebecca Friedman Lissner, another advisor with potentially negative implications. “Lissner has been vocal about limiting America’s global role, which could translate into diminished support for Israel on the international stage,” he noted. “A Harris presidency might see a significant weakening of America’s commitment to Israel.”

The Risk of Reduced Military Support

Ettinger’s analysis underscores the threat Harris could pose to Israel’s military support from the U.S. “A Harris administration might delay or restrict military aid to Israel,” Ettinger warned. “This could severely impact Israel’s defensive capabilities at a time when regional threats are intensifying.”

The former diplomat also expressed concerns that Harris’s approach could stall progress in the Middle East peace process. “The Biden administration has been lackluster in advancing the Abraham Accords,” Ettinger observed. “A Harris administration is unlikely to prioritize or expand upon these important agreements, leaving Israel more isolated.”

Domestic Politics and Israel’s Security

Ettinger highlighted the broader implications of U.S. domestic politics on Israel. “American voters often prioritize domestic issues, but the next president’s foreign policy decisions will have profound consequences for Israel’s security and its relationship with the U.S.,” he said.

Former Israeli Ambassador: Kamala Harris will Isolate Israel on the World Stage
Israeli troops during counterterror activities in the Jenin and Tulkarem areas in northern Samaria, August 2024. Credit: IDF.

He believes Trump’s re-election would mean a continuation of strong support for Israel, which he views as critical. “Trump’s return to the White House would ensure that U.S.-Israel relations remain robust and supportive,” Ettinger concluded. “His previous record of actions and policies demonstrates a clear commitment to protecting Israel’s interests.”

The Bottom Line

As the 2024 U.S. presidential election approaches, Yoram Ettinger’s comments serve as a crucial alert for pro-Israel voters. The choice between Trump, who has shown unwavering support for Israel, and Harris, who Ettinger argues could undermine the U.S.-Israel alliance, could significantly impact Israel’s future. Ettinger’s insights underscore the importance of understanding these implications as voters prepare to make a decision that will shape not just U.S. domestic policy but also the strategic landscape of the Middle East.

For those who prioritize a strong and secure Israel, the stakes have never been higher. The upcoming election will determine whether the U.S. continues to stand firmly with Israel or shifts towards a more uncertain future under Harris.

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