
Enemy Within: RAIR Warned America About Ohio Muslim Politician Basheer Jones in 2021—Now This Obama Operative Is a Convicted Felon (Video)

Enemy Within: RAIR Warned America About Ohio Muslim Politician Basheer Jones in 2021—Now This Obama Operative Is a Convicted Felon (Video)

Former Cleveland City Councilman Basheer Jones wasn’t just a fraudster—he was an Islamic operative who exploited public office to deceive, steal, and push his anti-American agenda, proving once again that RAIR’s warnings were right.

In 2021, RAIR Foundation USA exposed Basheer Jones as a dangerous Islamic radical and a national security threat, warning that his anti-American ideology, Sharia-first mindset, and connections to terror-linked figures made him unfit for public office. Now, just as we predicted, Jones has been exposed—not only for his radical agenda but also for his criminal behavior, fraud, and corruption.

On Thursday, Jones, 40, pleaded guilty to two federal counts of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and honest services fraud. He admitted to using his position as a Cleveland City Councilman to defraud nonprofits out of more than $200,000. He has reached a plea agreement with prosecutors and is scheduled to be sentenced on April 1 by U.S. District Judge J. Philip Calabrese. Jones faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.



See RAIR’s previous 2021 report on Basheer Jones, a Cleveland Islamic mayoral candidate closely linked to former President Barack Obama, whom he campaigned for during the 2012 presidential election: Warning: Cleveland Islamic Mayoral Candidate Basheer Jones is a National Security Threat.

Federal Charges: Jones Exploited Nonprofits for Personal Gain

From December 2018 to June 2021, while masquerading as a community leader, Jones orchestrated multiple fraudulent schemes, deceiving nonprofit organizations that sought to revitalize Cleveland’s neighborhoods.

According to court documents and federal prosecutors, Jones:

  • Concealed key financial interests—Misrepresented and hid his connection to his romantic partner, through whom he funneled stolen funds.
  • Set up fraudulent nonprofit arrangements—Persuaded nonprofits to fund community projects, only to redirect the money to his own accounts.
  • Staged a phony consulting job for his girlfriend—Convinced a nonprofit to hire her at $5,000 per month, even though she provided no substantial services. She was ultimately paid $40,000.
  • He defrauded a nonprofit out of $50,000 meant for a community event. He claimed he needed the funds to provide backpacks and gift cards for residents, promising reimbursement from city funds, which never came. Instead, he:
    • Took $10,000 for himself
    • Sent $11,427 to his girlfriend’s company
    • Paid another $10,500 to associates
    • Never held the promised event

Bribery and Property Fraud Schemes

Jones also exploited city funds for real estate schemes, manipulating ordinances and pressuring nonprofits to purchase properties tied to his financial interests:

  • Superior Road Property Bribery Scheme
    • Jones arranged for a co-conspirator to acquire a distressed property at a minimal cost.
    • He pressured a nonprofit to purchase and renovate the property using city funds.
    • When they refused, he transferred the property to his girlfriend’s consulting business, intending to resell it for $80,000 in public money.
    • The scheme collapsed when the nonprofit refused to proceed.
  • $1 Property Scam
    • Jones and his girlfriend secretly acquired a property for $1, falsely claiming they would cover a $40,500 city demolition bill.
    • Without disclosing the unpaid bill, they flipped the property to a nonprofit for $45,000, pocketing the stolen funds.

FBI Investigation and Admission of Guilt

Jones has been under FBI investigation since May 2022, with assistance from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of Inspector General and the IRS Criminal Investigation division.

The charges were filed via information, meaning Jones admitted guilt and bypassed a grand jury indictment—an undeniable admission of his crimes.

His own attorney, Fernando Mack, has refused to comment.

RAIR Foundation USA Warned You in 2021—We Were Right

Four years ago, RAIR Foundation USA sounded the alarm on Basheer Jones, exposing his dangerous Islamic agenda, radical affiliations, and anti-American ideology. While mainstream media ignored or dismissed these warnings, we documented Jones’ extremist ties, anti-Western rhetoric, and pattern of deception..

