
Boy Scouts Moving Farther from Original Purpose

Boy Scouts Moving Farther from Original Purpose
For the last 20 years the Boy Scouts of America have worked hard at destroying their original purpose of building boys into honorable young men. Now they have gone another step by removing even the word “boy” from their official title, all in the name of “diversity.”

Any organization that sets out to build godly men is going to be Satan’s target. Things went reasonably well in the early 1900s when the culture was strongly supportive of such efforts. But when the sexual revolution came along in the 1960s, parents, and society in general, failed to realize that their children were now prime targets for sexual predators.

Tens of thousands of sexual abuse claims were filed against the Boy Scouts resulting in multimillion dollar judgments and eventual bankruptcy. As the sexual revolution progressed, same-sex perversion became legally accepted in the culture and again the Boy Scouts accommodated by welcoming homosexual leaders and members.

During that same time the feminist movement created a demand that the organization no longer be just “boy” scouts but that girls should be included. At first the scout leadership began by accommodating biological girls who claimed to be boys but soon opened to all girls.

Satan’s war against mankind has always been keenly focused on manhood.

All of history records details of the battle between a loving God and a rebellious angel known today as Satan or the Devil. That war has been raging on many fronts but always with a central focus on the manhood of the man that God created and placed in the garden of Eden.

It is very sad that the Boy Scouts of America failed to stand strong for the manhood of their charges. Not only did they fail to weed out the perverts in their ranks, they decided to legitimatize them. As early as 2013 they began to allow “gay” youth into their ranks. In 2015, they opened the door to homosexual adult leaders.

In 2017, they announced that girls would be accepted in the Cub Scouts and later to the full scouting program. The organization was then renamed Scouting BSA.

The Girl Scouts have not been immune to this “diversity” steamroller. They now offer a “fun patch” with LGBTQ+ themes. It can be earned by studying the history of the homosexual “community” and its “contributions,” visiting a “Pride celebration” such as a drag queen performance or a Pride parade, or create art that “celebrates how families come in all kinds.”

Taking the “boy” out of the Boy Scouts is hugely symbolic of the relentless attack on manhood in the last two generations. Hollywood made the father the buffoon in the family with the children exhibiting the superior wisdom.

The feminist movement challenged women to leave the vital role of wife and mother detailed in Proverbs 31 and go “find themselves” in the working world. Manliness became an idealized sports champion rather than the provider and protector of the home and defender of biblical community values.

Fortunately, when it became evident in 2013 that the Boy Scouts of America was headed off the rails, a new organization, Trail Life USA, was quickly formed honoring BSA’s original vision of godly manhood. They now have over 1000 troops with more than 60,000 members. A sister group, American Heritage Girls (AHG), was also formed to provide a more godly environment for growing young ladies.

Many parents and churches have abandoned the old Boy Scouts. Their annual jubilees used to draw 40,000 members before becoming more “inclusive.” Their latest gathering was attended by about 15,000 and sported a large rainbow-festooned tent.

Early in the sexual revolution, Jack Chick saw the desperate need coming for literature portraying godly men. He and artist Fred Carter put together the Crusader Comics series featuring two godly men confronting the evils of the world as an example to teenagers growing up in today’s hostile environment.

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