Biden Administration and HHS were the leaders in carrying out the IHR and Pandemic Treaty Globalist Agenda
Lawrence O. Gostin is a global public health attorney. He has held high-level positions in the World Health Organisation and has been involved in drafting the controversial Pandemic Treaty and International Health Regulations (“IHR”) amendments.
“Lawrence Gostin seems to have been at the centre of every really bad public health effort over the past 25 years,” Dr. Meryl Nass writes.
Gostin was present during the WHO’s negotiations on the IHR amendments and played a key role in their adoption, with the US Health and Human Services Secretary threatening to walk away if the amendments were not adopted. And so, they were adopted.
“That’s how it happened. It should have failed. But the big bully came in and said he was taking his toys and going home if everybody didn’t cooperate,” Dr. Nass said.
It Turns Out that the WHO’s International Health Regulations Amendments Were Doomed to Failure Until an 11th-Hour Intervention
By Dr. Meryl Nass, 16 November 2024
In case you did not already know that the Biden administration and the Department of Health and Human Services were the leaders in carrying out the Globalist agenda, now you will.
Apologies for this long introduction, but Mr. Gostin has been my bête noir for the past 23 years, and it is extremely important to explain who Gostin is, what he has done, and the enormous influence he has had in the pandemic/bioterrorism landscape as a medical-legal “expert” on vast matters.
I talked about how Maurice Strong, and then Gro Harlem Brundtland almost singlehandedly brought the globalist climate-health agenda forward from around 1970. Lawrence O. Gostin’s name should be #3 in this list, beating out even Jeremy Farrar and Tony Fauci, who would be #s 4 and 5. These people created the architecture, the framework, the academic foundation from which the edifice of global governance through public health was created.
Lawrence O. Gostin is a global public health attorney (he used to call himself a public health attorney but now calls himself a global health attorney) who leads an Institute at Georgetown University. His career trajectory for at least the past 25 years has involved trying to centralise power over citizens via public health while restricting our human rights. He has a face and biography only a mother could love.

According to his Georgetown biography, and I left most of it out (emphasis added):
Lawrence O. Gostin is Distinguished University Professor, Georgetown University’s highest academic rank conferred by the University President …
Prof. Gostin is the Director of the World Health Organisation Collaborating Centre on National and Global Health Law. He is working with the WHO and the Intergovernmental Negotiation Body (INB) to draft a Pandemic Treaty. He also currently serves on WHO’s Review Committee for amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR).
The WHO Director-General has appointed Prof. Gostin to high-level positions, including the IHR Roster of Experts and the Expert Advisory Panel on Mental Health. He served on the Director-General’s Advisory Committee on Reforming the World Health Organisation, as well as numerous WHO expert advisory committees, including on the Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework, smallpox, genomic sequencing data, migrant health, mental health, NCDs, and gender, equity and human rights. He served on the WHO/Global Fund Blue Ribbon Expert Panel: The Equitable Access Initiative to develop a global health equity framework. He chaired the WHO Health and Migration Consultation on Knowledge and Research in Migrant Health, including the WHO Triple Billion Goals …
He has chaired National Academy Committees on national preparedness for mass disasters, health informational privacy, public health genomics, and human subject research on prisoners.
Commissioned by the White House, Prof Gostin currently chairs the National Academies Committee on Current State of Research, Development, and Stockpiling of Smallpox Medical Countermeasures.
Prof. Gostin co-chaired the Lancet Commission on Global Health Law, which proposed the foundational concept of the Legal Determinants of Health.
Professor Gostin has been at the centre of public policy and law through multiple epidemics from AIDS, SARS, and Influenza H1N1 to Ebola, MERS, Zika, and mpox. The Washingtonian Magazine lists Prof Gostin as the most influential 500 people shaping policy in America. He served on two global commissions to report on the lessons learned from the 2015 West Africa Ebola epidemic. He was also senior advisor to the United Nations Secretary General’s post-Ebola Commission. Prof. Gostin also served on the drafting team for the G-7 Summit in Tokyo 2016, focusing on global health security and Universal Health Coverage.