Now, our warnings about this radical Islamic Democrat have been proven correct—not only was Jones a radical threat, but he used fraud, bribery, and corruption to advance himself politically and financially.

We reported that Jones:

Openly Prioritized Sharia Over the U.S. Constitution

  • During an interview with a terror-tied imam, Jones admitted that he views Ohio legislation through the lens of the Quran and Sharia law—not American legal principles.
  • His devotion to Islamic law over U.S. law raises serious concerns about his true objectives in public office.

Espoused Anti-American, Misogynistic, and Supremacist Views

  • In a leaked video, Jones explicitly stated that women should not be leaders and that men must rule over them, dismissing any Western values of gender equality.
  • When confronted by the media, he refused to release the full video for context, attempting to evade accountability.
  • He openly condemned imams who participated in the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance, demonstrating his hostility toward American patriotism.

Used His Position to Push an Islamic Agenda

  • At his 2018 swearing-in ceremony, Jones led a Takbir chant (“Allah is greatest”) inside Cleveland City Chambers—a symbol of Islamic conquest.
  • He thanked and publicly honored Imam Abbas, a radical linked to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas-tied CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations).
  • Jones has consistently aligned himself with extremist Islamic groups pushing a Sharia-based political agenda in America.

Was Closely Tied to Extremist Islamic Figures

  • Imam Omar Suleiman—A Hamas-affiliated cleric who has openly praised violent Palestinian resistance against Israel.
  • Imam Suhaib Webb—An Islamic radical who dismisses secularism as a “lunatic ideology” and has advocated violence against non-Muslims.
  • Siraj Wahhaj—An imam named an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and a known advocate for an Islamic caliphate in America.
  • Imam Jamil Al-Amin (H. Rap Brown)—A convicted cop killer and former Black Panther who Jones openly admires and advocates for his release.
  • Nation of Islam (NOI) & Louis Farrakhan—Jones praised and acknowledged the Nation of Islam and has attended events featuring NOI leaders. His grandparents were NOI members.

Engaged in Potentially Illegal Campaign and Financial Activity

  • Raised suspicious donations from foreign Islamic organizations with unclear sources of funding.
  • Made questionable campaign expenditures to Islamic groups—including payments to an Islamic orphanage in Egypt and a Quran school in Senegal.
  • Used campaign funds for personal international travel—including a controversial trip to Egypt during COVID-19 lockdowns.
  • Admitted that he resented relying on Jews for political funding—revealing his deep-seated antisemitic views.

Was Caught in Residency Fraud

  • Multiple reports questioned whether Jones even lived in Cleveland during his time in office.
  • His wife, at the time, and children lived in South Euclid at the time, and multiple sources linked him to properties outside the city, suggesting that he may have falsified his residency records.

Jones’ Radical Views Were Not Just Words—They Led to Criminal Actions

Jones was never just a controversial politician—he was an operative using public office to push a radical, anti-American, and self-serving agenda. His financial corruption, fraud, and deception were directly tied to his anti-American dangerous ideology.

His mayoral campaign in 2021 was nothing more than a front for advancing his influence while he simultaneously engaged in financial crimes behind the scenes.

RAIR warned America that Jones was a national security threat—and now he stands convicted of corruption.

A Pattern of Islamic Political Corruption

Basheer Jones is not an isolated case—he follows a long pattern of Sharia-adherent politicians using deception to infiltrate American institutions.

  • Like Ilhan Omar, who has been implicated in campaign finance violations and openly supports Islamic supremacy, Jones used his office to advance a hidden agenda.
  • Like Rashida Tlaib, who supports terror-linked organizations, Jones surrounded himself with extremists while pretending to be a voice for the community.

Jones regularly cried racism, played the victim, and hid behind identity politics—all while engaging in fraud, corruption, and religious extremism.

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