
Conquered From Within: The Unstoppable Islamization of the West

Conquered From Within: The Unstoppable Islamization of the West

The West is on the brink of conquest. The relentless march of Islamization across our countries is unstoppable.

Forget the sheer numbers of Jihadis that have already infiltrated our nations and are reproducing at rates we are not matching…

Forget that every level of our government is penetrated…

Non-Muslims are fractured, while jihadis stand shoulder to shoulder, united and determined.

Shifting Narratives

Mainstream so-called “peaceful” Muslim professionals and leaders have shifted from pretending that ISIS and Hamas have nothing to do with Islam to condemning those who speak out against these groups.

This is a deliberate and significant advancement of narratives and tactics.

Denial and Defensiveness

Initially, they acted insulted when many of us said ISIS and Hamas are Islamic, that their acts are done explicitly in the name of Allah and for the cause of Islam and Islamic law across the globe. They tried to pretend that “real” Islam was peaceful and these terrorists were just “extremists.” Now, they assert that it is hateful and offensive to criticize these terrorist groups precisely because they are Islamic.

Lack of Support and Dangerous Labeling

It is shocking to see Muslims openly defending Islamic terrorists while our own people do not even stand behind those exposing these radicals. Instead, we have our own party labeling us “Islamophobes,” crying “hate speech” for calling out these terrorists and the Islamic religion that compels them.

Meanwhile, as Muslims openly defend Islamic terrorists killing, raping, kidnapping, and torturing non-Muslims, our weak leaders and so-called “conservative” journalists continue to pander to Islam. Instead of condemning the Islamic “religion” that compels their actions, they try to harm either physically, financially, or reputationally those of us who stand up against these terrorists and are actually educated on the threat.

Example from Canada

For example, in Canada, hundreds of prominent Muslims are defending Hamas after Myron Demkiw, the Toronto Police chief, was seen simply standing next to a Jewish man condemning the Islamic terrorist group. A terrorist group whose own charter calls for the extermination of Jews and other non-Muslims. Muslims and their leftist supporters were enraged that the police chief would dare to stand near a man condemning a designated Islamic terrorist group. While mainstream Muslims slander the police chief, most conservatives remain quiet out of fear that jihadis will target them next if they speak out in support of him.



Furthermore, conservative journalists and our so-called conservative leaders cannot even muster the courage to defend Ezra Levant’s Rebel Media for running ads on a truck condemning jihadis seizing control of public areas in Canada against leftist and Islamic supremacist media attacks.




Conservative Disunity

Unlike mainstream Muslims, who are united in their support of actual Islamic terrorist organizations, conservatives cannot even unite to support Rebel Media and Ezra Levant. While jihadis call for his death and leftist and Muslim leaders demand his imprisonment, conservatives remain divided, silent, or completely apathetic. Many prefer to bury their heads in the sand, re-cast Islamic terror to fit their own political agenda, or choose to remain ignorant of the threat.

The Toronto police chief, already under fire by the Islamic community for daring to appear anti-Hamas, seized the opportunity to appease them by joining in their calls to “get” Rebel Media and Ezra Levant.



Example from New Jersey

Likewise, a New Jersey school district just apologized after Muslims became enraged that a school condemned the Islamic terrorist group ISIS. The school  “Teaching While Muslim” (TWM) pressured the school into this cowardly apology.

Muslims are proud to stand with an Islamic terrorist organization slaughtering non-Muslims and torturing infidels in the most horrific ways. At the same time, we cannot even unite to support those under fire by these mainstream Muslim organizations and individuals who are doing the bidding of foreign Islamic countries and Islamic terrorist groups.


Conquered From Within: The Unstoppable Islamization of the West
A New Jersey school district apologized for offending a Muslim activist group this week after a middle school teacher featured a class quiz question naming the Islamic State as a terrorist group.


The Power of Muslim Advocacy Groups

These well-funded Muslims and their advocacy groups, pretending to be “moderates,” have hundreds of thousands of supporters in each Western country who will stand together to target any non-Muslim who dares to criticize Islam, Sharia, or those who have not bought into the sanitized reconstruction of Islam being peddled for Western consumption—which is a lie. Anyone who stands in the way of their conquering plans is destroyed. Yet, we cannot even unite to support the people exposing these terrorists. Instead, we watch as they target us one by one while non-Muslim conservatives stand paralyzed in fear, not wanting to speak out in hopes the mob does not come for them next.

Leftist Narratives and Normalization

Moreover, the left continues to advance increasingly repugnant narratives against Western, Judeo-Christian values, culture, and history. Increasingly, as each new wave of taboo or even illegal practices become normalized, from the trans-movement to the sexual mutilation and sterilization of pre-pubescent children in the name of ‘trans-affirming care’ to the recent normalization of pedophilia and eventually probably even incest, we can see a pattern emerging from both lines of attack.

Provocation and Criminalization

Islam and the left seek to provoke and then criminalize the responders.

Massive Muslim street prayers happen on the streets, blocking traffic and otherwise showing a display of dominance much more akin to a military drill than any devotional ritual. Those who object are made anathema with labels such as “Racist” or “Islamophobe.”

The provocation is meant to elicit a response. When responders react, they are criminalized or otherwise ‘canceled,’ allowing Islam to advance in power and authority without firing a shot or using tactics easily recognized.

Cancel Culture and Indoctrination

The left has introduced such harsh pornography into grade schools that school boards will not allow it to be read at their meetings as obscene materials. And these are adults. But the children are being spoon-fed these exact books, and objections make one a “transphobe” or a hater or one of several other choice phrases of cancel culture.

Both armies, the left and Islam, much like the Soviet Union and its allies during the Cold War, are using the same strategy to take us all down.

The Weapon of Hate Speech

Provoke and accuse all who rise to the bait in a way that destroys the responders with ‘hate speech,’ which now results in criminal charges in many Western nations.

“Hate speech” is the Marxist version of Islamic blasphemy laws.

In fact, both Islamic law (Sharia) and Marxist thought are not just incompatible with Western culture. They are explicitly designed to be a destructive force to the Judeo-Christian values historically associated with the West.

“Hate speech” is a weapon that needs to be watched with great attention, as it is only applied to enforce the Islamic and leftist narrative attacks on Western people.

Call to Action

While Muslims and Leftists proudly stand with terrorists, depraved pedophiles, and violent criminals, when will conservatives unite to stand against these radicals? When will they at least support those of us on the front lines, fighting to protect our country from being taken over?

I recall the chilling recording of September 11 hijacker Mohammed Atta, who, from the cockpit of American Airlines Flight 11, said, “Stay quiet and you’ll be OK,” as he steered the plane toward New York.



Do not stay quiet, America. Your silence will NOT save you. Raise your voices, be brave, and expose the evil threatening our nation—or at least have the backs of those of us who do.

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