
BIRD FLU: They Fooled Us Once. Looks Like They’ll Try to Fool Us Again.

BIRD FLU: They Fooled Us Once. Looks Like They’ll Try to Fool Us Again.By Daisy Luther

The more we learn about the made-up rules enforced during the COVID-19 pandemic, the more outrageous the entire thing becomes. Anthony Fauci had the utter audacity to sit in Congress and admit they had no data, so they just creatively improvised things like social distancing measures. They fooled a lot of folks once, so shame on them. It looks like they’re about to try and fool us twice with the Bird Flu. If we fall for it again, then shame on us.

They did everything from withholding effective medications to depriving people of employment to shaming people publicly, discriminating against them, and wishing them dead.

Then as if 2020 and 2021 weren’t brutal enough, we find out from Congressional investigations and Anthony Fauci’s recent testimony it was all a bunch of baloney to make Big Pharma rich and Big Government powerful. People died who didn’t need to die, the elderly became isolated from their loved ones, medical personnel became burned out and traumatized, and children lost an entire year of educational experiences. Others were vaccinated, some eagerly and some grudgingly, and are suffering long-term disability and even death from the hastily created mRNA vaccine.

If we don’t take away some lessons from this, we don’t deserve to call ourselves preppers.

And it looks like we’re about to be tested on what we’ve learned.

The Bird Flu

Last week, Dr. Peter McCullough of The Wellness Company released an update on where we stand with the bird flu (H5N1), where this is heading, and what individuals can do to stay safe and informed. 

First, Dr. McCullough says the mass destruction of livestock to “eradicate” the virus is “futile” and will only work to harm our food supply – not end the spread of bird flu. 

Second, Dr. McCullough believes it is clear that the rapid spread of bird flu to migratory birds and mammals is the result of gain-of-function research and a lab leak. A set-up that looks eerily to COVID-19. 

Third, Dr. McCullough rightly points out that the fearmongering around the bird flu promoted by the mainstream media is to facilitate mass vaccination of animals and humans, which will line the pockets of Big Pharma and their NGO backers. 

The lessons we should have learned

First, it’s entirely possible that they can and will use this as another two-year power grab. It’s another election year, and it almost feels like deja vu, watching the MSM wax fearful over this virus. But if we are aware, we’re able to mitigate some of the damage.

Financial problems

Of course, we can’t do much about the overall damage to the economy. We can only prepare ourselves for it with supplies, savings, and other preps. By this, I mean general prepping and being ready for economic hard times.

“New” vaccines

We have seen how badly the last vaccine turned out for many people. Young, otherwise healthy athletes dropping dead on the playing field. People confined to wheelchairs. Others living through a disabling brain fog. Some people got through it fine, while for others it was completely devastating. We’d do well to remember this in case of another speedy-to-market vaccine.

Inability to get the medication that works

We learned that when Big Pharma has an agenda, we may lose access to the medications we need. They all but outlawed ivermectin during Covid, and even people who got prescriptions found that pharmacies were unwilling to fill them. The Wellness Company has a Contagion Emergency Kit that contains the necessary prescription meds to treat all types of viral illnesses. It contains Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin (generic Z-Pak™), Oseltamivir (generic Tamiflu™) and Budesonide along with a nebulizer. Interestingly, these were the meds and treatments I was given in Mexico when I got Covid there.

I have these kits on hand for every member of my family, because I’m not going to risk being at the mercy of Big Pharma in the future.

Food prices going up

If you think food prices went crazy last time, just wait until this time around. We’re already seeing livestock being pre-emptively killed, which will make meat and poultry prices skyrocket. But will this work to help “stop the bird flu?”

Dr. McCullough says no. He believes that the mass destruction of livestock to “eradicate” the virus is “futile” and will only work to harm our food supply – not end the spread of bird flu. 

This is a place where preppers excel – stocking up on food and developing as much food independence as possible. This book is a physical copy of 12 years worth of OP articles on food storage, production, acquisition, and preservation.

Mental preparedness

Perhaps the most important thing in the upcoming bird flu scare is your mental preparedness. If you panic, you tend to lose your reasoning skills. If you can remain calm and centered, then you will get through the times ahead with much more clarity of thought. And that’s absolutely essential when trying to sift through the lies to get to the truth.

We’ve watched this before.

I don’t want to downplay the seriousness of these illnesses for some folks. I know that many question whether Covid even exists. I believe it does and I believe that the bird flu does too. I also believe that these things are being tampered with to make them even more deadly. Only if the populace sees dramatic images that fill them with fear will they be easily herded toward even more draconian regulations.

Don’t let your knowledge of how deceptive they were in the past allow you to become complacent. Don’t immediately brush off all fears to the point that you take no precautions. It’s important to figure out exactly what we’re dealing with first. If another pandemic conveniently comes along, you can bet it will have been made more deadly. It would have to be even scarier than Covid to convince people to go along with this stuff again.

What are your thoughts?

Do you think the bird flu will be the next pandemic? Do you think something is already in the works? Is it related to the election? How are you prepping for this possibility?

Share your thoughts in the comments section.

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