
Dr. Christopher Exley: Merck must be brought to justice for peddling harmful HPV vaccines

No so-called vaccine, probably including covid products, has maimed and killed more adolescents over the past twenty years than Merck’s HPV vaccine – Gardasil.

Highlighting a paper titled ‘A reactogenic “placebo” and the ethics of informed consent in Gardasil HPV vaccine clinical trials: A case study from Denmark’ published on 31 May 2024, Dr. Christopher Exley said:

“There are a number of lawsuits ongoing looking to bring Merck, the pedlar of Gardasil HPV vaccines, to justice. This paper and our collective efforts can help to bring this to pass.”

We have reproduced Dr. Exley’s Substack article below, taking the liberty to embed the videos he mentioned in it.

HPV Vaccine

By Dr. Christopher Exley

There are no “top trumps” on the worst of vaccines that include an aluminium adjuvant. However, so-called vaccines against the human papilloma virus (“HPV”) must give most a run for their money.

Herein I simply wish to direct you to critical comment and information on this subject. I hope that this will be sufficient to deter you from subjecting yourself or your child to this evil vaccine.

I say vaccine and not vaccines because we were at least able to knock GlaxoSmithKline’s Cervarix on the head. This leaves us with Merck’s Gardasil vaccines. No so-called vaccine, probably including covid products, has maimed and killed more adolescents over the past twenty years.

I have always and rightly been outspoken about this evil product and herein I would like to share this with you. Let’s start about ten years ago with an interview I gave for Christina England. The interview would be aired at a conference on HPV that she had organised [see below].

Aluminium Research Group: Prof. Chris Exley On HPV And Aluminium,
uploaded 22 February 2024 (45 mins)

A few years later I gave an interview to Courtenay Heading on the Isle of Man [see below]. Courtenay Heading is a giant of free speech and specifically targeting the independent government of the Isle of Man where he lives.

Aluminium Research Group: Interview With Dr Chris Exley,
Manx Museum, Isle Of Man 2018 (9 mins)

Courtenay had organised a meeting on HPV and I followed our interview with a Keynote Presentation [see below].

Aluminium Research Group: Prof. Chris Exley, Keynote Presentation,
Manx Museum, Isle Of Man 2018 (90 mins)

I will finish this brief exposition with the most important paper yet published on this subject. This paper has survived the extreme rigours of publication bias and prejudice within mainstream scientific publishing and has earned the respect of the editorial team at the International Journal of Risk and Safety in Medicine, a reputed journal.

The paper is open access please make sure that you read it in its entirety and share it and disseminate it as widely as possible. There are a number of lawsuits ongoing looking to bring Merck, the pedlar of Gardasil HPV vaccines, to justice. This paper and our collective efforts can help to bring this to pass.

No more children must be maimed and killed by this evil and worthless product.

About the Author

Christopher Exley is an English chemist known for his research on the health effects of aluminium exposure. He is one of the most knowledgeable and widely cited aluminium researchers in the world.

Dr. Exley graduated in 1985 with a degree in Biology (Univ. Stirling) and in 1989 with a PhD in the ecotoxicology of aluminium (Univ. Stirling). In 1992 he moved to Keele University with Professor JD Birchall FRS OBE to establish what is now The Birchall Centre. In 2015 Dr. Exley was elected Fellow Royal Society of Biology.

At Keele University he became Professor of Bioinorganic Chemistry and group leader of the Bioinorganic Chemistry Laboratory. After he started publishing research that called into question the safety of the aluminium used in vaccines he became the subject of disciplinary hearings.

In 2020, he challenged the covid shutdowns which stopped his ongoing research.  He criticised the government’s hypocritical policies that allowed birdseed workers to continue their employment but shut down scientists.  For leaving the comment “So the birdseed people were able to continue working but scientists were not” he was again singled out for disciplinary action. A difficult situation became intolerable when Keele University refused to accept a research donation from Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to support Dr. Exley’s work. Thirteen months later, the university shut down Dr. Exley’s website.

Dr. Exley believes that it wasn’t only due to outside pressure for his research showing aluminium in the brain caused Alzheimer’s but also the peer-reviewed published science that his prolific team was producing about how aluminium, found in adjuvants, gets into the brain, that made Keele University administrators want to silence him.

After the Vice-Chancellor successfully prevented Dr. Exley from obtaining research funding from any philanthropic organisations, personal donations or charities, Dr. Exley felt he had no choice but to leave his job.

Read more: How a University, its major funders and a Newspaper killed reliable research into the toxicity of Aluminium adjuvants in Vaccines

Dr. Christopher Exley: Merck must be brought to justice for peddling harmful HPV vaccines
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