
Eddie Hobbs: Globalists, we see you now and you’re in danger from the public who are waking up to your plan

During a speech outside the General Post Office in Dublin, Eddie Hobbs painted a picture of how the long-standing Irish fight for freedom is being overshadowed by modern threats, likening the precarious situation to a meticulously orchestrated strategy for global technocracy.

Connecting the dots between seemingly disjointed events such as covid, the sexualisation of children, economic policies and a broader, almost insidious plan to strip away personal freedoms through digital IDs, digital currency and digital passports, he describes the looming potential for totalitarianism.

To achieve their plan, the planners involve the World Health Organisation, the top echelons of supranational organisations such as the United Nations and the World Economic Forum.

“We now see you … We see you as a globalist. Stephen Donnelly is a globalist.  Leo Varadkar was a globalist [and] World Economic Forum trained globalist … [The globalists are] now in danger.  They’re in danger from the public everywhere waking up to the plan,” he said.

Eddie Hobbs: How the World Health Organisation is Enabling a Global Technocracy, 19 June 2024 (18 mins)

Eddie Hobbs is an Irish financial advisor, writer, campaigner author and former television presenter. He is probably best known for RTÉ’s Rip Off Republic (2005) and Show Me the Money (2004).

On 20 May 2024, Hobbs launched the Killarney Declaration outside the Global Economic Summit at which the Director General of the World Health Organisation, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, was speaking.

On 31 May, he stood outside the General Post Office (“GPO”), the headquarters of the Easter Rising in 1916.  At the time Hobbs made his speech, the 77th World Health Assembly was ongoing.  Since then, we have learned that the adopted amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) (“IHR”) were watered down from previous proposals and the draft Pandemic Agreement ( or treaty) will be further negotiated for up to 12 months. It is important to note that countries have 10 months to reserve or reject provisions in the amended IHR.

Related: Adopted IHR amendments strengthen surveillance and require countries to “address misinformation” – but countries have 10 months to reject them

Outside the GPO at the end of May Hobbs said, “As we gather here on sacred ground for the Irish, as we speak the Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly is over in Geneva at the World Health Organisation assembly poised with his pen to give up – without any reference to the Irish people who predate the state by centuries – handing over more sovereignty and freedom and allowing to be put in place what can only be best described as a as a global technocracy.”

He referred to a comment made by Professor Francis Boyle who described the World Health Organisation Pandemic Agreement and the IHR amendments as a totalitarian medical police state.

“The Irish media establishment in the first quarter of 2020 died, it finished. There has been no journalism. There have been no questions asked. The basic questions have not been asked,” Hobbs said.

“The World Health Organisation is an agency for a much greater power behind what’s going on … The United Nations … Let’s look at what’s happening,” he said.

“We see the flooding of Ireland by ‘economic migrants’, it’s happening in other countries …  We see the attack through our children, misgendering and sexualisation of children – that’s UN policy being enacted throughout our schools.  Then we see hate speech laws … that is designed to stop us from talking to one another, it’s to send a cold chill through the population, that’s its intention.”

Looking beyond the WHO and the UN, digital IDs are coming to Ireland through the European Union. “It’s part of the digital trap that’s being created,” Hobbs said.

“Because into your digital ID passport will go your vaccine passport,” he added.

He pointed out that Ireland is the European headquarters for the American pharmaceutical and technology industry.

“The World Health Organisation wants member states to actually put PCR tests … discredited PCR tests, into wastewater, find the pathogens, enhance them in gain-of-function laboratories, including in Ireland, and then do deals with the pharmaceutical industry on the vaccines that would be created,” he said.

“In other words, they want a carbon copy of the Wuhan Institute of Virology on Irish soil and on the soil of all the other member states.”

This madness but it’s not being discussed in Ireland, he said.  “It’s not being discussed because we no longer have a Fourth Estate. And we are also seeing the technology platforms suppress free speech and stop the transmission of the counternarrative including rock-solid science.”

The term “Fourth Estate” refers to the press and news media, both in their explicit capacity as advocates and implicit ability to frame political issues. The concept of the Fourth Estate originated from the traditional European concept of the three estates of the realm: the clergy, the nobility and the commoners.

Hobbs described what we’re witnessing as a “landing zone for the plan.”  So, what’s the plan?

The plan was flagged in the early 1950s by Hannah Arendt who spent her life studying totalitarianism of the last century, Hobbs said.

Arendt was a German-American philosopher who wrote extensively on the concept of totalitarianism in her book ‘The Origins of Totalitarianism’. According to Arendt, totalitarianism is a unique form of government that combines elements of both fascism and communism. She argued that totalitarian regimes, such as Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia, share a common characteristic: the attempt to eliminate all forms of individuality and autonomy, reducing citizens to mere bodies devoid of identity, rights and humanity.

“She said in the early 1950s that the totalitarianism of the 21st century would not be led by the monsters of the last one but by the banal bureaucrats of the next.  The banal bureaucrats is exactly what we’ve got,” Hobbs said.

It was orchestrated with military precision. “The captivity of the media, the captivity of the platforms, the actual propaganda that came through  – that was all military-level psychological operations,” he said.

“[Psychological operations that were] well thought out through decades of studying how you individually break somebody down psychologically and how you do it with populations as a whole. And when the technology came along to do that and to put us into our echo chambers, it was a gift from the gods for those that wanted to play with those tools,” he added.

In April, Hobbs gave an hour-and-a-quarter lecture in Cork where he explained to roughly 1,000 people the above in more detail.  His lecture outlined the historical run-up to covid through the bioweapons sector, set out the timeline of events and actors, described the advanced psychological operations inflicted on us and joined the dots to the flooding of Ireland with asylum seekers, the failed attempt to alter the definition of family, the ongoing psychological undermining of children, the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (“IPCC”) and the plans to replace money itself with pre-programmed digital currency.  He connected all of this to a long-planned agenda to snap a global technocracy into place at the expense of our liberal democracy.

Breaking the Silence: Exposing the Hidden Agenda Behind the WHO Treaty, 5 May 2024 (75 mins)

Speaking outside the GPO he described the atmosphere in the room during his April lecture. “The energy in that room was described to me by a behavioural psychologist … it was described as exactly the energy you get the first time somebody who’s abused came forward and actually put their hand up and said ‘I was abused’,” he said.

Adding, “It was the first time that a thousand people gathered that actually hadn’t been allowed to speak until that moment about how they felt about what happened to them and their families [because of the response of the Irish government to covid] … There’s a very significant level of trauma and this time we’re going to talk about it.”

“Excess deaths are very significant and growing.  Disabilities from the so-called vaccines are growing … They’re beginning to talk about it everywhere,” he said.  But “in Ireland it’s omertà, you’re not allowed to talk about it. I know this because I deal with the media … Even though [the WHO meeting in Geneva] was going to have potentially a dramatic impact on our freedom and sovereignty, it wasn’t going to be written about or discussed in the Irish media.  The Irish media are a disgrace to the Irish nation, that’s the truth.”

“We now see you … We see you as a globalist. Stephen Donnelly is a globalist.  Leo Varadkar was a globalist [and] World Economic Forum trained globalist and so it goes on … [The globalists are] now in danger.  They’re in danger from the public everywhere waking up to the plan.

“We’re under pressure. We are being attacked internally in Ireland.  At a senior level in the civil service, there are globalists and throughout the political establishment, there are globalists. They are attacking us from within and they’re attacking us from without.”

Eddie Hobbs: Globalists, we see you now and you’re in danger from the public who are waking up to your plan
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