
Canadian gov’t lawyers request jail for pastor who protested ‘drag queen story hour’ at library

Featured ImageCanadian pastor Derek Reimer is thrown out of a drag queen story time event at a public library in Calgary, Alberta.YouTube/Screenshot

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CALGARY, Alberta (LifeSiteNews) — Government lawyers are seeking a potential one-year jail sentence and probation for a Calgary pastor who was hit with criminal harassment and breaching bail condition charges for protesting “drag queen story hours” targeting children at a public library last year.

Pastor Derek Reimer of Mission 7 Ministries was in Alberta Court of King’s Bench court Thursday for sentencing regarding a guilty verdict issued in October.

Reimer told LifeSiteNews that despite the “Crown’s egregious sentence proposal,” he feels “encouraged that there’s a good chance I will go home with my family after the sentencing verdict.”

“Even if I don’t, I know the Lord will work it out for good and I will rejoice that I’m counted worthy to suffer shame for Jesus’ name,” he added.

In October, Reimer was hit with a criminal conviction and a $500 fine after a judge found him guilty of breaching his bail conditions because he spoke out against a “drag queen story time” event for children at another public library.

In court Thursday, the main Crown prosecutor claimed that Reimer had targeted a library manager with a “personal attack” and “hateful vitriol” and showed a “lack of remorse” after he confronted her to object to the library hosting kids “drag queen story time.”

In court, the Crown used two videos posted by Reimer after the incident to use against him.

The Crown is seeking a long probation on top of a jail sentence to, in its words, keep Reimer “on the straight and narrow” and to “ensure the public remains safe from criminal harassment.”

Judge Heather Lamoureux is now looking at all the facts and has noted that she will consider that Reimer is his family’s sole bread winner and whose wife has a baby on the way before handing him his sentence.

Lamoureux hinted that a conditional sentence “could be more reasonable” than one that carries actual jail time. Sentencing will occur on December 3. MacKenzie has also asked the court for a conditional sentence in lieu of time already spent in jail.

The judge also noted that Reimer’s right to “protest LGBTQ events” is not what the case is about, and he can protest so long as he does not cross the “boundary of harassment” that the Crown has argued occurred.

Pastor: ‘I’m here to serve God’ and ‘expose what the Bible calls darkness and sin’

Canadian gov’t lawyers request jail for pastor who protested ‘drag queen story hour’ at library

In court, Reimer noted that he is not the “man the court and the media made me out to be,” adding that is not how he lives his “life now.”

“I’m a man that’s been transformed by God’s grace, nine years ago,” he said, adding, “my past life has a totally different mindset behind it.”

He added that he is “concerned” with what is “happening to Canada” and that he feels he has been called by “God Almighty to preach His word, feed the homeless and protect children.”

“To expose what the Bible calls darkness and sin,” he said, adding, “I’m not here to hurt anybody. I’m here to serve God. What they’re doing is wrong, according to the Bible,” he said.

In late October, Reimer was visited by Calgary Police at his home after he was served a notice of appeal for a judge’s recent acquittal of his charges for protesting transgender story times at public libraries, LifeSiteNews learned.

The notice of appeal concerns a different incident, as reported by LifeSiteNews in September, in which Judge Allan Fradsham ruled that Reimer is not guilty of a criminal offense for protesting a pro-LGBT “drag” event marketed to kids called “Reading with Royalty” that took place at the Seton Public Library in Calgary in February 2023.

Reimer has been arrested many times for protesting “drag queen story time” and other pro-LGBT events.

He has also been the target of harassment for protesting these events. Last April, his van was vandalized with an anti-Christian message as well as a satanic symbol while he was in jail after, yet another arrest related to his pro-family activism.

Last year, Calgary passed a new so-called “Safe and Inclusive Access Bylaw” that disallows “specified protests” both inside and outside all city-owned and affiliated public buildings.

The bylaw means that anyone protesting pro-LGBT events at public buildings will be barred from getting within 100 meters of any such location.

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