Throughout the covid-19 pandemic, Prof Gostin has worked with the White House, federal public health agencies, and governors in the United States, as well as the World Health Organisation, GAVI, and the World Bank. Gostin currently serves as a member of the Independent Panel for a Global Public Health Convention (PGPHC): “global leaders working to strengthen the world’s ability to prevent, prepare, and respond to infectious disease outbreaks before they become widespread pandemics.” Prof. Gostin also serves on the Panel for the Global Health Security Index – the world’s most comprehensive assessment of global health security capabilities in 195 countries. He chairs the O’Neill Institute/Foundation of the National Institutes of Health Global Consultations on a Pandemic Treaty in support of the World Health Organisation …
Prof. Gostin is a Member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
With CDC, Professor Gostin drafted and then lobbied for the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act (“MSEHPA”) in 1999-2001, for which he was paid about $1,000,000. How convenient for CDC to have a model draft ready and waiting before the anthrax letters attack, which Gostin is said to have updated after the letters were sent.
It was primarily the MSEHPA which gave state governors new dictatorial authorities to impose most aspects of the covid lockdowns. Wikipedia says 40 states passed a version of it. According to Wikipedia, critics of the MSEHPA noted the following:
The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons claimed that the draft used sweeping language to the extent that it “could turn governors into dictators” since the MSEHPA gave governors the authority to declare public health emergencies, and afterward force vaccinations on the general public without their informed consent. The deployment of state National Guards could be used to administer the vaccines or substances. Legal liabilities for drug companies which manufactured the vaccines and/or substances were removed. ACT-UP/San Francisco protested the MSEHPA, stating it was a potential assault on gay men who could be rounded up en masse as vectors of disease, and the leaders of ACT-UP were jailed for three months on anti-terrorism charges for their protest.
Lawrence Gostin seems to have been at the centre of every really bad public health effort over the past 25 years. And he has been at the centre of the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty and International Health Regulations (“IHR”) amendments negotiations. He writes articles to push them. He is in the room with the negotiators. He advises the WHO Director-General.
Today his university and his department held a webinar on bird flu and vaccines at which Gostin spoke. It was extremely interesting. Below is the programme, which expanded beyond bird flu. I hope it goes online so others can watch.

I will post later on the H5 vaccines.
But now I want to repeat what Gostin said about the WHO’s negotiation of the IHR amendments on 1 June, the final day of the World Health Assembly. Recall that the diplomats had been unable to make a deal. Below is as close to verbatim as I could make it, taking notes as fast as possible while Mr. Gostin spoke:
“The IHR negotiations were collapsing. We thought they would collapse. Then, US HHS Secretary Becerra came into the room and said the USA would be walking away from this if we didn’t adopt it now, on the very last day. And then they did.”
So that’s how it happened. It should have failed. But the big bully came in and said he was taking his toys and going home if everybody didn’t cooperate. Reminds me of Vice President Biden threatening Ukraine’s former Prime Minister that if the prosecutor investigating Burisma (where Hunter was on the Board) wasn’t fired in a couple of hours, Biden would be taking his billion-dollar deal home.
We now have IHR amendments that, while watered down, are still more intrusive than we like. President Trump will be able to reject them, hopefully along with the WHO and Pandemic Treaty negotiations. The January 2022 US proposal on the earlier IHR amendments was to give nations only 6 months to reject new amendments. Had the US been able to get that through (it couldn’t), then by the time Trump took office it would have been too late to reject them.
It’s so interesting to see how both the IHR and Pandemic Treaty negotiations over the past 3 years were both intended to get the documents in force before Mr. Trump could take office. Well, they failed.
Good to know how the sausage is made.
Further articles by Dr. Meryl Nass relating to Maurice Strong, Gro Harlem Brundtland and Lawrence Goslin:
- Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg and I discussed viruses, the industries that benefit from them, and the manufacturing of fear around them on CHD-TV today
- Today there are 2 other blogs discussing globalism’s planned Great Reset, which is advancing much more rapidly in Europe than the US
- WHO, Gro Brundtland, the Plan to leave no one unjabbed using untested 100 day vaccines, and how portable vaccine factories will allow the entire human herd to be jabbed simultaneously–but with what?
- Global Preparedness Monitoring Board
- Some background on the twisted origins of the climate change narrative.
- The Dark Origins of the Davos Great Reset
- Super globalist lawyer Lawrence O. Gostin is a name all should know. Yesterday he was on Democracy Now! to tell lies about RFK
- I added 5 more graphics to build out the story of super globalist attorney Lawrence O. Gostin, if you are interested
About the Author
Dr. Meryl Nass is a physician and researcher who proved that the world’s largest anthrax epidemic, in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), was due to biological warfare. She had her license suspended for prescribing covid medications that worked. She posts invaluable information on her Substack page ‘Meryl’s Covid Newsletter’ and the website ‘Door to Freedom’. She also occasionally posts articles on a blog titled ‘Anthrax Vaccine’.
Featured image: Georgetown Law Professor Lawrence Gostin. Source: Georgetown Law