
Fifth Graders Now Enlisted as Homosexual Groomers —of Kindergarteners

Fifth Graders Now Enlisted as Homosexual Groomers —of Kindergarteners
A new “kinder-buddy” program in a Southern California elementary school has caused outraged parents to storm the school board meetings.

One fifth grader came home upset that he had been paired as a mentor with a kindergarten student, and they had been asked to share a weird coloring book and video called “My Shadow Is Pink.”

When the parent checked out the video, he found it was a diabolically clever piece of homosexual propaganda designed to teach children cross-dressing and gender confusion. You can view the video here.

Using a child’s shadow as a symbol of his sexual identity, it is designed to awaken the idea that he might really be a girl instead of a boy. At first, the character’s grumpy-looking father frowns on the idea of cross-dressing but ends up putting on a dress himself, validating the child’s fantasy.

At one point, the plot suggests that lesbianism is also acceptable if their “shadows” match.

For several years, parents in California and elsewhere have been in a pitched battle with local school boards and even government officials to protect the innocence of their children in public school. Some parents have succeeded in electing school board members willing to stand against the homosexual steamroller.

But when school boards pass resolutions protecting parents’ rights, they end up fighting state and local governments as well. These resolutions have mainly focused on the parents’ right to know if the child has expressed confusion about their gender to school officials. Groomers in the school system then want to take charge of the child’s confusion and push them on toward possible sterilization with puberty blockers, or even surgical mutilation. —without telling the parents!

There is currently a bill, AB1955, working its way through the California State legislature that has parental rights in the cross-hairs. It attempts to do an end run around the local school board resolutions by a statewide ban on parental notification when a child expresses confusion about his gender.

The groomers that want to have free rein with these children claim that the parents are not qualified to deal with the realities of gender dysphoria. If the parents attempt to correct the child’s feelings, they are told that the child will likely commit suicide. Using this threat, many parents have been intimidated into silence.

This chain of evil has many links. Good parents have always diligently protected their children’s innocence until they have matured enough to understand how to deal with sexual concepts. Trustworthy teachers cooperated in maintaining this protection.

Other adults in the child’s life also respected this taboo. Parents understood it was their responsibility to watch for the proper maturity level to begin education about sex.

But Satan knows very well the places where a culture is vulnerable. He knew that music and entertainment were his best tools. When radio and television came along, people shifted from personally making music and participating in entertainment, to becoming consumer-spectators. Satan captured the performance industry that fed these consumers, and it went downhill very quickly.

People tend to blame television and digital media, but they are simply neutral conduits usable for good or evil. Ultimately, parents are responsible to control the media content to protect the innocence of the child until he is able to make mature choices.

But at the same time, Satan assaulted families and it became just too easy to farm out the child-raising responsibility to the government schools and digital babysitters. It has now gotten so out of hand that even the government is often the enemy.

Now we are trying to play catch up and it is a stacked game. The only possible solution is humble, nation-wide repentance and staunch determination to evict the evil. But when a nation begins to abuse the children, judgment can’t be far behind.

Bible believers, we must boldly stand strong against the evil doers and spread the gospel of repentance and forgiveness while we can.

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